Chapter 5 : First Mini Boss

" I think, I'm lost.." Axel who has been wandering through the forest for 30 minutes, has finally admitted defeat



An Iron Hide Wolf appeared about 20 Ft away from Axel..

Thinking of a strategy's, he thought, " Okay, I basically rested.. so I'll try BONE CONTROL!!!!"

Gather the energy..


"AHHHH, I'm hungry and didn't notice until 5 minutes ago, since I was busy and had too much things going on, I have to get some food..."

"Skills to use.. mmmm.. oh yeah... Sneak!"

(Sneak was an example of an ordinary skill that normal people can acquire so this wasn't like an active skill but one that you have knowledge over)

Axel began to sneak closer to the wolf as if he had the experience of years.. he pulled out one of the daggers, he had prepared..

"5 ft left but how do I get closer without getting caught... A Tree.. forrest...Climbing!!!"

He started to climb one of the trees...

~5% climbing/ tree hoping experience.~

"I'll just ignore that, too much to remember.." sighs Axel

He gets to a branch that is closest to the wolf and leaps off it, He prepares his dagger to stab the wolf under him...The wolf finally senses Axel's presence but it was too late by then, Axel digs his dagger through the wolf's skull, instantly killing it but also taking an injury due to the fall and the wolf's hide.

~1*star Wolf, gained 5 exp..~

~Lucky drop, Soul acquired..~

~(Passive Skill) Strong Smell~

"Oh Hell yeah, I got a lucky drop!!" Axel makes a little dance but then the hunger kicks back in, "Oww, I forgot I need some fire to actually cook it but I can try eating it without cooking it...." Axel looks like the wolf's meat like a wolf looking at its prey...

Huh, is that the smell of smoke...

He turns to look behind him to find a bear with its hide made of fire, red eyes, giant metal teeth, smoke coming out of his mouth with the smell of a flame, and it's size is over 12 feet, double Axel's height..

~MINI BOSS... 2* Star (FIRE BEAR)~

" Nevermind, maybe I'm not lucky at all.." he whispers before he turns to run..

The bear doesn't move and just glares at Axel as he runs..

After 20 minutes of running, does Axel finally stop running and begins to climb a tree, and sleeps the night there... "Not lucky at all..." he whimpers with a tear in his eye


"Huh, why is the tree shaking...?" He looks down the tree to find the bear again, this time wearing a terrific smile, showing blood on his teeth and his evil eyes while hugging the tree...

Axel's face darkens and has begun to lose hope of survival...

~ 15/15 MP, MP Has Restored~

Axel has got a slim of Hope now but what can he do, Bone Control!

Form the energy...


" This is some major bullshit!!!" Axel was frustrated at this point

"Come on, think of something..."

Title...? Skeleton soldiers..?

Oh yeah but where would a skeleton be...

Axel jumps from the tree to another one almost falling.....

~25% Climbing/ tree hopping skills~

He hopes about 5 more trees barely making it until...

~100% Climbing/ tree hopping skills~

Gained (Ordinary Skill) ~Climbing and Tree hoping Mastery~

At this point, he was jumping tree to tree without using as much energy and perfectly making it..

He finally found what he was looking for with the strong smell... The dead wolf's Skeleton!!!

He jumped down to it and tried using his Mana to revive it as a soldier...


"WHAT THE FUCKKK!!" Axel was filled with anger and despair...wait!!!!

Less then a minute, did the bear arrive with a evil smile and got closer, until the point where you can see the smoke coming out of his mouth..

Axel made an evil Smile when the bear was around 5 ft away and made the bear nerves.. he sensed something was wrong but was too late to turn and run...

Pieces of metal started to come out of his body.... from the Wolf's metal hide!! His internal organs were badly damaged since Axel was making the metal spin rabidly and travel randomly... not only that but he also made the bears teeth into a liguid and go down his throat then turn into a sharp shard then rapidly spinning it... This time it was Axel that had the evil smile..

~MINI BOSS KILLED, 2* Star Fire Bear, Soul dropped....~

~Gained 50 exp~

~ (Bloodline) Fire Warrior~

~Gained (skill) Fire Body~

Title acquired...

" Welcome to the World" gives you the window {Map}

"Hunter" gives ability to memorize the weaknesses and strengths