CH. 18 Lord Part 1

As the carriage was moving back to the islands, a small wisp was in the sky looking at Haruka and the carriage and disappeared.

Another Dimension - Tower of Six Silver Dragon

In the tower, there was a meeting room that has five seats, while one of the seats is higher and one is empty. Four different people are sitting in the room. "Are you sure you have found her?" asked a young man.

"Yes my lord."

"Good," said the young man. "So what is the plan?" asked an old man carrying a katana with him. "Let's go and invite her!" shouted a man wearing a wolf skin robe and was holding a hammer. "Let's wait for a while." said another young man.

The three-man in the lower seat start arguing. "ENOUGH!" shouted the young man stopped the arguing. "We will wait for a while." said the young man and left the meeting room.

At Naruto World - Haruka islands

Haruka has just returned and she found that her Thousand Demon Parade disappears immediately after reaching the islands. She went in and Nawaki and Sakumo were sitting in the living room. "Oh, it seems you have awakened," said Haruka and went to her seat, as Sebas Tain went and got her a tea. She sips the tea, "Good taste.".

"Where are we?" asked Nawaki. Haruka looked at Nawaki, "A world between life and death." said Haruka which caused the two bodies to freeze and their face to pale. "Hahahaha!" laughed Haruka seeing the two former ninja face. "You are outside of Konoha." Sakumo and Nawaki look at each other. "How are we alive?" asked Nawaki. "I don't know," answered Haruka and drink her tea. "There were two coffins by the shore of this island and Sebas Tain found it," said Haruka and went to her room to rest.

It was in the early morning as Nawaki and Sakumo along with Sebas Tain and Haruka were by the shore. Nawaki and Sakumo decided to go back to Konoha, so she gives them a boat and a map. The two went on the boat and leave the island.

Nawaki was looking at the sea as there was only mist around them. After a few minutes, they got out of the mist. He turns and found that there was no mist or island behind them. "Uncle Sakumo, there are no islands behind us!" shouted Nawaki and Sakumo turn, he went silent. 'It might be true that she said we are in the world between life and death' thought Sakumo.

Haruka looks at the screen as both Nawaki and Sakumo reached the shore near Konoha. "System is there a possibility to use all kind of magic?" asked Haruka.

[Yes, Host can buy The One Magic which cost 2,000,000 points]

"Do it and buy a cultivation pill," said Haruka and she suddenly feel that many kinds of magic surround her. After an hour she could feel that the magic had helped her to become stronger. She took out a cultivation pill and the purifying pill she got from the mission. She went to her training room and cultivated.

After four days of cultivating, Haruka bone, muscle, and body have strengthened. She could sense the air and water around her.

"System Status."



Lady of the Night - All stat buff x5 at night,

Spirit Guide - Ghost, spirit, and soul are friendly

Ruler of Death

Name: Haruka

Age: 27

Race: Human, Fox Demon, Vampire

Bloodline: Ancient Magma Release, Corrosion Release, Atom Release, Heavenly Golden Demon Fox, Ancestral Pure Vampire Empress, Uzumaki Clan, Great Tree Release, Divine Gem Release, Heavenly Poison Release, Sacred Ice Release

Class: Geisha (Mastered), Chef (Mastered), Singer (Mastered), Musician (Mastered), Teacher (Mastered), Necromancer (Mastered), Master of Death (Mastered), Master Enchanter (Mastered), Sorcerer (Mastered), Seal Master (Mastered), Sword Saint (Mastered)

Cultivation: Transcending Mortal Stage 1 - Middle Stage

Cultivation Technique: Celestial Sacred Technique, Seven Sound of Sin (7/7), Dance of Life and Death, Thirteen Wicked Poisonous Hand, Demonic Art: Death Manipulation, Medical Emperor Technique, Ten Song of Death, Fiery Moon Fist, Nine Yin-Yang Dragon Technique

Skill: Cooking (Mastered), Singing (Mastered), Cleaning (Mastered), Dancing (Mastered), Sewing (Mastered), Enchantment (Mastered), Sealing (Mastered), Black Art(Mastered), Death Aura, Fear Manipulation, Death Command, Death Wisdom, Yin-Yang Eyes, Nightmare, Undead Control, Undead Creation, Rite of Darkness, Curse Creation, Puppet Art(Mastered), Swordsmanship (Mastered), Sword Qi (Mastered), Shunpo, Fishman Karate, Medical Ninjutsu, Divination, The One Magic

Special Ability: Immortal Body, Class Mastery, God of Death Blessing, Goddess of Life Blessing,

Demon Fox Form: First Form - Hanyou Kitsune, Second Form - Kyuubi, Haki (Mastered), Water Sage Mode (Stage 2), Will of Sword, Sword Intent (Mastered), Perfect Resurrection

Attributes: Fire, Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind, Yin, Yang, Yin-Yang

Chakra: 800,00,000

Magic Power: 750,000,000

Spiritual Power: 750,000,000

Health: 106,543,930

Attack: 143,965,108

Defense: 113,783,035

Speed: 117,348,842

Intelligence: 135,000,000

Wisdom: 130,000,000

Luck: 500 (Max)

Willpower: 450,000,00

Killing Intent: 450,000,000


Lich - Eric (Fire), Wave (Water), Jake (Earth), John (Lightning), Elisa (Wind)

Elder Lich - Kaito (Ice), Drake (Lava), Flare (Uchiha)

Flying Shark x30

Demonic Fox and Holy Fox

Mei Chitose - ghoul

Ishida Eizan - Demon Swordmaster

Kusumoto Tetsui - Ghoul/ Kaguya Clan

Uzumaki Kenji - Werewolf

Yoshino Akira - Demon Mage

Matsumoto Katsue - Vampire

Aria - Demon Owl

Katabuchi Kane - Demon

Sebas Tian - Demon

Thousand Demon Parade

System Shop

System points: 3,472,000

Inventory: Health Potion, Life Talisman, Divine Ghost Zither, Chakra Control Manual, Uzumaki Sealing Technique, Complete Demonic Art Set, Secret Fox Technique Scroll, Spear of Ten Commandment, Scarlet Thorn, Ichizan Hissatsu: Murasame, Fan of Endless Night, Silver Moon Scythe, Fox Summoning Scroll, Ghost Gathering Flag, Dimension Pass, Spiritual Demonic Flute, Ryujin Jakka

Haruka was happy at her cultivation, she went back to the training room and start practicing her new technique. The Fiery Moon Fists has a total of 4 levels, in each level the power will increase. She also found out that Fiery Moon Fist is a branch technique from The twelve layer Moon and Sun Technique. This technique will increase the user strength by the amount of energy they receive from the Moon or Sun.

As she was about to study the Fiery Moon Fists, there was a huge explosion which caused the ground to shake. She went outside, "Who is interrupting my study!" shouted Haruka. Sebas Tain and the others were injured, "Oh you came out." said a man. She looks at the man, "What do you want?" asked Haruka since she knows that these four men are not to mess with. The young man in the middle float down and reach his hand out, "Join Us." said the young man.