Ryo opened his eyes and was met with the usual simple made roof over his head. Today was the day he would start his plan to make this village something great. A place for powerful beings to gather and fight for one leader. He was getting excited thinking about training his army. An army to conquer the world. Nothing less for the king of dragons.
"Okay, time to stop wasting time and get starting with the naming process. I'm quite interested to see what will become of these goblins after getting some of my energy."
Ryo got dressed in the goblin rags he had been given by the chief. Ryo had not even noticed that before when he arrived here he had been naked. The reason he didn't notice was most likely because he was now a dragon and his true form was technically naked as well. This was at least his theory on the matter. After he was given clothes he finally understood why all the female goblins kept avoiding him, and running away with cheeks as red as tomato's. yes, that means he also fought the wolfs completely naked.
Walking outside he saw the goblins rushing to greet him. he couldn't deny the joy in having a mass of people worship you, but he almost snapped when a young male goblin tried to get hired as a "bathroom assistant" to the great lord. What Ryo found out after this was that everyone in the village had been given one aspect of his life to assist with. This was all fine until a random male goblin tried to offer a hand when he was peeing behind a tree.
After this incident he forbade anyone from working these odd jobs anymore.
Finally he saw the chief barely being able to stand up from a bonfire and walk towards him. As the chief came closer, Ryo went over in his head on how exactly he was going to present this idea to the village goblins.
"Good morning my king! How are you doing this fine morning?" Ryo had forbid them from calling him "my king" but with each name he forbade, a weirder and more scary name came along. So after a few days he allowed "my king" again.
"I am doing fine old chief. Actually i have something to talk to you about." Ryo went and sat down on a tree log.
"don't tell me your leaving, my king. Whatever we have done to displease you, i promise we can do better. Tell me and i will make it happen." The village chief went became flustered as his mind immediately went towards the worst scenario possible.
"no no, calm down old chief. It's actually quite the opposite. Last night i finally found my purpose here on the surface and i would like to ask for your assistance in my mission." Ryo had told the goblins he was born in a cave, so they knew he was constantly looking for his purpose here on the surface world.
"OHH, that's fantastic my king. We would be more then honored to assist you on your mission." a Great smile found it's way onto the old chiefs face after he heard what Ryo said.
"Well, here's the deal old chief. I am pretty sure my purpose in coming here is building the greatest empire the world has ever seen. An empire bred for a single purpose. CONQUER!" Ryo gave a shout at the last part, forcing a little aura out making the goblins in the village bow their head very quickly.
"So will you help me build this empire? Are you willing to lay down your life for my ambition? ARE YOU WILLING TO WALK BY MY SIDE AS WE CONQUER EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING THIS WORLD HAS TO OFFER!" By this point Ryo's aura was surging and spreading for miles scaring away any monster of animal close to the village.
The goblins were crawling around on the floor unable to think straight because of the aura. But despite this they all had only one though in mind.
"WE ARE WILLING!!!" They started fighting the aura. Their desire to not disappoint their king drove them to struggle to stand.
"W-w-e a-ar-e w-w-ill-ing m-my ki-ing!" in front of Ryo's feet one goblin struggled extra hard. Something about Ryo's aura awakened a hidden desire and strength slumbering deep inside each and every goblin and wolf present. The wolfs were all laying ways away from Ryo, but they too could feel the burning desire awaken within them. This desire, that told them to follow Ryo and conquer all of what is within their grasp.
(A/N: Explanation time! just a quick one here. His bloodline, basically god dragon bloodline. One of its many traits/abilities is to awaken feelings/desires people would not have naturally. If someone is peaceful but Ryo is evil and corrupt, his bloodline would slowly influence that someone. the goblins/wolfs are all super weak compared to Ryo at the moment so they were influenced by his deepest desires quite easily.
This is not some brain washing. The bloodline can't influence someone who hates or doesn't agree with Ryo. Only people who truly follow and believes in Ryo will get influenced by his desires/bloodline and personality. So here is your warning. Ryo and his subordinates won't be superman/batman "nice" they will kill anyone standing in the way, anti-hero of sorts i suppose.
okay, sorry for this rant. just wanted to make sure i don't have to explain this a hundred times in the comments later.)
"Good, you passed my test. I am genuinely impressed that you guys even managed to fight this tiny bit of aura i leaked. This was as i said a tiny amount, but if you did not have the drive or desire to follow me it would have crushed you as soon as your will wavered. You survived because you wish to follow me." Ryo felt a little bad doing this to people he already considered his subordinates. But he wanted to make sure of a couple of things before he starts handing out power ups to everyone.
"It's time i reward you for your loyalty and kindness you showed to me the last couple days. Old Chief, step forward." Ryo beckoned the old chief to step forward. He was a little nervous as this was his "first time".
"What is it you seek from us now my king?" The old king showed a tired smile as he barely managed to walk forward. He honestly has not idea on how he is still alive after that terrifying oppressive pressure almost destroying his body.
"I am sorry old chief for putting your body through that much pressure. But now i am sure i am making the right choice here. Come here and accept your reward." Ryo didn't know what to do so he felt super awkward when the old chief just came up and stood very close to him.
"Let's see, your sons name... no.. hmm. Yes, i know!" Ryo mumbled a few thing before putting his hand on the old chiefs head and spoke the name "Rigurdo"
Suddenly the old chief was enveloped in a flash of white and a few minutes later, in front of Ryo stood a goblin that even had Ryo himself beat in height.
"WOW, old chief. You look amazing. I had no idea naming someone could cause something like this to happen." Ryo were honest with his words. He expected at most small changed in height but this was insane. Rigurdo was now over 2m in height as he beat himself by quite a few cm actually.
"HA HA HA! Look at me, ha ha! Not bad, would you say my king." Rigurdo spun around and touched all over his body feeling the explosive muscles showing all over his body.
(Everything happened like in the original, and the names are all the same. And they will be for all characters in every world, just so you guys know.)
-------Few Hours Later-------
"Wow, FINALLY! i really suck at coming up with names, took me hours to name these few individuals. Now i actually hope i won't gain anymore subordinates." Ryo stood fake crying of in the distance, away from the crowed of goblins that were now admiring their new forms.
"Master, is something troubling you?"
"no, no, it's nothing Ranga. How are you feeling by the way." A big wolf strolled over to check on his master that was standing in the corner mumbling to himself.
"Yes, i feel amazing master. I feel this amazing energy flowing through my body, it feels like it's endless. I can barely stand still." The wolf now named Ranga spoke with happiness and admiration in his voice as he stared at Ryo.
"oh, ye, ye, great. have fun with that. I'm tired so I'm gonna take a nap in my house. Don't disturb me." Ryo with his head down and eyes with barely any life in them walked back towards hos home.
"What's wrong with master. He should be here celebrating these great names he gave us." Ranga didn't understand his masters struggles. And should Ryo know at the current moment all the people he will have give names to in the future, he would probably end it all right now.