Chapter 10: New Friend

"The fuck was that?" Blurted Axel with a confused face

With a fresh of relief after noticing that they could've killed him easily but let him go, he walks to the last monkey remaining, while the Gorilla is guarding

Axel began to gather his mana and a little ball made up of grey light appeared on his hand, it slowly floated to the remains, the bones began to shake...

The monkey's bones began to merge together, and afterwards went to where Axel's missing arm should be in, the bones were what Axel's arm would look like, they became his new arm...

"Looks like {Bone Control} actual worked this time!" Axel made a small smile

"Maybe I should look for the Rea boss of this forest" Axel began to walk a random direction

....2 hours later...

"I only found 3 (1* monsters) and 1 (2* mini boss) but I didn't get a single drop, eh the exp was okay, 45 exp.." with Axel's new power and his new Solder, he can easily fight any 2 star opponent...

"AAHHHH, I WILL GET YOUR SOUL!!!" A high toned voice sounded out

"Again?" Sighed Axel but still rushing towards it

Axel had improved his movement, he was now able to jump tree stump to another, traveling at a faster rate, he stoped on top of one tree to see what was going on...

This time was a short kid with a small body frame, shaking while holding a little dagger towards a large rat with his fur on fire..

"Oh, this looks interesting!"

The kid ran toward the rat, preparing to stab towards it, the rat dashed to the right at the last second and then tackled the kid...

"Looks like I gotta help him out..." he jumped down the tree top and slammed the rats head down with his skeleton arm...

The rat screeching loudly, trying to struggle out but was stuck by the hand..

" Kid, kill it!!"

The kid looking at Axel surprised but after noticing that another chance like this will happen again, immediately impaled the rats head with the dagger.. silence then took over..

After a pause of silence, "Kid, you stand out with your hair color.."

The kid's hair was green like a jade, "Pssh, hahahaha, that's the first thing you say mister, haha, you stand out more!"

Axel looked at his hair, it was as white as the moon, compared to his brother's dark hair, he stood out in that aspect

"Haha, you're right kid! My name is Axel." Chuckled Axel

"Thanks for helping me out, my name is Jade." Smiled the kid

This kid reminds me of him, but it's probably just a coincidence...

"Mister, I have to go, I'm looking for my father." Jade's hair began to grow and claws came out of his fists, he flashed away...

"It looks like he got the soul, haha, Huh wait, that wasn't emerald's kid right?" Paused Axel

"His son is quick to move just like him..."

"Well it's back to searching...."