Chapter 6: Century Slumber

With that one conversation, Millen agreed to undergo this century long investment, waiting for almost five times the amount of time he had lived in his previous life. Patience was a key factor since Millen did not really mind too much, even when he kept that part of his personality. This time the benefits outweighed the costs, convincing him to go through with it.

He was only slightly worried about one thing: the cannibalism incident. Velmorta managed to convince him that the former would take care of the troubles while he was in hibernation. With that, Millen could Rest In Peace, knowing that he would not have to wake up to such a mess again.

"Little Millen, this process will involve you staying in a state of hibernation for a century, to prepare yourself for a safe evolution. I have never witnessed this type of evolution before, but I can guarantee your safety if you stay with me during the duration. I will definitely make sure you will not have any complications." Velmorta explained.

"Understood. So how do I enter this hibernation state?" Millen asked.

"It should happen any moment now, your magicules are bursting with power already." Velmorta spoke.

After a split second of waiting, Millen's armour was engulfed in molten metal, covering him with layers upon layers of liquid metal. After a moment of stasis, the molten metal formed a hard layer of dark steel, becoming a sort of cocoon. In that moment, Atlas started his century long hibernation, still conscious, but unaware of what was happening around him.


Day 1:

"It is cold in here, I feel rather stiff in this position. This century is definitely going to be uncomfortable."

Day 7:

"I have lost feeling in my legs, molten metal has started to creep up from my greaves."

Day 31:

"Half of my armour has been melted into a magma like substance, I no longer have feeling in my lower body."

Day 100:

"All That is left is my conscience, everything else has been melted. I don't even know how I can sense things inside this cocoon."

Day 365:

"I am focusing my mind on the end goal, to keep myself from falling apart. Patience is key, even for a business man such as myself. I cannot become impatient."

Day 800:

"I have learnt most of the history of this world through an unclear link with Velmorta, we still are not able to communicate directly though."

Day 1000:

"The feeling of being nothing has become rather comfortable, I do not feel like I need a body to be happy anymore."

Day 5000:

"The metal has started to melt again, but this time the colour is rather different to what it was last time. The warmth is immeasurable this time."

Day 10000:

"The molten metal has run its course, leaving behind a new mineral deposit in my cocoon. It feels very comforting and powerful."

Day 15000:

"Velmorta has exterminated the arch demon presence, bringing a swift end to the cannibal outbreak. Sadly, quite a few people died before this was achieved."

Day 20000:

"My views have changed on life. I feel much more content with growing as an individual. I miss the days where I had built my empire, but I long for something different. I do not want a company that works under me out of professional interests. I want to have closer relationships with my subordinates, I want friends."

Day 30000:

"The mineral deposits have melted down into molten metal yet again, this time the colour of the molten material is white, and immensely hot. I wonder if my soul can survive this heat."

Day 35000:

"The metal has cooled down, leaving behind a new body for me. This new armour has a unique crest on the helmet with a single red jewel on it. I wonder what that is for? Perhaps it is a sign of power? It seems too symbolic for that however, it must be a reflection of something deeper."

"Heh, it seems the time I have spent in here has let me develop a new personality in this armour. I do not have the same emotions anymore, I have lost them and found new ones. Deep reflection truely works."

Day 36500:

"It seems that it is time."

[Arch Tempering complete: evolved to Armour Lord]