Exploration #2

Ryo was walking around inside the village. He wanted to make sure that everything was in order before he went exploring the Jura forest. He didn't know exactly how far the forest stretches, but he knew he would be away for quite some time.

My king! Are you leaving us already?" A small hobgoblin came up running to Ryo.

"Gobuta, shouldn't you be out hunting? the village still needs it's food supply." Ryo turned around and spoke to Gobuta.

"Yes! I was on my way out but that's when i saw you leaving towards the forest, my king. So are you leaving us?" Gobuta spoke with a little hesitation and caution.

"I going out exploring the forest. The village needs to expand so everyone will do their part. I am on my way to do my part in it's expansion." Ryo laughed a little to lighten the mood of the conversation.

"ooh, i see! Then i will do my part as well. I will not fail you or the village, my king." Gobuta smiled ear to ear.

"I believe in you Gobuta. Make sure you do your part and i will make sure you will always have a place at my side for as long as you live." Ryo also had a smile stretching ear to ear. Right now Ryo looked more like a fun older brother then a conqueror.

*sniff* *sniff*

"ooh, you're making me cry, my king..." Gobuta wiped his eyes that was full of tears. Now Ryo was fully uncomfortable.

"enough of that. I need to go now, so get your act together." Ryo slapped Gobuta's face enough so he flew a couple meters away.

"OUCH! What the hell was that for?!" Gobuta looked up and questioned Ryo on why he slapped him. Only that now Ryo was no longer standing there. He had disappeared and Gobuta couldn't see him anywhere.

"Where did you go, my king?" She massaged his face from that slap.


Somewhere inside the Jura forest there was a tall human looking male. He was looking a little lost at the moment. He had been walking in a random direction for hours now. He had no goal in mind. His primary goal by going on this journey was to find the ogres. He had no idea where they were so he just picked a direction and started traveling.

"I wonder what the chance is i stumble upon one or two ogres to recruit. Why can't this be easy."

Ryo was walking at what looked like normal walking speed, but he was moving at inhuman speeds as he passed tree after tree. He zoomed past everything just to find something that could lead him to the ogres.

He was racing through the forest when he heard a commotion further ahead of him. He heard the sound of swords crossing each other and bodies dropping. The smell of blood was overwhelming the smells of the woodland night.

Ryo came to a stop at an open area in the forest, and saw a couple people fighting hundreds of pig like creatures. 6 humanoid looking creatures were fighting with everything they got. There were hundreds of pig creatures surrounding them, and they were slowly losing losing ground.

"Young master, we need to retreat or we will lose our lives here. Please run as i cover you." The oldest looking one were speaking to the red haired one while he was killing the pigs.

"Dammit! I can't believe we have to run again. Our village is destroyed and i can't do anything about it. I failed us all." The big one with red hair looked furious as he was cutting down another pig, and getting ready to retreat.

"Young master, one day we will have our revenge. This is not the day for that. This day is not ours to conquer." The old looking one was slowly backing off as he was cutting down pigs.

Ryo was standing on a branch looking on as the 6 people were getting overwhelmed. He was analyzing their energy signatures, trying to get a reading on how strong they are. From what he gathered, they are weak if compared to him. Their power level didn't even break into 100,000.

"The pigs are weaker but the way their behaving. No wonder those 6 can't break the pigs formation. It's almost like their possessed or something." Ryo observed the ever losing fight against the pigs.

[Host! Those six humanoid people are the ogres host had been looking for.] A long lost robotic voice echoed in his mind ones again.

"oh, so that's what they look like. I must say, that's not what i picture when i think about ogres. There is even a few of them that could classify as handsome or beautiful. I should save them then." Ryo had a clear pictures of what he though ogres looked like, and this was not what he thought.

"Young master! We are surrounded. They are coming from every angle. We should do one final push and run away with the little amount of energy we have left." A blur haired ogre with a white horn on his forehead spoke to the red haired one.

"Forced to run away from orcs. How pathetic am i as a leader. hehe." The one they refereed to as young master spoke with a defeated voice. He sounded like he had lost his fighting spirit.

"There is clearly something now right with the orcs, young master. You can not take blame for this. Live to fight on another day, young master." The old ogre spoke with a calm yet a little frustrated tone.

"Ye, i know. Let's get out of here and make sure we live so we can take revenge for our village." The red haired one spoke and raised his weapon together with the rest of his party.


Just when they were about to escape a loud roar came from behind them. Together with the roar came black and purple fire that surrounded them and burned everything it came in contact with. The fire acted like a wild, vicious beast as it jumped on every orc in the surrounding and burned them down to ashes in seconds.

"Wha.. W-what the hell is going o-on!!?" The red haired one spoke with a stutter as he watched the orcs scream in pain all around him. His facial expressions changed into one of caution and anger.

"I do not know, young master. Come here and stand behind me. It is not safe here anymore. We have to run, now." The old ogre demanded the party to run. He could feel the intent that came with that fire. He was beyond cautious now. He was anxious and scared when he saw the fire burning the surroundings.

"No need to be so afraid of me. It kinda hurts my feelings, you know." Out from the terrifying fire came a human looking male, almost as tall as they were. The ogres caution just got thrown out the window as just his presence scared the hell out of them. They had never encountered someone this powerful before.

The old ogre immediately jumped into action and ran to stand in front of the group of ogres. He had his sword raised in in one hand as his full focus was on the strange creature walking towards them.

"Stop right there! You.. What are you? you look human, but you are clearly something entirely different. Identify yourself." The old man was still barely blinking as he had the feeling he would die if he closed them for only a second.

"No need to be so cautious old man. I won't hurt you. My name is Ryo. How about you introduce yourselves?" Ryo spoke with an ear to ear smile. That of course didn't help calm down the group as he still had his mighty aura swirling around him as he stood there.

"hm, i see. Answer my questions and then we'll see." The old man didn't lower his weapon at all. He still treated Ryo like an enemy. He was of course only trying to protect his young master. And this being in front of him was scary strong. He had no choice here, he thought.

"Enough old man. Let me take it from here. I should speak for us." The red haired one walked forward.

"Hi Sir Ryo. I don't know who you are but thank you for saving me and my comrades." He spoke with as much respect as he could muster.

"No problem. I actually came here with a proposition for you and your group. If you are willing to listen of course." Ryo spoke with a low and clam tone but it almost exploded outwards because of the aura enforcing it.

"I-I see, and what would that be, Sir Ryo? we are really not in a position where we have a lot of leg room." He most of all wanted to flee from this place, so he tried to resolve this quickly.

"you see, i have this village a little further in that direction" Ryo pointed with his right hand.

"The village is not much as of now, but my dream is to build an empire never seen before. Now what i came here to ask you is if you would like to come and visit my village. My village can offer protection and housing, since that is what you seem to lack the most right now." Ryo would never force someone to join him so he spoke with much sincerity to make sure they understood he was not some evil overlord.

"hm, i believe i village under protection from you would be quite a nice place to lay low." The red head crossed his arms and started thinking.

"Then why don't you follow me back there. I promise it will come with great benefits." Ryo kept pushing the ogres. He didn't push too much since they didn't even know the village was real.

"I would love nothing more then to start over and forget this whole thing, but that is not something i.. no, we can do anymore. My comrades and i need to take our revenge against the orcs."

"If you come to my village, i will make sure you get the power to completely destroy the orcs. At least consider joining me. The gates of my village are always open to friends and allies, so stop by anytime." Ryo got the feeling that they would refuse for the moment. And in that he was correct.

"I am sorry Sir Ryo, but i think that this is something that i together with my comrades have to figure out by ourselves for now. I believe this is a fight that i need to finish myself." The young master of the ogres made his decision, even though he had no idea if it was the right one.

"I figured you wouldn't immediately put your trust in a stranger. Just know that my doors will stay open if you ever are in need of assistance." Ryo put on a genuine smile and took a few steps forward. The ogres standing in the background immediately went into action, and jumping in front of their young master

"Do not come any closer, Sir" The old man stood in front of Ryo, but he also spoke with respect because his young master chose to do so.

"ha ha, i won't harm any of you." Ryo spoke and the disappeared so fast that none of them knew where he was. They didn't register his presence again, until he put a hand on the red haired ogres right shoulder.

"Not that any of you could stop me anyways. Just know young ogre that my offer will stand for as long as i do." Ryo's voice echoed in the surrounding, indicating that he had already left the place, by the time the others turned around to face the young master.

"*Sigh* did i just doom us by not accepting or did i save us?" The red haired ogre looked deeply troubled at the moment. The old man sheathed his blade and his tone of voice returned to a lazy/calm one.

"Only time will tell now, young master." His eyes shining with intellect as he was analyzing everything that Ryo did this whole time.

"Young master, i believe in you and your decision. If you think it is better to stick together as a group then i will respect that." A blue haired ogre spoke up. He had a quiet and scary tone of voice. He respected his young masters decision, but he was also endlessly fascinated by Ryo's power, and especially the speed he used when he moved in on the young master. So he was conflicted in his heart on what side to really pursue.

"Being a leader is such a drag. It really would be so much easier if we just followed someone like Ryo." The red haired ogre sighed again.

"I believe the young master made a wise decision. We still don't know what he is, and more then that, we don't even know if this village of his exists. We should gather more information before we join hands with someone. For now i suggest we move away from here and start building a strategy against the orcs. This time it was another male orc who spoke up. Like all other ogres He had horns sprouting from his forehead. His horns were short and white in color.

"ye, i agree. If we can't handle what is to come then we can always visit Ryo again and ask for his assistance." The old ogre spoke now.

"Okay, thank you all for believing in me. It's true i don't know what is to come, but what i promise is, that i will not let any of you die. The orcs will pay for this. One way or another." the group turned to their young master and bowed their heads a little to show respect.

"Very good, young master. Now let's get out of here." The old man spoke as they ran in the opposite direction the orcs had come from.