Rigurdo visits Dwargon

Rigurdo, together with a few of his people were traveling to Dwargon on Ryo's orders. Ryo wanted skilled workers to help them improve the village and the search starts in Dwargon.

"Chief Rigurdo, should we take a small break here. The others are starting to get hungry." One of the goblins traveling with him suggested from the side. The journey would barely take a day because of the wolfs that they were riding on.

"Yes, maybe we should eat something before we arrive at out destination." Rigurdo signaled the others to stop.

The party stopped and camped beside a river. They started a fire and started making some simple meals for them to eat.

"Chief Rigurdo, do you have any idea on where in Dwargon we could find someone willing to help monsters like us build a proper town?"

"I don't know, but we will search until we find someone who will help us." Rigurdo didn't forget to flex his muscles as he spoke.


Rigurdo and his party was standing in the forest area outside the city. They were discussing who should follow Rigurdo to the city and who should stay. They didn't want to draw too much attention to themselves.

"Myself and Gobuta will go. The rest of you, wait here until we are done."

Rigurdo and Gobuta made their way to the gate of the city. Dwargo always had a stream of people from many different races coming and going, so the hobgoblins didn't attract too much attention.

They arrived at the gate to the city without much trouble. They had people staring at them and giving them dirty looks, but because of Rigurdo's big body, most people didn't dare confront them.

"What's the nature of your visit?" one of guards at the gate asked them as the arrived to the front.

"Business." Rigurdo was an honest person, and that didn't change after he evolved so he told the guard pretty much the truth. That they were here looking for help.

"hm, fine, you can enter." The guard noted that they didn't have anything with them, and no weapons so it's not much of an issue letting them in to the city.

The inside of the city was packed with people rushing in all directions. Rigurdo stood out quite a lot because of his big build so they got looks from all around them, but no one really bothered them. Everyone was busy with their own life and so no one needlessly created trouble for them

"Now comes the trouble of finding someone who would be willing to move to our city." Rigurdo was looking around the streets, watching the many stands they were walking past.

"We should ask some of these stall owners. I am sure they would know of some good people we could ask." Gobuta was walking around with a naive smile on his face. He was looking a little more comfortable then Rigurdo, because he had been here before.

"ye, that might be a good idea." The two of them spotted an honest looking person standing behind a stall and walked up.

"hey there young friend. I wonder if you could help us out?" Rigurdo walked up to the stall and didn't waste any time with needless questions.

"What do you need, friend?" A proper business smile sprouting on the mans face.

"We are looking for some of the best craftsmen the city has to offer. Would you be able to help us locate someone like that?" Rigurdo tried to show a kind smile, but it sort of ended up in a mix between scary and creepy.

"erh, I-i know of some. I don't know exactly what you are looking for but i would recommend you look up Kaijin's workshop. It's one of the best i know of. Just continue in that direction and you will find it. It's not that hard to find." The man, clearly weirded out by Rigurdo's smile told them which direction they should walk.

"oh, thank you friend! Have a nice day!" Rigurdo thanked the man and continued with Gobuta towards the direction they were given.

They walked for a few minutes and finally they saw the house and sign that the man had described.

"That should be it, Gobuta. Let us go and visit this Kaijin." Rigurdo started speeding towards that workshop.

"R-Right, I'm coming too" Gobuta started sprinting to keep up with Rigurdo.

As they came up to the door they heard a deep and masculine voice yelling from inside the workshop. Both of them looked at each other at the same time, and nodded. Rigurdo knocked on the door two times and they waited for a response. When nothing happened they nodded at each other again and carefully opened the door and made their way inside.

"Garm, Myrd, Dord, just hold out a little longer. Help will arrive soon." A dwarf was currently inside pacing back and forth looking scared and worried for the three people lying on different blankets on the floor.

"ehm, excuse me! Are you Kaijin? I have something i want to discuss with you." Rigurdo saw the three people on the floor just after he had spoken to the dwarf that was pacing back and forth.

"eh, who are you...? no matter! i don't have time for business now. My brothers are injured." The dwarf quickly forgot about the goblin duo. His only concern was for the three injured dwarfs lying on the floor.

"P-Perhaps i can be of assistance. I have a little skill in healing magic. If you allow me to try, i can probably heal their injuries." Rigurdo saw this as a great opportunity to gain some favor with the people here.

"Who are you? How can i trust you?" the dwarf spoke in a hurried tone, signifying that he was stressed and anxious.

"Don't worry, i won't hurt them. I promise that i can at least heal most of their injuries. My healing ability is very potent." Rigurdo spoke with pride as he remembered his king explaining and showing of this skill

"eh, ah, Fine! Do your thing, please save them!" He felt pressured to make the right choice here. His panic only rising now that this unknown person was gonna use magic on his brothers.

"Okay, step aside for a second. This ability needs some room." the dwarf together with Gobuta moved aside and Rigurdo stepped forward.

He took a deep breath, and gather magic inside his stomach and a few second later, he let it all out. A white mist was released from his mouth and it quickly covered the three dwarfs.

The mist lingered for a good while as the three were standing there watching the mist work it's magic,

"Are you sure your ability can do this?" The dwarf now identified as Kaijin asked Rigurdo seriously.

"Of course! This ability belongs to our king, and he is the most mighty and powerful king. I got this ability from him and i promise there is no healing ability more potent then this one.

"If you say so." Kaijin was a little skeptic of it being as powerful as Rigurdo said. Still, he stood there patiently waiting for the mist to disappear.

Soon enough the mist was done working it's magic. Before the mist, there was three heavily injured dwarfs and now, there was three dwarfs without even a scratch on their skin.

"HA HA! They're okay! They are actually okay! Thank you so much.. What was your name again?" Kaijin was overjoyed.

"My name is Rigurdo and this one behind me here is Gobuta." Rigurdo gestured for Gobuta to show himself properly and stand tall.

"I see, I see, well thank you so much for saving my brothers." Kaijin got on his knees and bowed his head low to show his gratitude.

"no, no, Sir Kaijin, no need for all that. It was my pleasure to help you." Rigurdo quickly helped Kaijin stand back up on his feet.

"so, you two wanted to request something of me? name it and it shall be done." Kaijin was determined to pay his saviors back in full.

"ye, about that. Our request is a little different then most, Sir Kaijin. But please hear us out." Rigurdo didn't exactly know how to start explaining the nature of his visit.

"Don't be shy, just name it and i will see to it." Kaijin was full of smiles.

"Well.. My king would like to invite you to his village. He seeks help in building a new town for our people." Rigurdo sold the offer as best he could. Now he only could only hope Kaijin would be interested.

"Oh, well isn't this surprising. You came just in time!" Kaijin smile now grew wider. If it even could.

