CH. 15 Hundred Demon Parade

It has been a week since the Third Shinobi World war start. After placing the seal around the camps and Konoha, she went back to her Mansion on the islands. The islands were protected with mist and flying sharks. Ishida and Kenji were now in charge of training the Skeleton warrior and death knight. While Katsue and Akira were in charge of the research along with the elder lich. There is also another creation which Haruka created was Katabuchi Kane. A scientist that has died by the explosion of the experiment caused by Orochimaru. Haruka created her into a demon with the ability of [God Hand] and the job of doctor and assassin. An ability which can make the hand of the user change into different things. Kane has been the head of research along with Katsu and Akira as an assistant.

Haruka also used her system point to buy Sebas Tian from Overlord as her butler. She used Black Art and Demon Art to change Sebas Tian into a powerful demon. He still has all his power like int Overlord, but just stronger. Haruka also gives him the ability of shadow, Healing, and Space Magic.

Haruka was now watching the whole third shinobi world war on her islands. "Sebas Tian." and a white elderly butler walk to her. She reaches out her glass and he poured the wine. Haruka takes the sip and continues watching. "Oh, Konoha and Amegakure have become an alliance," said Haruka and stand up. She walks to the graveyard she created with Sebas Tain following her. She was holding a black cane with a skull on the top of the cane. She stopped at the huge coffin that was Hatake Sakumo. Around her was Mei and Kenji waiting for her with about ten skeleton warrior. She smiles, "Open the coffin" and use her cane to signal Sebas Tain to do it. "Yes." and he went to the coffin and open the lid.

Haruka pointed her cane at the ashes of Hatake Sakumo. "Perfect Resurrection" and white light start to gather around Sakumo ash and slowly begins to form a body. After a few minutes, the Sakumo has been resurrected.

"Ding"[Mission Complete]"Ding"

[Take Sakumo Hatake Corpse and Resurrect him]

[Reward: Crystal Release, 1,000,000 points]

Haruka looks at Sakumo, "Kenji and Mei. Take him to rest and informed me if he wakes up." commanded Haruka and she went back to her room. As she was walking to her room, Tetsui came out of the shadow and give her a necklace. She looks at the necklace and was shocked. She was now holding Tsunade necklace. Haruka turns to Tetsui and nod. He walks back into the shadow and disappears. Instead of walking to her room, she went to the altar and placed the necklace in the middle. "Enchantment: Extraction" and Haruka start pulling out a small pink soul out of the necklace and placed it into a Soul Cage. "Perfect Resurrection." and white light also cover the soul and changed into a boy or Nawaki. "Tetsui." and he appears by Haruka. "Take this boy to Mei and Kenji," said Haruka and Tetsui carry Nawaki away.

"Ding"[Mission Complete]"Ding"

[Resurrect Nawaki Senju: There is a piece of Nawaki Senju soul in Hashirama necklace]

[Reward: Mokuton, 550,000 points]

Haruka was now back in her room and all her creation was around her. Haruka was looking at how Madara and Black Zetsu. "I want some of you to protect Rin," said Haruka as she sips her tea. "How Master?" asked Ishida. "About a months from here they would try to catch Rin. Use the corpse I have appeared for you as a replacement." and turned to look at them, "Understand?" they all nod. "Also, Mei and Tetsui I want you to follow Rin in secret," said Haruka. Her creation nod and disappear from the room. She walks out of her room and walks to the training room. Her training room was a Japanese style training room with a waterfall and garden. "System, buy me a cultivation pill which will help me promoted into Divine or Lord Stage and the purify pill," said Haruka and she went to sit near the waterfall.


[Host has purchased Golden Fiery Moon Pill (Celestial - Low Rank) and the Clear Sea Purify Pill (Heaven - High Rank).]

[System points: 972,000]

Haruka took out the two pills and eat it. Slowly she could feel that energy was coming out of the pill and was flowing through her body. She guides the energy through her body. She could feel that her Nascent Soul and Golden Core start to absorb the energy. Suddenly Haruka feels that her blood was boiling and her bone was cracking. Haruka cultivated for two days as she could still feel that the energy was still flowing through her body. After three days Haruka has finished his cultivation. SHe could feel that her power and strength has increased.

"System Status"




Lady of the Night - All stat buff x5 at night,

Spirit Guide - Ghost, spirit, and soul are friendly

Name: Haruka

Age: 27

Race: Human, Fox Demon, Vampire

Bloodline: Ancient Magma Release, Corrosion Release, Atom Release, Heavenly Golden Demon Fox, Ancestral Pure Vampire Empress, Uzumaki Clan, Great Tree Release, Divine Gem Release

Class: Geisha (Mastered), Chef (Mastered), Singer (Mastered), Musician (Mastered), Teacher (Mastered), Necromancer (Mastered), Master of Death (Mastered), Master Enchanter (Mastered), Sorcerer (Mastered), Seal Master (Mastered), Sword Saint (Mastered)

Cultivation: Lord - Low Stage

Cultivation Technique: Celestial Sacred Technique, Seven Sound of Sin (7/7), Dance of Life and Death, Thirteen Wicked Poisonous Hand, Demonic Art: Death Manipulation, Medical Emperor Technique,

Skill: Cooking (Mastered), Singing (Mastered), Cleaning (Mastered), Dancing (Mastered), Sewing (Mastered), Enchantment (Mastered), Sealing (Mastered), Ghost Magic (Mastered), Soul Magic (Mastered), Bone Magic (Mastered), Spirit Magic (Mastered), Dark Magic (Mastered), Black Art(Beginner), Death Magic (Mastered), Shadow Magic (Mastered), Summoning Magic (Mastered), Death Aura, Fear Manipulation, Death Command, Death Wisdom, Yin-Yang Eyes, Nightmare, Undead Control, Undead Creation, Rite of Darkness, Curse Creation, Space Magic (Mastered), Puppet Art(Mastered), Poison Magic (Mastered), Life Magic (Mastered), Sword Magic (Mastered), Swordsmanship (Mastered), Sword Qi (Mastered), Blood Magic, Ice Magic, Time Magic (Mastered), Holy Magic (Mastered), Requip Magic (Mastered), Gravity Magic (Mastered), Shunpo, Fishman Karate, Healing Magic, Medical Ninjutsu, Divination

Special Ability: Immortal Body, Class Mastery, God of Death Blessing, Goddess of Life Blessing,

Demon Fox Form: First Form - Hanyou Kitsune, Second Form - Kyuubi, Haki (Mastered), Water Sage Mode (Stage 2), Will of Sword, Sword Intent (Mastered), Perfect Resurrection

Attributes: Fire, Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind, Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang

Chakra: 350,00,000

Magic Power: 250,000,000

Spiritual Power: 250,000,000

Health: 78,543,930

Attack: 125,965,108

Defense: 85,783,035

Speed: 83,348,842

Intelligence: 135,000,000

Wisdom: 130,000,000

Luck: 500 (Max)

Willpower: 150,000,00

Killing Intent: 150,000,000


Lich - Eric (Fire), Wave (Water), Jake (Earth), John (Lightning), Elisa (Wind)

Elder Lich - Kaito (Ice), Drake (Lava), Flare (Uchiha)

Flying Shark x30

Demonic Fox and Holy Fox

Mei Chitose - ghoul

Ishida Eizan - Demon Swordmaster

Kusumoto Tetsui - Ghoul/ Kaguya Clan

Uzumaki Kenji - Werewolf

Yoshino Akira - Demon Mage

Matsumoto Katsue - Vampire

Aria - Demon Owl

Katabuchi Kane - Demon

Sebas Tian - Demon

System Shop

System points: 972,000

Inventory: Health Potion, Life Talisman, Divine Ghost Zither, Chakra Control Manual, Uzumaki Sealing Technique, Complete Demonic Art Set, Secret Fox Technique Scroll, Spear of Ten Commandment, Scarlet Thorn, Ichizan Hissatsu: Murasame, Fan of Endless Night, Silver Moon Scythe, Fox Summoning Scroll

Haruka was happy at her Status, "Sebas Tian" and he appears by her side. "Tell me what happens," said Haruka as she knew that when she was cultivating there was an explosion. "Some Stone and Leaf ninja found our island and came. Mei, Akira, and two demon fox are heavily injured," said Sebas Tian. "Go and get everyone to prepared. We will let them know what is death!" said Haruka and release a huge amount of magic. "System, buy me the Hundred Demon Parade!"


[Host has purchased the "Hundred Demon Parade"]

[Do Host want to upgrade it into Thousand Demon Parade with 300,000 points?]

"Not now."


[System Points: 772,000]

Haruka feels that she should leave some on them here, so she chooses to Sebas Tian, Katabuchi Kane, Aria, and some demon from the Hundred Demon Parade. She also summoned Lich and Death Knight to protect the islands. "Heavenly Golden Demon Fox First Form!" and slowly Haruka was in a white kimono with a pattern of golden fields and silver moon. She also has nine tails, her nails become longer and her hair becomes gold and longer. She was holding Fan of Endless Night. She looks around and spotted a that all her some of her creation was waiting for her. "Hundred Demon Parade!" and suddenly Yokai, Demon, and Ghost appear and completely surround the island. Haruka got on the carriage and it went into the sky and headed for the Stone Village. "Let the nightmare begin!"