After the pain left, Axel looked out of the cave to see that he was in top of a mountain. The whole area near the mountain was a big forrest, and could see a big river that separates it in the middle, and what seems to be a pyramid in a far distance away. The Forrest was packed with so many trees, that Axel couldn't even see the ground.
" It looks like it'll take around 3 hours for me to get to the base of the mountain, Well before I began to go down, I'll check my status and my equipment to see what I have..."
Name: Axel
Race: Human ( Still the same race OwO)
{New} Titles: "Thieves Nemesis" (Bonus damage and gain more rewards when killing thieves)
Bloodline: Skeleton ~Unique~ (not bad but still weak)
Life power: Mortal ~ 2* Star~ (You're only a 2 Star haha)
Exp: 0/200
Mana: 0/15
Souls: {Skills} ~Steal, Sneak, dagger mastery,
"Still the same rude system but I got some rewards, Oh the title gives me Bonus effects!" Axel said happily
"Huh, Where is the steam coming from?" Axel looked around to look for the source until he felt pain and warmth coming his body, and saw that steam was flowing out of him.....
When a sudden pain was beginning to course throughout his whole body...
"AHHHHHH, FUCKKKKKK, THIS HURTS TOO MUCHHH!"""" Axel was overfilled with pain, screaming on the ground, until he eventually passed out.
" Uhhhh, huh, I'm fine?" Axel sits up straight and then quickly scans his body to see damages or injuries.
" Huh" he stands up and notices that he got taller to be a match with his brother's size and it seems like his bones had gotten harder and stronger.
" My body feels more powerful but also feels like a strange energy is inside.."
{ Bone Control }
" New Bone King Candidate"
( Bonus effects to bone related skills and can now rise 3 Skeleton warriors to fight with you)
" Not even gonna complain but I do wanna test the skill out..."
Axel felt energy forming....
" I just slept for two hours though... whatever uhh"
Axel now began his walk to the forest.. Due to his new body, he arrived an hour later instead of 3 hours....
~ New location discovered " The beginner forest"~ ( 1* star - 3 *Star danger)
"I'm guessing that the stars reflect the power of things here.. " Axel is still talking to himself before a voice was behind him...
" No Shit, Kid... New to this place huh, did your introducer not tell you this basic stuff.... Name is Emerald.." said the person while sticking out his hand to shake. "Emerald" looked like a wood cutter, he has a green beard and spiky short hair, and very big...
Axel shakes his hand, and introduces himself "My name is Axel and is there any more information to know about?"
Emerald scratches his head, " Ummm well, There are portals around this world called "Mini Realms" that contain a reward inside but is usually guarded... the portals are usually a certain spots but I'm not entirely sure since I just suddenly appeared here and some guy was claiming he was introducing me to this place or something... OH YEAH, there are cool abilities in this world as well! But I can't check my abilities out..."
" Just think of the word "Status"...." Axel responded with a proud face...
"OH that's a bit simple, Woah a screen is in front of me!! Huh, I have a weird soul. Flame Axe?" Emerald said with a confused face until his hand was showing little red particles and a form was taking place...
....A BattleAxe but the metal axe was replaced with a bright red flame and had flames as a design to the handle of the axe.
"Hahahaha, I guess I'll be destined to be with an axe forever, With this axe, I'll be able to kill anything that gets in my way!" Shouted Emerald until he made a sadden face..
" Papa is coming, wait a little longer.." he mumbles and a little tear falls to the ground...
He wipes his face and faces toward Axel with a big smile in his face," Well, pleasure to meet you Axel, I have to go a find someone important., See ya Kiddo!"
But without giving the chance to allow Axel to say bye, Emerald sprints toward the entrance of the forest.
After 10 seconds of staring at the entrance, Axel chuckles to himself " What an Energetic guy, I do hope he finds that important person.. Well I have to enter as well." He glances back at the mountain for the last time before entering the forrest.