Chapter 7: Millenia Gone

Year 100:

"The evolution finished, but I am still stuck inside of this cocoon. Perhaps the cocoon will naturally melt soon."

Year 101:

"Velmorta's mind is still sending information to me. It appears that the cocoon has become so strong that he is unable to free me, so he has decided to leave the cave and look for something that can destroy it."

Year 200:

"It has been 100 years since Velmorta left the cave, he is still looking for the item needed, but to no avail. He has apparently been doing a lot of business work in trying to gain a network to procure such a device, but even with all of that influence, he still cannot find something that can break the cocoon."

Year 300:

"Velmorta has returned to the cave without any items, he has been feeling rather depressed as of late, secluding himself in the deepest sectors of the cave. I have been conscious the whole time, gaining a lot of mental fortitude."

Year 500:

"I have lost hope in leaving this cocoon. Velmorta has entered hibernation, meaning that he will not awake for another half Millenia. I will probably stay in this cocoon until I run out of magicules to survive. But even that is not possible since I am passively absorbing magicules from the cave. It seems that I am immortal right now, but that is possible the worst thing that could happen in this situation."

"I just want to die."

Year 700:

"I have created some poetry in my last two centuries of stasis."

"Oh Death is freedom and life be shackles!

Oh lord of the prison binds me to this world!

Free me O death and bring me peace!

For life's end is and endless cease!"

"I have already lost most of my patience as of now. Before this world took me, I had only lived 21 long and tiresome years, but even then I was engaging myself in important works. This life is sorrow is something that not even I can deal with. 700 years of pure loneliness as my sanity is forced to remain intact."

Year 800:

"I am alone, I only realise that now. I may have a friend outside, but he is asleep. I will probably live out eternity in this cocoon and never feel the gentle embrace of a woman. I will watch myself live out a mundane routine of self reflection and thought. I will never be able to engage with people. The life I live is not a life at all. If I ever leave this tomb, I will make sure not to take life for granted ever again. I would rather die than live like this."

Year 900:

"It seems the cocoon is becoming thin. I have probably lost most of my hope centuries ago, but perhaps this is the bright light of a new dawn."

Year 1000:

"Little Millen, I am back. Now let's get you out of there..."


Millen finally felt the gentle radiance or clear and unfiltered magicules as his cocoon shattered into millions of tiny shards. Before him was Velmorta, clearly revitalised and much stronger than before. The protagonist turned off his stone heart skill a long time ago but hadn't felt a single positive emotion since. But now he felt a sense of joy and relief for he had finally escaped the infinite prison which he had been subject too.

"Thank you very much Velmorta

"Hmmm.... not bad, you passively collected 5000 souls purely by overloading the area with unstable ores." Velmorta commented.

"After a Millenia of stasis, I am ready to leave this place." Millen spoke.

"So you are planning on collecting those souls elsewhere?"

"Perhaps, but first I need to live well. I cannot take this life for granted, 1000 years have changed my views severely."

The calmness of Millen's voice was fake, he wanted to die. His happiness was short lived, he only wanted to find somewhere where he could die without regrets.

"Millen, I know what you are thinking. But I can't have my first Millenia old friend die." Velmorta commented.

"I almost forgot...I actually have a friend. Thank you."

Millen's body finally gave out as the red jewel on his helmet turned to black. His armour myseriously disappeared, leaving only a mannequin like figure on the floor."

"Poor friend, his armour finally needs to recharge-"

A dark and ominous presence filled the cave, sending chills down the dragon's spine. The aura quickly disappeared as fast as it surfaced, leaving he dragon clueless.
