Exploration #1

Ryo woke up to the sounds of running outside his house. it was the break of dawn and the whole village was already full of activity. His subordinates were still getting accustomed to their new power and abilities since he named them all.

"Ugh, my head hurts!! System, why do i have a headache?" Ryo felt a pain attacking his whole head as he tried to move to get up on his feet.

[Answer] "Naming other beings means sharing parts of your energy and or powers. A backlash of some sort will always happen no matter how powerful someone is."

"King of dragons beaten by a headache, YE RIGHT!" Ryo stood up to move, only to fall down again due to dizziness.


"You win this time headache. Imagine if people knew the king of dragons couldn't beat a simple headache. he he," Ryo took a few seconds to become accustomed to the pain, and then tried to walk outside yet again.

When Ryo finally managed to reach the outside he was greeted with the weirdest scene he had ever encountered.

Rigurdo stoop in front of a bunch of smaller goblin children flexing his arms and making questionable poses. Clearly he had no experience in modeling since every pose he took looked weirder then the last.

"eh, sorry to ruin the moment Rigurdo but i need to borrow your ear for a second, we have things to talk about." Ryo pinched Rigurdo on his shoulder and releasing a little aura to make sure he got the full attention of the weird old village chief.

"AH! My king, e-eh. Good morning. Of course, let me just finish up here and then i am all yours." Rigurdo put Ryo on hold and turned back towards the goblins with adoring eyes.

"We will finish this session another day. Now run along, i need to talk the our king for a little bit." Rigurdo spoke like a true leader, and he was accompanied by the right "leader like" aura as well.

"Rigurdo what the hell did you do to those poor kids. You know that flexing half naked in front of kids is all kinds of wrong." Ryo looked like a real question mark whilst he tried to figure out what the hell Rigurdo was doing to those poor kids.

"no no, it's nothing like that my king. I'm simply letting them admire my body in it's new glory." He had a real smile as he had still not stopped flexing even now.

"ye, because that sounds so much better. however you try to explain it, it won't matter. You will now and until the end of times be nicknamed the old pervert. How do you like it, old pervert?" Ryo used the act of teasing Rigurdo as medicine for his headache. It appears to be working as the headache was almost gone.

"please my king, spare this old man the humiliation." Rigurdo pleaded on his knees.

"ha ha, fine! Let's go to your house, i wanna tell you about my plans for now." Ryo started walking towards the village chief house, and Rigurdo soon followed after the fact that he realized his king was just teasing him a little.

Both of the walked inside the house, and Rigurdo served what little he had to drink as they both sat down and started talking.

"So what is your plan about the village my king?" Rigurdo took a sip of water that was not entirely clean. But with the new evolution, the goblins had a lot more resistance to this, so some dirty water wont make him sick or anything like that.

"I can't reveal everything to you yet. Mostly because i don't know exactly when or where my plans will take place. I can only tell you a little bit. So listen to this and remember it well."

Of course my king, everything you say, i will take to heart and remember forever." Strong loyalty oozed of Rigurdo's entire being.

"I am building an empire starting from this village. But this empire will be different then the ones you see in this world. Mine will be greater, and most importantly. It will not be limited to this simple world." Ryo had a full smile on his face when he spoke to Rigurdo.

"ooh, what does that mean, my king. Are you saying there are other worlds other then this one?!" Rigurdo had a slight panic impression showing on his face. Most if not all beings on this world were only limited to this place. According to the system., no one had yet acquired the strength to jump worlds.

"I can't speak a lot about that yet, you will know more when our empire is ready to advance. But to give you the simple answer. Yes! There are more then a single world. If you gain enough strength, then maybe you will experience that someday.

To say that Rigurdo was shocked would be an understatement. He was floored. He didn't know what to say after what his king had just revealed. New worlds? Potentially new enemies! He was already afraid of the demon lords in this world, and now someone tells him there might be more out there in the unknown.

*sigh* "I truly do not know how to swallows this, but i have trust that you, our king, won't lead us to destruction. If there are more worlds or not, i will follow you forever. I made this promise even before you gave us strength. We all here in the village made that promise and i, for one will not let you down in the future. If you want to take our village to other worlds, then all i can say is.. Good luck to whatever world we come upon!!" He almost screamed the last part out.

"As long as i have your loyalty Rigurdo, i will make sure that our empire will reach every corner of universe." Ryo put his hand on Rigurdo's right shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile and continued to speak.

"I also have to ask you to keep the village under your watchful eyes. I am going out exploring so i need you to stay here and protect the village until I'm back." Ryo still had on his reassuring smile.

"Of course! I will never abandon my village. No one will touch this village again, now that i have this new strength." Rigurdo spoke proudly and yet again flexed his muscles.

"ha ha, yes i believe it. You look real manly old man." Ryo laughed.

Rigurdo grew red and became a little embarrassed, resulting in him immediately putting his arms down.

"I still have one issue i would like you to look over personally. We obviously need to expand and we need talented people to do that. I am giving you the mission of finding and attempting to recruit them."

"A mission the king entrusted to me personally. I will make sure this is handled with out most care." Rigurdo changed from his comedic attitude to a fully serious attitude.

"I have full trust that you can make this happen. Do you have any ideas yet of where you could find competent craftsmen?"

"Yes my king. The kingdom of Dwargon is something we've visited before. I will leave immediately with a few people and try to find and hire some competent workers. It might be difficult to get them to work for monsters like us, but i will not fail you my king."

"Sounds good, Rigurdo. Do what you feel is best. Remember that for the moment safety is the most important part. Our village is still weak compared to the kingdoms and empire out there so prioritize safety, or we will lose our people no matter how powerful you and i are." Ryo spoke with a serious tone to make sure Rigurdo understood how important safety was before they acquired real strength as an empire.

Rigurdo took a sip from his cup of water and got lost in his thoughts for a few seconds.

"Rigurdo!? Are you paying attention?" Ryo was about to splash some water on his face because of his unresponsiveness.

"Y-Yes! Sorry, my king. I was just thinking about the future. Ever since my evolution my mind seems more clear then ever, so i constantly find myself lost among hundred of ideas." Rigurdo cleared his throat and ones again put his focus on Ryo.

"No problem. I am glad to hear you got more then just strength from your evolution." Ryo gave a genuine smile to Rigurdo.

"ooh, yes my king. I have been meaning to talk to you about something. It seems that i got something very special from being named, and i don't know what it does. I would like to ask for the kings opinion on the matter." Rigurdo stood up and bowed down to Ryo.

"No need to bow Rigurdo, tell me what it is that's bothering you." Ryo quickly put a stop to the over formalities going on.

"Well, it seems i got a new ability and i think i got it from you. I would like you to take a look at it." Rigurdo spoke with an apologetic tone.

"No need to take that tone, you have not failed me in any way. Show me what ability you got and i will tell you if i know what it is." Ryo had full understanding now on what abilities he had and which of those belonged to his bloodline, and he also knew what they did. So if Rigurdo inherited one of them he would know instantly.

"Okay! Here i go then, my king!" Rigurdo spoke with a little hesitation since he was slightly afraid of offending Ryo by using what he though was an ability belonging to a king.

Rigurdo breathed in a little and released his breath, and what came out was a pure white mist like substance that spread in front of Rigurdo and then disappeared after a few seconds.

"ha ha ha, Rigurdo, you are really lucky you know that, right." Ryo had the biggest smile on his face as he watched the mist disappear in the air.

"What do you mean, my king?"

"That ability is called [Kings healing arts] It is one of the abilities of my bloodline. It actually really fits your personality, so it's no wonder that you would inherit that one if all got something from me.

"Healing arts? I figured it was something similar from the aura the mist gave off. What really does it do, my king. I have not dared to use it on any of my people." Rigurdo was sitting at the table again, with his cup in hand.

"It is an extremely potent healing art. It is unlike anything you would find in this world. The ability you got, i could sense it is not as effective as mine. That is because i am so much stronger then you so, that is to be expected.

"It's fueled by life force so the stronger you become the more potent [Kings healing arts] will become. It's not an inherently complicated ability to master. The only restriction is that it takes incredibly stamina to use." Ryo explained a little about the ability.

"I see! I will properly explore this ability and i promise to master this for the future of this village." Rigurdo put his hand on his heart and spoke.

"Well, now i think we are done here. I need to get going. Together we will make our empire shine. We will spread our name through the vastness of the universe." Ryo drank the last water in his cup and stood up. He put his hand on Rigurdo's shoulder.

"So where are you going now my king? I guess you want to explore the world, or something similar." Rigurdo and Ryo were looking into each others eyes. The bond between them were growing stronger every time they spoke.

"I will go out there and do my part to create our empire. You and the rest of our people will stay here and increase our power on the home front, and i will be out there making sure our empire will grow without worry." Ryo turned away and started walking towards the door. Before he went out he turned around and spoke one more time.

"And Rigurdo. We will do great. Our future will hold endless adventures. This is still your village. This is still your people. I hope you and your people will stand behind me for this journey." Ryo showed a small but genuine smile and disappeared from the spot in a flash.

Rigurdo stood up and looked at the door with a gaze that was filled with admiration. He had to admit that every time he talked to his king, his admiration grew by a lot. He couldn't explain the aura naturally coming off his king. He looked upon his king and felt only pride and admiration.

"This will be a long road to travel. I hope we will come out alive on the other side at least."
