Ryo had stood still in place for a couple of minutes, taking in the scenery of nature. The forest he was in had a certain magical feeling to it, that made his entire being very calm. It almost felt like it emptied his souls o bad energy and rejuvenated his soul with clean energy.
Currently, other then enjoying nature, he was tracking 4 energy signatures that were moving in his direction. He couldn't determine what exact strength they possessed, but he felt no evil or a general bad intention emanating from them.
"Let's wait and see what kind of welcome party they gathered for me." Ryo jumped up and landed on a tree branch. He focused his energy in all directions, but except a few harmless animals no other energies like those 4 were present in his surroundings. At least now he knew that he can sense the difference between harmless animals and more powerful monsters.
There was a rustle in the bushes below him, and soon 4 tiny green creatures walked out into the open. They barely reached his height and they looked weaker then any monster that Ryo had fought in the world below.
"This should be the place, right?" One of the creatures spoke to the other three.
"Ye, that leak of aura should have originated from this place."
"Unless it isn't here anymore. Someone who is that powerful wouldn't stay in one place, right" The creatures walked around searching, not realizing they had peaked the interest of the king of dragons himself.
Ryo sat on the branch and looked at the weird creatures as they search all places except above them. What truly peaked his interest though, was the langues they were using. It sounded completely normal to him. He had never seen that race before but he could understand them perfectly.
"Guess it's time to say hello." Ryo whispered to himself as he jumped down from the branch and landed in the middle of the big circle the creatures had accidentally made.
"Hello there! Heard you were looking for me." Ryo spoke in a casual tone, but it gave the 4 of them a good scare.
"AH! Y-yes sire, you're right!" The one standing behind Ryo spoke quietly, signifying how afraid they were to offend they mighty lord standing in the middle of them.
"Great Lord! We felt no malice from your aura earlier so we came here to ask for your assistance in a matter regarding our survival." The one looking to be the leader didn't waste time kissing ass, as he went right to the reason they were searching for Ryo.
"And.. What would this matter be about?" Ryo was only half paying attention to what they were saying. He was busy trying to figure out what kind of creatures they were. They were small green creatures that bordered on ugly. They weren't really ugly though. Ryo just thought they looked more interesting then ugly.
"We live in a village not too far from here. We were recently attacked by a tribe of mighty wolfs, and we have already lost most of our capable fighters. If we don't get help soon or find some way to repel their assault. Our village is going to get destroyed and everyone in it will die."
"Why don't you just pack up and leave?" Ryo spoke without much concern in his voice, because he was still not really paying attention to the conversation.
"It's not that simple sire. First of all, we don't have the man power to organize a move like that. Second, we don't have anywhere else to go. Third, as goblins we don't have any way of escaping a pack of wolfs." The creature now identified as a goblin spoke with much sadness in his voice. You could really feel the frustration in the air when they spoke.
"GOBLINS! That's it! That's what you are. It was just sitting there on my tongue. Thanks for clearing that up, it started to get frustrating that i couldn't figure it out." Ryo let out a long sigh, just like he had passed a difficult test in school.
"eh, ye sure, no problem s-sire." The goblins were completely caught of guard by Ryo suddenly screaming their race name.
"S-so, about our request sire. Could you assist us in it?" The goblins were still on edge, so they spoke with caution.
"What was that again? something about wolfs? i forgot, sorry!" Ryo felt a little embarrassed. As soon as he heard the name Goblin, everything they had said escaped his mind.
"Y-yes sire! We would like your assistance in repelling a pack of savage wolfs." The goblins relaxed a little bit as they saw that Ryo's cheek become a little red from embarrassment.
"Sure! No problem, i have nothing important to do and i was looking for some people to talk to here on the surface." Ryo signaled with his hand for the goblins to lead the way.
"Thank you Sire!" The goblins spoke at the same time.
"No need for all that formality crap. Just lead the way." Ryo personally didn't care for formalities. Even though something deep inside himself enjoyed being called, sire or lord by other people.