The Lurks of Ancient Power.

The descendent of the Unknown Race appear,.The Ancient Race peace of the Agreement shaking and finally broken into ten thousand pieces. The power which control All the Ancient Race vanish immediately without a single left power. All the portal can teleport through the true world. The Ancient race not stupid or dumb, They can felt the unknown power gone.

"This is the time, The unknown race been descendants in the true world"A man look like middle age man stand up and murmured when the agreement in his hand vanish. The memories of 5000 years ago still fresh to him. How powerful the man stopped the war.

This Man was the former leader of Ancient Heavenly Warrior. When the war time ago, He still Co leader and been given by the former leader after the war ended.

"Remember the humiliation today and don't ever think we're strongers,There are many creature around the world more strong than us"The former leader who given his tittle said it before he died. it been 5000 years ago,he keep himself in a cave cultivate. The word still fresh in his mind.

This time every ancient race facing evolving and upgrading their own blood to fullest potential. Their new generation already prepared very well and learn their martial art and and knowing more about their ancient blood.

The black serpent dragon ancient race?

The Red serpent dragon ancient race?

The blue serpent dragon ancient race?

The Ice Cold ancient race?

The Red blood Moon ancient race?

The Monkey sage ancient race?

The demon black horned ancient race?

The heavenly Palace Ancient race?

The Grand master of the spatial portal from the race started to making a portal to The True World. The anxious can't been contain anymore to rule others in the True World. The first race enter the true world, can get their positions back. Some abnormal power didn't need to use portal,There people or creature just teleport freely between the world now.

At the time, The true world still having conflict among the normal race, hard race and insane race. Conflict between human and normal elf. Conflict between beast man and Demon. They had no idea what will happen to them. Maybe they will be erased. Due to how large and wide the true world, Many prodigy and genius been born in some family.

Heaven defying cultivate?

This is just help from Ancient God to help the race survive when The Chaos broke out. Due to low condensed of Chi in the world, Heaven flow their Chi in the true world. Many genius or descendent gathering their strength and knowledge

"Emperor of Dragon"

"Blood Crescent Moon"

"Immortals Ghost"

"Immortals Shadow"

There are some greater human had great power managed to stand up against the ancient race. Due to their power, They become enemies of the true world.

In Palace of Heavenly Earth ,The king of the palace stand up and look at the picture stick on the wall. This picture contain every emotion and terrifying scene of the war. He is King Lou Nan the new generation of descendent prince when his father before died, There are some word for all twenty prince.

"All prince of Heavenly Earth Palace don't chased over the throne again or create rebellion against egg other. There are great calamity will be fall down to the Earth. At the time, Only your own power can save your live not the throne."

Most of the prince slightly shock reading his last word. Only your own power? Not soldier? This is just too insane. Most of the prince thought his father just gone crazy before died. Some of the prince don't trust but a little prince trust his father word and go out from the palace.

In North Pole, The most coldest place in the earth ruled by Absolutely Ice palace. The pupil in that place are terrifying and cold expression. No one can pass or go in without leader permission. The Absolute Ice Palace not a palace but A Hugh Fortress which can contain any kind of treat. Not only look but the surrounding full with Ice Chi.

"Every human race will face the huge calamity, No one can escape it"A middle age man sitting on the Ice throne can tell by his instincts. The countless great power rushing come here.They had one intention to conquered the true world.

"What are you thinking about ?" His daughter of the middle age man asked when sees his father thinking something about. As she know, There are no problems in the palace.

"My beloved daughter, You're only my heir but I don't have power to protect you" The middle aged man look at his beautiful daughter resemble of his died wife with a sad face. He don't have confidence to protect the only daughter he had.

The daughter just shake his head left and right and said"I have confidence you can protect me" The daughter hug her father lovely. she doesn't know why did his father said that but she don't care.

The ruler of Dao Wind Continent also had this feeling, he can't explain by some couples word. He can only starring the empty blue sky with worried face. He never felt this feeling along ago. The prophecy said The End of the World coming soon

"Maybe she said was true"The ruler Dao Continent realized the word from the prophecy said true. There are another force out there waiting to conquer here.

In the far far way of Monster Ocean, There are a Island with many pillar around it and one huge pillar center of it. A Goddess of Sea lived more thousand years in the talent. She had the feeling too.

"Summon the Seven God" The Goddess of Sea summon the seven child god. She had to summon them to face this huge disaster to the world.

All seven figure appear kneel in front of the goddess of Sea

"Yes, Goddess of The Sea"The seven god said with honour and respect. They wanted to know why did Goddess of the sea summon them.

"In few day or years , There are many powerful power stronger then a god will fall into the earth, Get ready for your fullest power potential" The Goddess of Sea said to the seven god with mixed tone. This is her first time to got this feeling.

"Don't worry, Master, we will try our best"The seven god replied it with confidence voice and quickly disappeared.

Most of the great power get ready any possibility and search all kind of genius to face this disaster.