Chapter 9: Equipment and Army...

Two little shadows entered the monkeys body's, while a big shadow entered the Gorillas.... A black aura surrounded the bodies and their remaining tissue was being replaced with the black aura... the 3 bodies got Blue light as eyes... They got up and kneed to Axel...

"FUCK YEAH.. HAHAHAHA!!" Shouted Axel while Jumping and Raising his fist in the Air

He then took out the bear hide and tied it around his waist, he put on his Gorilla Armor... The armor had a sculpture of the gorilla's face on the center and was all silver except for the under armor was all red fur..

The bears hide was tougher then regular leather and its fur would go on fire when using flame body, giving a boost in every aspect...

The Gorilla Armor gave a huge boost in physical strength and had a strong defense, able to stop regular metal spears..

"I need to find a new weapon again and I'll need to do something about this missing arm.."mumbled Axel while looking at where his arm should be at..


Two adult men wearing gold armor were walking together and chatting with each other.

One was bigger then the other, the bigger one had a black beard and a katana around his waist..

While the other was wearing a hood and smoke was coming out of his sleeves..

"Huh.." Axel quickly hid behind a tree while his Warriors quietly climbed a tree

"I think I heard the explosion around here.." said the hooded man

"Also some kid shouting..." said the other

"I hate this forest... why are we so unlucky that the army assigned us to this area..." both men sighing at the same time

"Found a crater and a dead monkey body of here! It seems to be recent, get ready for a fight!!" Shouted the hooded man while pulling up his sleeves....

"Finally some excitement!!" The bearded man pulled out his katana...

Gulp..."They don't seem like the other people I have met, they don't seem to have the same potential as us but seem powerful..." thought Axel..." I gotta play this right..."

"I guess it won't show itself...Fine.." the hooded man's arms went on fire and he punched the ground... The flames spread around, and began to put the trees on fire...

"SHIT, I HAVE TO FIGHT THEM!" Axel ordered his Warriors to rush them... the Gorilla ran toward the big man... while Axel and the monkeys rushed the hooded man...

"Hahahaha, A Gorilla seems like a great opponent!" laughed the big man..

He sliced toward the Gorilla while the Gorilla punched forward.... they collided, stoping each other's attack but neither showing an advantage over the other...

Axel and the two monkeys made a triangle around the hooded man and charged at the same time... The man responded by releasing flames on his hand and holding the monkeys by the neck.... Axel jumped forward and spun to get a forward kick... but before the kick landed, the man was in the air using flame wings....then blasting the necks of the monkeys.

"I don't even know..." Axel just stared blankly..

"Cool wings, huh?" Asked the hooded man

"Extremely cool." Responded Axel

Axel then used his 100%, activating metal control on his body and flame body...

"Oh cool..." the hooded man responded with an amused voice

"Let's retry this again shall we."

The charged toward each other, Axel jumped in a direction...


Axel went straight toward the bearded man, twisting his body and reaching for the katana the man's hand, managing to snatch it... followed by the man getting hit by the Gorilla in the face and going flying, his head crashing on a tree causing blood to trickle out...

Now it was a 1v2...

"BAHAHAHA, idiot!" Strangely Laughing the hooded man...

He took off his hoodie to show a muscly man, with a bald head, tattoos everywhere from head to back..

The Gorilla was already behind the man and hit him downwards....breaking the ground... and causing blood to get coughed out of his mouth...Axel making sure he was died sliced his neck... the head was rolling on the ground...

"Black Loin, get up and let's go, we had enough fun for today!" The muscle man said on top of a tree branch

"That was fun though, thanks for entertaining us!" Said the bearded man, wiping his head and patting the dirt off him...

Axel looks at the dead body in front of him, only to find a pile of flames... the soldiers weren't trying to fight him, they were just getting entertained..

Axel turns around to find the two men gone...