CH. 13 Amegakure

Haruka was now back at her basement, she was now getting used to her new power. Her body has strengthened and her power has increased, she could feel that her bloodline also has been purified. "System, why do I feel like my Bloodline has been purified?" asked Haruka.

[Host, it is because by cultivating into the sacred stage. The body, blood, and bones will be refined and purify by the sacred flame. Host Bloodline is also purified.]

After hearing System, Haruka has calm down. "System is there any mission for me?" asked Haruka as she was clearly bored. She knew that the Third Shinobi World War happens in about half a year.


[Use Black Art to create more demon at least five]

[Reward: Unohana Retsu Zanpakuto, Shinigami Training Manual to Captain Level, 200,000 points]

Haruka was amazed at the mission. She went to her lab and ask Ibuse, Ishida, and the Five Lich to find her a strong corpse of Samurai or Ninja. After a few minutes, her lab was filled with corpse. Haruka walks toward them and she picked three corpses. Mei also has returned with Sakumo ash. She was happy and used Black Art on Mei and Ishida to strengthen them.

It has been a week since she had taken three corpses to her lab. She didn't need to be worried about Konoha since her clone was there and she also supplies a huge amount of chakra for her clone.

Her fifth creation was a young man who was a ninja. He was one of the Kaguya clan. His name was Kaguya Kaito, however, Haruka changes it to Kusumoto Tetsui. Haruka was amazed by his bloodline, so she picks him. She used Black Art to make a demon form for him. She also used bone magic to strengthen the bloodline. Haruka wants to create a demon ninja, so she didn't change his body. She also adds Ghoul blood that contains Ukaku Kagune. Two weeks have passed and Haruka has finally created a new creation. Kusumoto Tetsui was her fifth creation. A Ghoul that still has his ninja bloodline. Kusumoto Tetsui can use his bone to protect and attack. He can use his Ukaku that Haruka has modified to fly for a short distance and give him the ability to basic ghost magic. He gave both strength and speed. He is at a Kage level ninja. Haruka has given him a mission to gather information about other hidden villages.

Haruka was happy at her fifth creation, so she continued on her sixth creation. Haruka wants a different creation as her second and fifth is now a ghoul. She picked out one of the two corpses left and fund out that the corpse was an Uzumaki, Uzumaki Kenji was his name. She is also an Uzumaki, so Haruka decided to make this creation as her strongest creation. Haruka brought a Werewolf bloodline from the system, add it into him and start to modify it. Haruka used whole months in this and finally, she created a werewolf that has an Uzumaki bloodline. Kenji now has a fast healing ability and a strong strength as Tsunade. Kenji also has a silver sword that can be used with chakra like Kusanagi sword. Haruka gives him the ability of explosion. Kenji can control and make an explosion anywhere.

Her seventh creation was a boy, Yoshino Akira, she found in the forest after his village was destroyed by a bandit. Haruka asked the boy what he desired. "I want revenge and to be stronger," said a boy. Haruka smile and took the boy to her islands. She took him to the lab and used Black Art on him and taught him magic. Her goal was to create a demon mage and since the boy was young it will be easier to teach him. The boy was smart and with Black Art help. He has master the four element magic. There is also some change that happens to the boy. His hair turns silver and there are black wings from his back. After a week the boy has turned into a strong demon mage with powerful element magic.

Haruka was tired of creating more demon, so she decided to rest and went to another village as vacation and went to Amegakure. Haruka walked into Amegakure and rain was pouring down heavily. However, Haruka was surprised to see many people and ninja was walking on the street and laughing. Amegakure was supposed to be a hidden village that always rain and there is no sun, only rain. The atmosphere is lonely and sorrow, but now the atmosphere is bright and happy. Haruka keeps on walking, "Hello," said a voice. Haruka turned and found Konan was walking toward her. "Hello, Konan," said Haruka. "What are you doing in Amegakure?" asked Konan. "I am here on a vacation," said Haruka. Konan and Haruka chatted and went to the Kage tower. "So who is the Kage in Amegakure?" asked Haruka. "It is Yahiko and Nagato helping each other," said Konan and smile.

They reached the tower and went in, Konan took Haruka to the Kage office and they enter. "Konan where is my ramen?" asked Yahiko as he and Nagato were facing the strongest enemy, paperwork. "Konan?" called Nagato and looked at her. Nagato found that Haruka was also standing there, he jumped. "Haruka-san!" shouted Nagato which caused Yahiko to fall from his chair. "Nagato! What are you shouting about!" said Yahiko and sit back on his chair. He turned and found Haruka. Yahiko falls down from his chair again. "Haruka-san!" shouted Yahiko. He stands up and went to her.

"What are you doing here, Haruka-san?" asked Yahiko. "I am here on vacation," said Haruka. Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan start talking about their strength and the changes they have made. Haruka was impressed by the change Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko has made to Amegakure. Haruka decided to return to her island and leaves Amegakure.

Haruka returned to her islands after her vacation and she went to her basement. Haruka now knows what to create for her eighth creation. She uses the corpse of a woman and she is a ninja. Her name was Matsumoto Katsue, she was an Anbu for Kumogakure. She was betrayed by her friend and Raikage. Haruka decided to turn her into a strong vampire that has both beauty and strength. She used Black Art to strengthen her body, then added a Vampire Bloodline. Matsumoto Katsue body change, like her skin, become pure white and her beauty was also strengthened and her speed also increases. Haruka also gives her an ability to summon bats and use the basic of blood and ice magic.

Haruka continued using Black Art and created a demon owl. She found an owl that has chakra in it, At first, she thought it was a summon, however it was a normal owl that has chakra. Haruka took it back and used Black Art on it. The owl body becomes larger and has more power. It also has a human form. In its human form, the owl will have a body of a woman about twenty-four. She would wear a Wizard robe with a hood that has owl feather around it. Haruka names the owl Aria and gives the owl an ability to control the wind.


[Mission Complete]

[Reward: Unohana Retsu Zanpakuto, Shinigami Training Manual to Captain Level, 200,000 points]

Haruka was happy at the reward as well as her creation. She was also tired and went to her room and rest.