CH. 19 Lord Part 2

"Join you?" asked Haruka. "Yes, join us Haruka." said the man. Haruka look at the man and his group. "Who are you?" asked Haruka as she never expected to see anyone in this world that was as strong as her. She slowly spread her magic underground as Sebas Tian and the others start to disappear into the house.

The man look at his group, "I am Yamamoto, The Sword Saints." said the man with the sword. "I am Veldora, The Beast Lord." said the man with a lion robe. "I am Gerain, The Sky King." said the man with wings. "I am Leon, The True Emperor." said the young man.

Haruka was shocked at their title and power. Leon walked toward Haruka and reach out his hands, "So, Join us" said Leon as the light shine from the sky toward him. Haruka looks at the man and slowly reach out her hands to the man, but she stops. "Never!" and suddenly the whole ground was covered with her shadows as hundred of bones reach out of the shadow toward them. Leon and the others dodged the attack and they flew up into the sky.

"I told you, she won't join us. Now we have to fight her," said Yamamoto looking at Leon. "Hahahaha! This is interesting!" shouted Veldora "I will fight her!" and he went toward the islands. Haruka saw that Veldora was coming toward her, she covered her hands with a dark aura and waved her hands. Suddenly the islands begin to shake and ten huge skeleton hands reach out from the water toward Veldora.

Veldora looks at the skeleton hands and smile, he releases a huge amount of power and punched toward the skeleton hands, causing it to break. Haruka was surprised at Veldora strength as the skeleton hands are so strong that even Madara and Harishima working together won't break it. Haruka waved her hands and more skeleton hands reach out of the water, "Darkening" said Haruka as the skeleton hands change from white to black.

In the sky, Yamamoto was watching the battle was surprised, "Oh!" said Yamamoto which caused Leon and Gerain looking at him. "What is it Yamamoto?" asked Gerian. "I am surprised that she could raise the level of bones," said Yamamoto. "What is it?" asked Gerain. "There are many different types of bones, and one of the highest bones is the Obsidian Bones. It is the bones that were filed with negative energy or dark magic, and obtaining one of them is very hard or changing them is very hard, but she did it," said Yamamoto which cause the Leon and Gerian to look at Haruka.

Veldora was trying to break the black skeleton hands, however, it didn't break and hits him. Veldora was getting angry as he was getting hits, "Beast Mode: Lion Rage!" and his body was covered with red energy. Veldora rushed toward the skeleton hands and punch it, causing the skeleton hands to break. "What are you going to do now!" shouted Veldora as he keeps destroying the skeleton hands and he looks at Haruka, but she was smiling. Suddenly the ground starts to shine in black light.

Yamamoto was looking at the ground and his face pale, "Veldora get out now!" shouted Yamamoto and rushed in with his sword. Haruka looks at Veldora and smile, "Withering Spirit Formation!". The ground starts to shine brightly as a black substance start to raise from the ground and water forming a huge black sea and rushed toward Veldora.

Yamamoto rushed in front of Veldora, "Sword Art: Blade of Seven Star" said Yamamoto and seven bright starts surround him and Veldora as they were engulfed into the black sea. Haruka was looking at the black sea and found that Yamamoto and Veldora were gone she was prepared to fight the Leon and Gerian, however, the sea was slice into seven parts.

Haruka looks at the black sea and found that Yamamoto and Veldora were safe, but they were injured. "Ghost Magic: Burning Skull," said Haruka as a huge skull formed and it was burning in green flame. She sends it toward them, Yamamoto and Veldora were now facing a huge skull that was rushing toward them and it opens its mouth showing an endless shadow inside. "Sky Shield" as the skull was closing in toward them, a huge shield that has four wings suddenly appear before them.

"BOOM!" the shield protects them from the skull. Haruka looks at them and found the Gerain has now joined the fight. "Light Spear" and a shining spear was sent toward her, but she dodged. Haruka looks at them and found that Leon also has joined in. "So, it will be four people fighting against me," said Haruka as she frowned. Leon and Gerain went toward Yamamoto and Veldora, as Gerian start healing them.

Both sides didn't move as Haruka was looking at them. There was only the sound of the wind and sea. Both Leon and Haruka look at each other. Suddenly the Leon was gone, and appear in front of Haruka swinging his sword. 'He fast!' thought Haruka and dodged away. Leon didn't stop and keep rushing in toward Haruka and use his blade. Haruka keeps dodging and jumped away from him and landed on the sea. Leon rushed toward Haruka and he adds his power to his sword causing it to glow and the speed increased, however as he was closing in the sea shake. Eight bones appear from the sea as Leon was trap in it. "Death Magic: Devil Mist" and purple-black mist start to fill the cage.

Leon was inside and look at the mists, "Just a normal poison." said Leon and start using his power to move the poison away, however as the power touch the poison it increases and went toward Leon. He was surprised as he tries to move away, but the poison was eating his power and it starts to enter his body. "What is this?" asked Leon as he never encounters such poison before. Haruka walked toward him and slowly wave her fan, "Devil Mist" said Haruka and look at Leon and as he starts to suffer from the poison.

Haruka was in front of the cage and she moves away as the sea and the cage was sliced. Gerain, Yamamoto, and Veldora appear in front of her and Leon. "Hey, Leon are you fine?" asked Gerian as he starts to heal him and Leon nod at him. "Using Poison, Such a coward!" shouted Veldora as Yamamoto nod.

"Coward?" asked Haruka and smiled her shadow start to spread like fire over the sea. Monsters, Demons, Yokai, and Ghost crawled out from her shadow. Death aura, Negative energy, and Demon Aura start to spread as more monster or demon crawled out from the shadow. Skeleton Knight, Banshee, Lich, Ghost, Giants, and many other kinds of Demons are in the shadows. "This is bad," said Veldora as Yamamoto, Gerian and Leon nod. "Yes, it is bad. Let's have fun!" Haruka smiled at them.