CH. 14 Meeting

Haruka went back to the Uzumaki Mansion and found that Minato, Jiraiya, Kushina, and Hiruzen along with Koharu and Homura was waiting in front of the mansion. Haruka went and welcome them, and they entered the living room. "Hello what are you doing here?" asked Haruka as she sipped her tea. "Hello, Haruka-san this is my teammate. Homura and Koharu," said Hiruzen and the two slightly bow. Haruka smiled and ask again, "So what is the problem?". Hiruzen knew that he couldn't hide his intention and slightly bow, "We would like to participate in the upcoming war as a Seal Master." said Hiruzen. Haruka didn't answer and the room was so quiet that they could hear the wind blowing through the grass outside. "Sure, but under two condition," said Haruka. "What condition?" asked Homura as he was happy that Konoha has a Seal Master helps. "First I want an alliance between Amegakure," said Haruka which shock everyone. She knew what they are thinking, "Don't worry Hanzo is not the Kage anymore." said Haruka and sip her tea. "The new Kage is someone Jiraiya know and trust," said Haruka and everyone looked at Jiraiya. "Who is it?" asked Jiraiya as he didn't know anyone in Amegakure. "Nagato." Jiraiya opens his mouth in shock and looks at Haruka who nods at him.

After the meeting, Haruka was alone the mansion. She went to the garden and took out the Shinigami Training Manual. "Space Magic: Dimension" and a pink portal open. Haruka entered the portal and she was in another place. There is a forest, river, mountain, and desert. This is a world that she created using her magic. In this world, one year is equivalent to one day in the real world. Haruka went to a house that was built by the river and start her training. She starts training in using Reiatsu and spiritual power.

For four months Haruka has gained a shinigami form. She has gotten used to Reiatsu. Haruka also brought Hakuda, Kido, and Hoho and she starts training to use Unohana Retsu Zanpakuto. At first, Haruka couldn't touch or use Unohana Zanpakuto as it was rejecting her, so she starts using Demonic Art and Black Art on the Zanpakuto to remove the connection between Unohana Retsu and the Zanpakuto. She replaces the connection with her Demonic Art, Black Art, and her spiritual power. After studying for 1 year, Haruka can finally use Unohana Zanpakuto. She also has master Hakuda, Kido, Hoho. She can use Shikai and Bankai of Unohana Retsu Zanpakuto. Haruka also uses Demonic Art, Soul Magic, and Death Magic to modify the Shikai and Bankai. After She tries to modify Unohana Retsu Zanpakuto, it results in the Zanpakuo being stronger and she has done her training to be a shinigami, as her spiritual power and Reiatsu was at the level of Captain or Zero Division. Haruka was even stronger than Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

"Space Magic: Dimension", she walked into the portal and returned to the real world. After returning, Haruka was again welcome by having Hiruzen and Jiraiya at the gate. SHe was so tired from her training, does she commanded Mei to go and welcome them to the living room. Haruka was now in the living room and was waiting for Jiraiya and Hiruzen to come in. The door open and they walked in. "Hello, Haruka-san," said Hiruzen. "What is the problem?" asked Haruka as she was tired from the training. "We are here to ask you if it is possible for you to teach Minato and Kushina in the Uzumaki Sealing Technique," asked Jiraiya as he also wanted to learn about the Uzumaki sealing Technique. "NO." answered Haruka and sips her tea. Jiraiya and Hiruzen were surprised that Haruka didn't consider or think about the matter. "Why?!" asked Jiraiya. "The Uzumaki Sealing Technique is the technique of the Uzumaki clan and only someone with pure bloodline can learn and not others people," said Haruka. She knew that Jiraiya and Hiruzen would still try to talk about this matter, she continues "Then Jiraiya would you teach someone else your toad technique or sage technique?" asked Haruka. Jiraiya was about to talk went silent and sit still. The room was in silent, "If there is nothing, Leave!" said Haruka and went to her room leaving the two on their own.

Haruka wakes up from her bed as the sunshine pass the window. She gets up and changes into her usual kimono. Haruka went down to her gate and was greeted with two Anbu. "The Village meeting is about to begin." said an Anbu. Haruka nod and follow them to the meeting. She entered the room and was greeted by many ninjas and clan head. Haruka went to her seat that was for Uzumaki Clan. "Hokage who is she?" asked the Uchiha clan head and the father of Fugaku Uchiha. "Oh, she is the niece of Mito-same, a new clan head of Uzumaki," said Hiruzen. Everyone looks at Haruka in surprised as they thought that there is no Uzumaki left. After a few minutes, the meeting starts. It was boring for Haruka as she was listening and her job in the war was only to lay down the seal on Konoha camps for protection. The meeting went on as the civilian council keeps interrupting the meeting. "So Haruka-san do you have any suggestion?" asked the Uchiha Clan Head. "Well, why is the civilian council in this meeting?" asked Haruka was caused every clan head to smile, while the civilian council was angry. "I remember that when Mito-same was writing to me, she told me that civilian council is not allow to joined in the matter of the Shinobi council," said Haruka. She looks at the civilian council and releases her killing intent, pressure, and chakra. "Now get out of the meeting." smile Haruka as the wall start to crack. The civilian council rush out. "Now we can start the real meeting," said Haruka.

After an hour they came to the conclusion about the plan and Haruka went back to her clan and went to bed as she was still tired and it was a long day for her in the meeting.