[Name] - Ryo
[Power Level, 8M~]
[Race]: Supreme Dragon - One of the nine supreme races. Supreme dragons has through history stood as one of the mightiest among the nine
[Height - 202 cm]
[Hair color - Black/Purple]
[Bloodline]: Divine Dragon God - The divine dragon god is the being born to become god of the dragon race
[Age]: 2 Months~ (24, Original world)
[Active Skills]:
[Supreme Magic]: Birth right of the beings born into the supreme races.
[Shadow Movement]: - Allows the user to move in the shadows and move great distances using the shadows. distance depends on strength of user.
[String Magic]: -Transform magic particles into solid form. The better magic control the user have, the stronger the strings will be, and the more he can create at a time.
[Black Flame Magic]: -Flames as black as night that burns two times hotter then normal flames. they are near impossible to put out for anyone except the one casting the magic.
[Black Lightning]: - Able to summon black lightning striking down on whatever location the user desires.
[Magic strengthening]: -User manipulates pure magic to strengthen his/her body. The better magic control you have, the more effective this technique is. It works similar to 8 gates in Naruto. There is only one requirement for this technique. User has to have a strong body and a massive stamina pool. Without that the magic would get too hard to control and resulting in the body exploding.
[Kings healing arts]: -Innate healing arts of the king of dragons. By using their breath, the king of dragons creates a mist that gets sucked into the target supplying them with life energy and healing any internal/external wound depending on how much magic is used in the breath. This magic gets more potent, the better magic control the user have.
[Potential unlocking]: (Locked) - This is an ability only certain beings have unlocked and have the ability to use correctly. It unlocks a beings potential and might even trigger an evolution for the person that got their potential unlocked. if the user doesn't have a powerful enough soul and body this ability can drain life energy away from them and if misused enough, they are sure to die.
[Element manipulation]: Ability to fully control an element of nature at will.
[Energy manipulation]: Ability to manipulate the universal energy at will
[Passive Skills]:
[Kings Immunity]:
-Illusion Immunity
-Complete Fire Immunity
-Aura- The natural aura/pressure someone has. Can be suppressed by using energy manipulation
"I see a lot of things i had no idea i even had. Element and energy manipulation i know to an extent. I think things will only get more interesting from now on." Ryo closed his status and continued forwards, trying to find a human city.
It was now a day later and Ryo was walking on a dirt road, that he was hoping was leading to a city. He had spent the night sleeping in the forest, and he found this road when he continued traveling the next day.
His primary goal now was to find some money so he could by a simple spear and start to train. He also needed to improve the living conditions in his village. The goblins and wolfs had told him they didn't mind the simple housing for now. They were hunting every day so the village had enough food to last them awhile, especially since the forest had an almost endless supply of things to hunt.
He was hoping to take up as little time as possible in the human city, so that he could get back before Rigurdo returned from the dwarven kingdom. Ryo was completely clueless when it came to agriculture and how to properly farm land, and build houses. He of course knew what a house looked like but something about his memory had changed since arrived in this place.
he didn't know what it was, but there are a few things he have found weird since arriving here. One of them is that he doesn't have a surname. He had tried a couple times in the past months to try and remember, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to remember anything more then Ryo.
There were a lot of things that he thought he should know, but was now clueless about. He had asked the system about it, and it told him it was a side effect of reincarnation and world travel. This information made him worried, since his whole mission and journey in life, depended on him being able to travel and take other people with him to other worlds. He didn't want to forget his identity every time he changed world. But this was an issue for the day that he could actually world travel, which was not now.
Ryo was lost inside his own head as he walked carelessly on the road. It was just a simple one lane road with the Jura forest all around him. He had been walking for hours now and still not found anything. Suddenly whilst he was lost in his own thoughts, a dust cloud started getting visible a few hundred meters behind him. It was clearly a fast moving object, since the earth vibrated a little bit and the cloud of dust quickly gained on him.
"oy, oy, Stop!!" A man sitting on a carriage pulled the reins in his hand to stop the horses that were pulling them forward.
"Hey, buddy! Move out of the way! Carriage coming through! Do you hear me?" The man yelled many times but Ryo simply ignored him.
To Ryo, his thoughts were more important at the moment then a screaming man. But Ryo had his limits, as the man didn't stop yelling at him to move.
"WHAT! I am thinking about important stuff here, and your yelling isn't helping me at all." Ryo turned back raised his voice in the same manner as the man on the carriage. The ground shook a little when Ryo raised his voice.
"I only yelled to get your attention. You seemed lost and you wouldn't respond. Are you okay friend"?
"ye, i chose to ignore you for a reason. I had important stuff to think about. Do you know how difficult it is to run a village?" Ryo put on a serious face.
"Y-You run a village? Is it close to here?" The unknown man had his curious peaked. There was a reason he sped through this forest. Not just anyone could walk so casually as this stranger here.
"ye, i don't think it's that far. It's over in that direction." Ryo pointed towards a random direction. He honestly had on idea where he was. He only knew this was still the Jura forest.
"I see, maybe I'll come visit if i can find it. ha ha." The stranger laughed seeing the confused look on Ryo's face. He was amused by this stranger.
"As long as you bring money, you are more then welcome. By the way you wouldn't by chance know the way to the closest human city"? Ryo showed a real business smile.
"human city? that's a weird way to phrase it. Sounds a little like your not even human when you phr...." The man cut off his sentence, and thought about the possibility. It was common knowledge that there were monsters that could that the shape of a human. The man thought about it, and It made sense to him now why the stranger could walk these roads so casually.
"What do you mean? Don't i look human?" Ryo was torn. He didn't like to hide the fact that he was dragon. He was proud in nature, and he was proud over the fact that he belonged to the dragon race. In situations like this, acting like a human should be the right choice. He didn't know how humans treated monsters like him.
"I can assure you i am one hundred percent human. I am just a little lost here. I left my village and got lost on my way to the big city." Ryo gave a calming smile. Well, as calm a smile that a dragon was capable of showing. Most of the time Ryo just looked scary and vicious.
"ha ha, it is not my place to question you. That's something I'll leave for the city guards." A small chuckle escaped his mouth.
"So, do you need a ride to the city, my friend?" The man was still cautious of Ryo's race, but he believed what he saw here was Ryo's legit personality, and he was looking for a fun traveling companion. And on top of that, if Ryo was strong like he suspected then that is simply free protection. He took a chance on this strange, stranger.
"Yes, if you are willing to let me join you to the nearest city, then i will gladly accept that offer." Ryo lost his previous smile and replaced it with his best, friendly looking smile.
"Of course, hop on board" The man gestured to the seat right next to him at the front.
Ryo, with one simple jump, landed on the seat and sat down.
"Thank you!" Ryo gave a quick thanks and got comfortable on the seat.
"No problem! My name is Ryan by the way. May i inquire about your name, Sir?"
"Ryo, my name is Ryo. Very nice to meet you."
"Same to you! The nearest city is a few hours away, so get comfortable and I'll get us there in no time." Ryan said and got the horses running again.
"So Ryan, what is that you do? Are you in the trade business by any chance?" Ryo knew he would need to set up trade if he wanted his empire to grow properly. The only problem was that he wasn't a good businessman. He could get to know Ryan personally, but he would probably need to take someone else with him to set up trades, or the chance that he would lose out big time would certainly exist.
"Yes, actually i am in the trade business. It's hard work, but i would not trade it for anything. It's my true passion." Ryo could see the burning passion deep within Ryan's eyes when he talked about his work.
"Well, that is certainly interesting. My village is always looking for new opportunities, so maybe i will come visit you and see if we can set something up in the future." Ryo had his business smile back on, despite the fact that he was worried about discussing business, because he had no knowledge of it. He is good fighter, not a good politician. He knew he needed trust worthy people to help him in this area.
"I would be happy to. Let's get back to the city and we can discuss further about this subject" Ryan hit Ryo with an even smoother business smile. And so their journey continued in peace as they talked and got to know each other more and more.