CH. 20 Lord Part 3

"GO!" shouted Haruka as her army of demons and monster charged to Leon and his group. Yamamoto dashed into the horde f demon and unsheathed his sword. "Sword Art: Wind Style - Whirlwind of swords" Yamamoto easily pass the horde of demons and stopped behind them as their body was sliced. Yamamoto slowly sheathed his word and he was full of opening as a huge orc swing its hammer to him. Veldora suddenly appears by Yamamoto and smashed the orc.

Haruka looks at them fighting her army, 'System brings the whole islands, formation and everything into my inventory' thought Haruka as she knew that they are going to get serious.


Haruka looks at Yamamoto, Gerian, and Veldora, but she noticed that Leon was gone. Suddenly she jumped away from the place she stands as Leon appeared and swing his sword. "Using the same trick?" asked Haruka looking at Leon who was smiling at her as they both rushed in and start fighting. Haruka summoned a Bone sword and fight Leon. The battle was fierce as they both are strong, however, Haruka was losing as she never had an experienced in sword fight before. She was pushed back, "Defend!" shouted Haruka, but nothing happened. She turned and look at her army and noticed that they were all dead, she never thought that Yamamoto, Veldora, and Gerian could easily defeat the army.

Haruka was surprised and she was off-guard, Leon appeared in front of her and his sword hits her sending her away. "BOOM!" Haruka hits the water surface and caused an explosion. She slowly stands up and was sent away by Veldora fists. Blood was spilling out of her mouth, as she was attacked by Gerian, Yamamoto, Veldora, and Leon.

Haruka knew that this was bad and turned to look for ways to escape and found a group of Iwa ninja in a huge boat with a kage level ninja as the leader. Haruka smiled at rushed toward the boat, Yamamoto and the others noticed and follow her, "Get away!" shouted Leon toward the boat. Haruka changed into her Vampire form as her hair turned silver and her speed increased. She suddenly appears on the boat and she was next to the kage level ninja. Haruka bits her fangs into the ninja's neck and she starts her bloodlines skill "Bloodsucking". Slowly the Kage level ninja from his body fill with muscle turned into dry corpse without any blood left. However, it wasn't enough for her and she starts going after the others in the ships.

Leon and the others landed on the ships and noticed that there was nothing except dry corpse and silent. Gerian walked over and look around. "Vampire," said Gerian, suddenly a hands breaks through the wood floor and grabbed Gerian legs and throw him at the others. "Ugh" Gerian was helped by his friends. "BOOM!" the wooden floor breaks and Haruka appear in front of them.

Her hair was silver and her skin was as white as snow. Haruka looks at them smiling as she recovered from their attack. Silent covered the boat, and Yamamoto appears by Haruka unsheathing his sword toward her neck. It was so fast that there was no sound.

"Clang!" The sword was stopped by a finger and Yamamoto frown. Haruka looks at him and smile, suddenly Yamamoto was sent back with green claw mark on his chest. Leon rushed and caught Yamamoto, Veldora and Gerian dashed toward Haruka. "Great Beast Fist", "Sky Spear" Gerain and Veldora send their attack to Haruka. "Clang!" the attack was stopped by a finger and they look surprised and dashed back.

"She recovers," said Veldora as he glared at Haruka. "Yeah" Gerain tight his grip on his spear. As Gerian and Veldora were fighting Haruka, Leon walked toward Haruka as he tightens his grip on his sword and Veldora follow behind him. Gerain, Yamamoto, Veldora, and Leon noticed that Haruka has fully healed and she was strong than before.

Leon looks at her, "Awaken" and suddenly Leon was covered in bright energy. Yamamoto, Veldora, and Gerian look at Leon and nod. "Awaken" blue energy covered Gerian, red energy covered Veldora, while white energy covered Yamamoto.


[Warning Opponent strong than Host]

[Please escape]

Haruka looks at the messages that were sent by the system and frowned. Haruka rushed out of the boat immediately toward her islands. Her speed was fast and she arrived at her islands. "Where are you going?" asked a voice. Haruka turned and found that Leon and the others were behind her. She jumped away, however, Yamamoto was faster as he unsheathed his sword and slashed Haruka back. Haruka was on the ground with injuries around her body. She looks at the four men, "You should have joined us." said Gerian. "Now you have to die," said Veldora.

"Die?" Haruka looks at Veldora and laughed, "HAHAHAHAHA! THEN LET'S DIE TOGETHER!" and suddenly she released black purple smoke. The smoke spread immediately, Leon and the others were off guard and rushed back into the sky. The smoke was like it was alive as its follow Veldora, Gerian, Yamamoto, and Leon.

After getting rid of the smoke Leon, Yamamoto, Veldora, and Gerian were looking Haruka. They know that if she still keeps living it will be a burden to their plan. Leon looks at the others and nod. Gerian, Yamamoto, and Veldora spread out forming a square and start gathering their power.


[Warning opponent is using Ultimate Attack!]

[Placing the island, creation, formation and everything has been completed]

Haruka knew what Ultimate Attack was as she had read that after reaching a Lord or a Transcendent Mortal could start using the Ultimate Attack. Haruka look at the sky, Leon and the others had collect enough power. "Ultimate Attack: Sky Shaking Dragon Spear" Wind start moving around the spear forming a huge destructive dragon. "Sword Art: Heaven Style - Thousand Blade in One Sword" sword intent covered Yamamoto blade. "Great Beast Lord: Destroying Roar" shouted Veldora. "Punishment," said Leon.

Four attacks was sends toward Haruka, who was sitting on the ground. Haruka and wiped the blood from her mouth and smiled, "This is it."


The power was so destructive that the sea and sky shake. Iwa and Konoha received a huge wind blast. While their attack formed a huge light pillar which shined brightly across the Elemental Nation.

At Konoha

Kushina was walking home and a wind blast hits her. "Bye, Kushina-chan," said a voice. She looks around after hearing the voice, "Haruka-oneechan" whispered Kushina and she looks at the pillar.

At Mount Myoboku

Jiraiya was drinking with Gamabunta and noticed the pillars. "Take care of them." a voice whisper. He turned and found that there was no one except Gamabunta which was looking at the pillar. "Haruka-san," said Jiraiya. He raised his sake bottle and poured it down the hills, "I will protect them."

At the Battlefield

Minato was in the camp, he was planning with the commanders. "Sir! Outside!" shouted a ninja which caused them to rushed outside and saw the pillars. "Take care of Kushina, bye Minato-chan", Minato turned and found that there was no one.

At the sea

Leon, Yamamoto, Gerian, and Veldora look at the sea as there was a huge hole in the sea. "Let go back," said Yamamoto and Gerian opened a portal. Veldora and Yamamoto walked into the portal. Lein looks at the sea and follows the other. "I will get my revenge" Leon turned around as his body was covered in cold sweat. He heard a woman voice and look at his hands. There was a word at his hands, "I will be back". Fear spread through his body and Leon wiped his cold sweat off. "Leon lets go" shouted Gerian. Leon nod and entered the portal.