CH. 16 Despair Part 1

The Hundred Demon Parade was flying through the sky. Haruka was sitting in a moving Japanese carriage with cloud on the wheel. She found that the Hundred Demon Parade need some music. However, they have reached Iwa and they are on top of Iwa.


[Take Revenge and Make Iwa and Konoha Fear]

[Reward: Dimension Pass, Spiritual Demonic Flute, {Ten Song of Death}, New Bloodline, 1,000,000 points}


[Make the Parade fun]

[Reward: Purifying Pill (Sacred - High Rank), 100,000 points]

(Music - Chain Explosion (Part1) Naruto Shippuden)

Haruka takes her Zither out from her inventory and places it in front of her. She was inside the carriage and start playing her Zither. Slowly dark aura covered her body and her zither. Haruka continued playing the song. The surrounding Yokai, Demon, and Ghost heard the song and slowly there body was cover with a dark aura. They could feel that their power has increased a lot. "Go," said Haruka behind the door of the carriage. Demon, Yokai, and Ghost descend down to the ground.

At Tuschikage Tower

There was a meeting as the Third Shinobi World War has happened. Onoki was planning with the council, he heard a song. "Who is playing music?" asked Onoki. Suddenly the door open as an injured ninja came in. "Tuschikage-same, Their is an attack!" shouted the ninja. Onoki and the other council member look outside of the tower and found that demon, yokai, and ghost are descending down from the sky into the village. Onoki rushed out of the tower and headed toward the descending demon, yokai, and ghost which look like a waterfall.

At the Sky

Haruka was using her summoning magic and summon many skeleton warrior, mage, and knight. There is also Lich and Death Knight. Around her carriage was guarded by Kenji, Ishida, and Katsue. Tetsui was also there, but Haruka commanded him to go and steal all the information, technique, and any valuable things. Onoki flies up high and spotted the carriage as the skeleton army was coming ut from the portal below the carriage. He flies toward the carriage and makes a hand seal, "Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu" and shoot out a cube to the carriage. The cube was about to hit the carriage, it was hit by a barrier.

Onoki looks at the carriage and suddenly he moves backward. On the spot, her use to stand was a red hair man holding a sword. On the sword was his blood as he was stabbed by the shoulder. 'Fast!' thought Onoki, as he didn't realize at Kenji, has moved toward and injured him. Haruka didn't care and keeping playing the zither.

"This is what happens Onoki-kun when you attack my island," said Haruka and still playing the zither. Onoki remembers that his ninja spotted an island and order them to go there an kill anyone on it. He really regrets his decision, as he was fighting with a demon. Kenji uses his Sword Art and injured Onoki again. Haruka stops playing the zither, but the music still continues to play. The door was open causing all the three demons to kneel down before the carriage including all the demon, yokai, and ghost. Haruka slowly walks out of the carriage wear a Kitsune mask. "Combination Magic: Ghost, Spirit, and Bone Magic - Rain of White Pain". The sky slowly was cover in a huge magic circle. "Down" and rain of white liquid slowly fall to the ground. A ninja that was standing and the rain hit him, suddenly his bone begin to break and shatter. Iwa ninjas start screaming in pain as their bone break or shatter. Onoki was looking at the ground and turn to Haruka and made a hand seal again. "Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu" and send it to Haruka. "Space Magic: Twisted Space" and the cube that was sent, stop and begin to twist and disappear. "Soul Magic: Spiritual Knife" and she waves her hands as a knife was formed. The knife was sent to Onoki, but it disappears. Onoki was laughing at "Hahahaha!", stops and cough out blood. The three demons were surprised at the attack and look at Haruka. Tetsui came back by her side and kneel in front of her.

"Onoki and people of Iwa! Listen if any of you attack the island again! Death is the only path!" shouted Haruka and her voice was send across the village. She released her chakra, spiritual power, and magic power causing the whole village to tremble in fear. She turned and walk back inside her carriage. The Yokai, Demon, and Ghost fly up and follow the carriage. They left Iwa and headed to Konoha.

Onoki landed on the ground and saw the result of his action, he regrets it. 'I will never fight them again!' thought Onoki and went to help the ninja.

At the Sky

"System turned the Hundred Demon Parade into Thousand Demon Parade," said Haruka and look at her army.


[Host has upgraded the Hundred Demon Parade to Thousand Demon Parade]

[System Point left: 272,000]

Haruka noticed that her army start growing, as there is more demon, yokai, and ghost. After an hour they have reached Konoha and it was day time. She realized that her Thousand Demon Parade is weak at day time. She took out her Fan of Endless Night and added her magic into it. She walks out of her carriage and waves her fan. Suddenly a huge amount of Dark Magic was release and cover the whole Konoha in the darkness of the night.

At Hokage Tower

Hiruzen and the Clan head was having a meeting, suddenly a ninja came in. "Hokage-sama, the sky is at night!" said the ninja. Hokage and the shinobi council was confused at the ninja, but follow him out. At first, they were confused, but they arrive outside and it was dark as night time. "What happened here!" shouted Hiruzen. They went out and spotted a carriage surrounded by demon, yokai, and ghost. "Go call all the ninja that are available! Evacuate the civilian!" commanded Hiruzen was ready with his long staff. Haruka walks out of the carriage with her nine tail and looks down on Hiruzen, the civilian and ninja.

Hiruzen was shocked at the woman, 'She has nine tails' thought Hiruzen and spotted Kushina was getting ready for battle. 'Not Kushina!' he turns his attention toward the woman. Haruka waves her hand and the Thousand Demon Parade descended down like a dark waterfall. "Everyone gets ready!" shouted Hiruzen and charge in.

Haruka was sitting and watching the show. 'What combination should I go for this time? Let's go for Blood, Ice, and Poison.' thought Haruka. Hiruzen was fighting the demon and thinking of a wave to reach Haruka who was up in the sky. He sticks his staff on the ground and expand it and make it taller reaching Haruka. She was surprised but was not worried. She has her three demons protecting her and she could easily win against Hiruzen. "What do you want!" shouted Hiruzen. Kenji rushed toward him and swing his sword at Hiruzen. He used his Kunai and block the sword, but was kicked by Katsue and was send back.

"Oi, Katsue! This is my fight!" said Kenji. "You have your turn with Onoki, it is my turn," said Katsue and rushed in and fight Hiruzen. "System, by attacking Konoha. This will weaken them and they might lose the war," said Haruka.


[Show the other three villages the power of Host]

[Reward: Ryujin Jakka, Bloodline, 2 Cultivation Technique, 3,000,000 points]

Haruka smiles at the mission and looked at Katsue. She was enjoying the battle against Hiruzen. Kenji and Tetsui was guard, while Ishida was fighting with the ninja. "Two Sword Style: Iron Eagle Wing" and Ishida wave two of his sword at the same time, causing a powerful sharp wind blade that cut anything. Haruka knew that Ishida was having fun as he was smiling while fighting. Haruka walks toward the center of Konoha. "Combination Magic: Blood, Ice, Poison Magic - Scarlet Poisonous Icicle Field" and on the ground of Konoha a magic circle appears. Suddenly a red icicle spear or thorn appear out from the ground and injured the ninjas. The whole village turn was painted in blood.

"People of Konoha, If you attack my islands again! Death is the only path!" shouted Haruka and walk back into the carriage. The demon, yokai, and ghost stop fighting and fly into the sky, following the carriage. Katsue and Ishida also stop and follow. After they have left the night that covered Konoha disappear. Hiruzen returns his staff t the normal size. He looks around and regrets like Onoki about attacking the island. He went to help the other ninja that was injured.

The Thousand Demon Parade was flying in the darkness across the sea. "Master where are we going?" asked Kenji. "Kiri, Suna, then Kumo," answered Haruka. She turned and look in front of her, she slightly spotted Kiri from afar. "Kiri, the village cover by mist." and Haruka laughed. "Now, it will be the village cover by blood." smile Haruka and brought out sake and drink it. She look outside by the window. "Let the second Nightmare begin!"