[Evolution Available]
[Does host want to proceed?]
"L..let me t..take a break.. I am d-dead tired!!" Ryo was lying next to the lake completely exhausted. That dragons roar he produced took literally every ounce of energy in his body. To Ryo it felt not like an attack to destroy an enemy. That roar felt more like a statement. It felt like he spoke to the heavens daring them to cross paths with him again.
[System needs host to confirm! Y/N!]
"Y..YES!" Ryo spoke out loud.
[Beginning Evolution.]
[Entering into hibernation.]
[Approximate time til awaken from hibernation. 1 Month.]
Out from Ryo body came a white stream of energy and wrapped itself around Ryo's body. The energy formed a cocoon of energy and slowly it solidified and started the process of evolution.
Hours, days and weeks past and the cocoon became more solid and it started changing color into a black/purple combination which signified Ryo's awakening.
-----1 month from start of evolution-----
In the humongous room where Ryo together with the system had entered hibernation you would find a gigantic cocoon. If you stood at the base of the cocoon as an average human you would not see the top of it. The cocoon started one month ago as 7 meters tall and now it had grown to 350 meters tall. The room was 500 meters at it's highest peak so the cocoon almost hit the roof of the room.
The cocoon started making noise, and small cracks appeared on the surface, signifying that whatever it was that was growing inside was ready to break out. If an average human villager were staring at the cocoon they would probably run in fear because through one crack you could see a huge eye open itself. From the eye itself sprouted 2 primary emotions. First one was confidence and the second one, lagging only slightly behind confidence was confusion.
More cracks started to appear and a mighty aura spread outward from inside the cocoon. The aura carried with it the confidence and arrogance of a king. It soon filled the entire room and rocks and debris of all sized started to swirl around the cocoon. The walls, floor and ceiling all started to break apart from the aura and soon the entire room looked like it would collapse on itself.
The cocoon started to fall apart and a minute or two later there was no longer any cocoon in the room. What stood in the room now was probably the biggest dragon in this world. At approximately 350 meter long and 20 to 25 meters in height stood Ryo proudly. He himself was still a little out of it as he just woke up after an entire month of sleeping and evolving.
"WOAH! Why is the ground so far away!?!" Ryo's eyes adjusted and he noticed how far away the ground was from him. He stood on his hind legs, so that was of course why the ground was so far away from his head.
"wow! I wonder what brother Veldora will say when he sees me now."
"No way he can still bully me now! Probably, i hope."
Veldora was in the 80 meter range and now he had doubled that in one go. Ryo felt the excitement bubble inside his chest. Whilst he was busy admiring his new body, he heard i familiar voice inside his head.
[Congratulations on your evolution host.]
"There's the voice i love. How are you doing? Have you also gotten some upgrades. You did say that you will evolve when i do" Ryo didn't know why, but he actually found himself missing this mean robotic voice. He felt like it kept him grounded, kept him humble.
[Host is correct! System has evolved.]
[Would host like to see the new features, host only needs to say "status"]
"Well then, let's do this! STATUS!" Ryo scream for extra effect but he seemed to have forgot what he had become. His scream shook the whole room and a small piece of the wall broke down in the process.
"Whoops!" *Sorry* Ryo whispered a quick apologies and turned his focus on the screen that showed up in front of his big head.
[Name: Ryo-
Power Level: 8M
[Race: Supreme Dragon- One of the nine supreme races. Supreme dragons has through history stood as one of the mightiest among the nine
[Bloodline: Divine Dragon God- The divine dragon god is the being born to become god of the dragon race
[Age: 1 month-
[Active Skills:
-Supreme Magic- Birth right of the beings born into the supreme races.
:Element manipulator- Ability to manipulate an element
-Energy manipulation- Ability to manipulate the universal energy at will
[Passive Skills
-immunity to illusions- Can not be put under any form of illusion
-Complete Fire Immunity- No fire can hurt host.
-Aura- The natural aura a person releases. Can be suppressed by using energy manipulation
[System Functions] NEW
-Map- New
-Translate- New
-Shop- New
-Inventory- New
"whoa! That is a lot of things to figure out. You weren't kidding when you said you can improve. well, system give me an explanation on every system function starting from the top." Ryo got intrigued by the new system. But what really caught his eye was the "shop" function.
[Map- function that unlocked after first evolution and becomes more accurate as it evolves. Can track targets and give host an overlook on certain parts of the world. More functions unlock with evolution.
[Translate- When host encounters an unknown language the system can provide accurate translation of what is being said. Further evolution required to speak the language being translated.
[Shop- A store containing, skills, powers, techniques, clothes/outfits and summoning contracts. Evolve further to get access to better quality items.
[Inventory- A void where space and time is irrelevant. Primary function is storing/transporting. Evolving further will expand the void space and allow transportation and storing of living specimens.
[End of explanation]
"That's so freaking awesome! You just earned yourself two thumbs up, system." Ryo spoke in a happy tone but the actual tone that came out of his mouth was anything but happy. Ryo still gave two thumbs up to the system inside his head. He didn't wanna give two actual thumbs up because he was afraid he would crush the ceiling.
"System, open up the shop i wanna see what i can buy." Ryo commanded the shop to open, and it did.
[Opening shop]
[Currency: 22,456
[Summoning Contracts]
"So much to choose from. I can't make choices like these. Too hard!" Ryo didn't even know the difference between a power and a skill. How is he supposed to choose something like this.
"System can you recommend the best choices for me at the moment?"
[System recommends host to buy the unique skill "Predator" and "Human Transformation"]
"human transformation skill, i understand that one perfectly but, what's predator? It sounds really ominous! Will i become some form of hunter or something?" Ryo was fine with looking like a human. He even liked the idea as he would gather too much attention roaming around as a 350 meter long dragon. It was the other skill that worried him. He could feel that the dragon gene had changed his personality. It kept changing him constantly but he did not wanna become some predator who's only goal is to hunt and kill.
[The unique skill "predator" has 5 different functions.
These are:
-Predation: To absorb the target into the body. However, if the target is conscious, the success rate greatly decreases. The affected targets include organic matter, inorganic matter, skills, and magic.
-Analysis: The absorbed target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. If the required materials are present, duplicates can be produced. In the case of successful skill or magic analysis, the same technique can be acquired.
-Stomach: The target can be stored. Items produced via Analysis can also be stored. There is no storage time limit.
-Isolation: Materials harmful or unnecessary for analysis can also be stored. They will be used to replace magic energy.
-Mimicry: Replicate the target's appearance. The skills and abilities used by the target can also be used. However, this depends on the successful analysis and acquisition of relative information regarding the target.
(A/N, I copied from wiki to make it easier for people who have not seen/read Tensei shitara slime. You should btw. Very good novel.
"This skill sounds amazing. Maybe i should absorb a divine being and skip all the annoying training, heheh." Ryo had a good laugh imagining the old god who sent him here getting sucked into himself. Of course the system brought him back to reality.
[Host would die before the skill even activated. Divine beings are not called divine for nothing. Host should be careful.]
"shheesh, i was just kidding. No need to be so serious, system." Ryo started sulking for a bit. But not long enough to bring him out of his excitement.
"I've decided then, system please buy those two skills for me." Ryo felt like this would be a good start. He was finally ready to start this journey for real.
[Affirmative! Purchasing "Predator" & "Human Transformation"]
[Purchase complete!]
"SWEET!" Ryo felt the excitement rise and fill his body with new found energy.
Ryo fist pumped in the air and by accident almost caused the whole room to collapse.
"sheesh, this is dangerous. I should not use this form when i'm in caves anymore." Ryo realized finally that his body is way to big to use in cave system and other indoor settings.
"Time to try out that transformation then." As soon as he bought his skills he had information flood his mind and he knew exactly how to use the skill correctly. It seems system bought skills are easier to master then the skills i was born with.
"HAH" Ryo let out a quick war cry and a thick black smoke suddenly out of now where came and covered his entire body. The black colored energy was too thick to see what was inside of it. A few seconds after the energy arrived it left and only left behind a human male standing at almost 200cm tall.
The massive 350meter long dragon had disappeared and in it's place stood a white male at 197cm tall with broad shoulders and very defined muscles all over his body. He had a nice trimmed black beard. His hair reached the mid section on his back and it looked smooth. Almost too smooth for a male.
Ryo started running around and jumping, trying to get used to the body he will be using a lot from now on.
"I feel absolutely great!" Ryo kept running while constantly speeding up until he was practically invisible to the naked eye from just running at high speeds. He calmed down after a while and took a big breath to refocus.
"System, tell me why you wanted me to buy the predator skill. I get why i should have this transformation. But what is the purpose you suggested the predator skill.?"
[With predator host can take away Veldora much earlier then expected. By using Predator to swallow Veldora and all host have to do is evolve one more time and system will be powerful enough to undo the barrier and free him.]
"REALLY!?! I can actually free him! Fantastic!" Ryo felt the day could not get any better then this. He wanted to go see his new acquired brother right away but the system was not done talking yet.
[It would be best if Host got permission from Veldora first. You have to ask him to live inside of your void space until you evolve another time.] The systems voice had not changed at all after the evolution. Ryo kind of expected it to change a little at least.
"It will probably be fine. I don't think he would mind since it would just mean that he needs to transfer from a different prison to another one. And this one will be a moving one. If he doesn't agree i can just beat him down. 8Million in power level should not be so low, right!"
["storm dragon" Veldora still has a higher Power level then host. in a fight the winner is unclear. But the odds are slightly is hosts favor. But not by much since Veldora has hundreds of years more battle experience then host.]
"Really!? He still has more. Guess he is stronger then i thought. Is he the strongest in this world?" Ryo had been dying to know how strong the strongest is being here is.
[Veldora is the third most powerful being in this world. The strongest being is a True immortal and host has a 0% chance of winning that as of now. Host needs to evolve again to fight that being.]
"Then i guess i will take it a little easy in the beginning. Now let's go and swallow brother." Ryo started running in Veldora's direction happily, until he realized what he just said.
[Memory erased from system catalog]
"Thank god! imagine if Veldora heard me say that. ha ha" Ryo started walking again while laughing to himself.
(Again please read author notes!!! i like to know what you guys think/want. I write this for fun but i would be more then happy to incorporate any idea you guys have for the novel.