Ryo was walking in a tunnel towards a light source that grew wider by the second. Every step was full of confidence and determination. The cave walls, the air itself all seemed to shake and vibrate ever so slightly where ever Ryo would pass by. His feet left small cracks every time he took a step forward.
After some time he finally arrived at his destination. He had again arrived in front of the huge barrier containing one of the worlds most powerful creatures. The big dragon trapped in the bubble seemed to have felt his arrival as it was staring straight at him when he entered the room.
"Looks like you've grown a bit, little brother." Veldora spoke with a smirk, clearly showing that he was aware of Ryo's change by now.
"You have no idea my dear brother! Just wait until i show you myself in all my glory!" Ryo returned the smirk with a confident smile. He really wanted to show his new brother his true form, but this room could not fit his dragon form unfortunately.
"oh, show yourself? what a pervert we have here, uh." Of course seeing the opportunity, Veldora couldn't resist teasing his baby brother a little. It did prove itself very effective.
The room turned ice cold and Ryo face twisted into anger. All monster hiding in the area froze out of fear and were unable to move in the slightest. Even Veldora showed reacted upon the change in temperature.
"I come here to set my good brother free from imprisonment and what do i get in return. MOCKERY! Maybe i should leave you here for another 300 years in stead. What say you GOOD BROTHER" Ryo put extra emphasis on every word do display his displeasure about Veldora's words.
Ryo started turning around and walking out. Simple minded Veldora panicked ones again seeing Ryo taking his leave. Especially because Ryo emphasized the words, "free from imprisonment".
"Now wait, wait! Brother i didn't mean it in a negative way or anything. Nothing wrong with being a pervert is all I'm saying. So why not be a good brother and set me free, ha ha" Veldora thinking he messed up a good deal, spoke without thinking
Ryo's face twisted even more, if that was even possible.
"Why did you have to be the one i came across first in this place. Don't you have a brother that i can switch you out?" Ryo spoke with a full on serious face, scaring Veldora a little thinking he might be left alone here for another 300 years.
"he he, no! nope! no brothers here! It's just me and myself." *whistle* Ryo got surprised how bad Veldora is at acting. It's like reading an open book, maybe even worse.
"You know i can read you like an open book, right?"
"a what? what does that mean?" Veldora did not understand what that meant since he didn't read books.
"it just means you are can't lie to me, ever" Ryo spoke in a lazy tone, but Veldora was amazed again.
"wow, wish i had a power like that!" Veldora had mini stars in his eyes at this point.
"wait, what!? I think you misunderstood what i meant." Ryo figure Veldora thought he could read minds or something.
"oh, so you don't have any mind reading powers or something?"
"No! But i have something you might be interested in." Ryo spoke as he got Veldora's attention
"What is it?"
"To leave you here forever! I have the choice to leave you here to rot, stupid dragon." Ryo brought forth his harshest tone to make sure the dragon got the message.
"AH, please don't. I get it, I'm done messing with you. So tell me about that, getting me out of here thing then." Veldora got the message and decided to end things before Ryo actually left him here.
"okay, here is the deal!" Ryo took a second to breath out and calm his state of mind.
"I can get you out of here by using one of my skills to swallow you. You'll be absorbed by my skill and then i can analyze that barrier and get you out earlier then predicted."
"H-ha, t-that's a lot to process little guy, so i would be living inside of you, is what your saying?" Veldora had never heard of something so ridiculous before.
"Both yes and no. It will only be until i can get you out. Should't take too long honestly. Then you can be free again." Ryo had gotten the information from the system on how this worked. He repeated most of what the system had told him and hoped Veldora would accept.
"I don't know how i feel about living inside a skill or whatnot, but i do like you a little, brother. I guess if i want freedom this is the fastest way." Veldora went over the scenario in his head a couple times before he spoke again.
"I accept little brother! I'll put my trust in you, so show me that i was right in making us brothers." Veldora wanted freedom, and he didn't know how long it would take Ryo to break the barrier, if he needed to use his strength instead of a skill like this.
"Great! Get ready because i have never done this before so i have no idea what it will feel like for either of us." Ryo began activating the skill, and he instantly felt some sort of energy trying to absorb Veldora.
"oh, gre.." Veldora didn't have time to finish talking as the skill moved faster then his mouth. It absorbed him and he disappeared like he had never been here in the first place.
----Few hours later----
Ryo was walking around in the cave system trying to find the way out. He had been thinking that he shouldn't rely on the system for everything. Since he noticed how useless the system is in battle, it would be better to learn to survive in the world without as much help as possible. He wanted to become divine quick, but he also had a strong urge to do it by himself and not by living with a gold spoon in his mouth.
He had picked a direction based on his gut feeling. He wasn't a hunter or a tracker so he had a hard time identifying simple things like where he had been or tracks of other monsters. The only way he knew how to locate monsters were by sensing their energy signature. He had not yet mastered this so he couldn't identify if the signature was a powerful monster a weak little spider crawling around.
He actively absorbed the in the air and moved it around to try and further master his energy manipulation skill.
" I think i might have a little inborn talent in this energy stuff. I have been walking only for a few hours now and i can already feel the energy moving more smoothly every time i manipulate it." Ryo was overwhelmed at first, and still am about all the skills he had. He didn't want to be mediocre in all instead of mastering one.
So he chose one skill to practice with first, to not be like those that are good in everything but never truly mastering one. He believed this to be the right thing to do. especially since he found out the life span of supreme dragons. He was floored when he heard the system mention his life
"Seems i have attracted a little attention towards myself" In front of Ryo stood a 8 meter tall and 4 meter wide spider. It looked massive in his eyes, but considering Veldora or himself even caused his amazement to die down pretty quick.
The spider made almost no noise. Ryo had superior senses so he did pick up small clicking noises the spider made with it's mouth but Ryo didn't know if it was a langues or just weird noises.
The spider didn't stay still for long, it started to move those big legs and rushed towards Ryo. The spider was just 10 meters away from him,, but it quickly shortened that distance. To most fighters it's speed was impressive, but Ryo was on par with Veldora so it was not effective against him.
The spider came ever closer to Ryo, and when it felt it was in proper range. It lifted one of its legs to try and pierce Ryo's torso clean through. The spider had a savage and scary face and that was a great advantage as it would often terrify opponents into freezing up. The problem about about this is that the first thing Ryo learned was how to hide his aura that was constantly leaking from his body.
The spider leg piercing through the air at amazing speed closed in and landed square at Ryo's chest. The spider had a certainly expected to pierce his chest but what actually occurred was beyond this spider.
Ryo simply standing in the same position as always without being moved and inch. He was completely unharmed from the spiders assault. In his hand Ryo held the tip of the spiders leg.
"Incy Wincy spider. What a big mistake you have made. If you had left you would have survived another day. But now i am forced to kill you, am i not?" The spider struggled to move it's leg caught by Ryo, but it would not move anywhere.
The spider struggled for a few seconds before launching another attack. He tried to bite down on Ryo's head to kill the scary creatures that Ryo turned out to be.
"Whoops, careful there friend." Ryo saw the bite miles away jumped up and landed on the head of the spider, literally speaking down to the spider with a smirk on his face.
"I've got no time to play with weaklings like you" Ryo raised his hand up. With an open palm strike he brought it down on the monsters head, creating a small smoke screen with the sheer force the monsters body hit the ground. As the smoke cleared you could see a hole at the size of the previous alive spider.
Ryo stood of to the side and just looked at the scene in amazement.
"I have become a lot stronger, i think. I can't wait to battle some stronger opponents in the future." Ryo spoke with confidence and kept walking in the same direction he had before the fight.
----Few hours later----
[Exit out of the cave system up ahead.]
"FINALLY! Now i can get out of this depressing underground world." What Ryo saw was of course a big door. The door looked incredibly heavy to move but offered little to no challenge to open.
Ryo got struck by a blinded light as he opened the door and without much though he moved at incredibly fast speed and finally he feet touched the world above ground.
His eyes quickly adjusted to the sunlight and scanned his surroundings. He was standing in a big forest, trees surrounding him from every angle and behind him the road leading to the cave he had been staying in all this time.
"HA HA! Finally i am free and now it's time to see what this world has to offer me!" Ryo laughed hard, and his laugh echoed out into the forest and maybe by coincident. It was heard by a party of 4 small green creatures who shook in fear as they heard it.
"IIIHH! What was that? That sounded contained so much scary aura." Ryo didn't realize that when he laughed a small bit of his aura accidentally leaked out with the laugh.
"I don't know, but it didn't feel all too evil, maybe that powerful lord could help us. We might survive if we have a powerful ally to protect us." one of the small creatures suggested.
"Are you crazy! Didn't you feel that aura. It might be a demon lord." Another one argued back.
"I don't know what it was that laughed. but i do think we should at least ask it. It wouldn't kill us right?" A third one spoke with a little confidence.
"Guess it's decided then. Let's go and try to find it." And so they moved out to try and find this being they believed to be a demon lord.