Ryo was currently flying back from the city. In his hand he held the bag containing Rose's clothes. He was flying way above the clouds, enjoying the feeling of freedom that came with flying freely in the sky.
Soon enough he came to the spot where he had left Rose previously, and he dived down at full speed. He slowed down his speed and did a perfect landing. He had amazing control over every part of his body, no matter what form he took on. It had taken him some serious practice to keep the balance in he air while using his wings in his human form. It had served as one form of balance training for him.
"Rose, you still around?" Ryo landed on the ground and called out to Rose. He knew she was hiding behind a tree, but what's the harm in acting a little oblivious ones in a while.
"Back here, my lord! D-did you bring new clothes for me?" Rose stretched out her to reveal her location behind one of the trees.
"Nope! I was on my way to the city, but suddenly i had this great idea. We could use your naked body as a distraction when fighting the enemy. How great am i, huh" Ryo sported an honest and naive tone of voice.
Rose's head suddenly popped out from behind the tree with a shocked look plastered on her whole face.
"W-What d-do you mean?! Please tell me your joking, my lord!" Rose countered Ryo's honest tone of voice, with one made entirely out of panic.
That was until she saw Ryo hold up a single brown bag in his right hand.
"Someday, you will pay for this, my lord!" Rose spoke while grinding her teeth. Pure evil intentions was radiating off her, and pointing to Ryo.
"oy, oy, it was just a joke, Rose! Don't be so mad." Ryo took on his carefree attitude as he put on a charade of dodging her evil intent, like it had a physical shape and rushing towards him.
"BE SERIOUS! Give me my bags, my Lord!" Rose waved her hand indicating he should throw the bag her way. Ryo of course obliged with her demands and threw it at the perfect angle and a little extra strength, forcing her to quickly use the hand that was covering her breasts to catch the bag.
"Nice pair of peaks you have there, girl" Ryo whistled and winked at Rose.
"I-I-I.... SHITHEAD!" Rose screamed before rushing behind the tree to change into her new clothes.
Rose walked back out after a few minutes with new clothes and a full smile on her face.
"You look pretty good in that. Looks like i am the best Lord after all." Ryo nodded wisely at his own comment, and complementing his own efforts.
"T-thanks, my lord!" Rose did a spin move to show of her entire set and it was mesmerizing to look at.
Rose had on a classic green ranged and or archer set and covering her whole body was a red full body cloak, so only her face was showing as the cloak had a hood, that she was currently using.
(Imagine a medieval archer like outfit, and add a long red elven cloak on top of it. Google, classic female archer outfits..)
"Now are you ready to head out?" Ryo gave a real and genuine big brother smile.
"Yes, My Lord!" Rose showed a new and strong confident smile. You could feel her pressure coming down on the surroundings.
"Her power most have sky rocketed. Before her evolution, she was so weak that i almost forgot she existed. And now she is definitely worthy of being my subordinate.
"Great, but we have something to do first, in that direction." Ryo pointed behind him crushing Rose hope for a fight.
"But, my lord! I believe i am strong enough to take on the army by myself. So please let us go and take care of it now!" Rose pleaded with her lord, because she was itching for a good fight.
"Let me tell you a good story, Rose. Just before i arrived in that human settlement i met a group of six people, and they are seeking revenge against the pigs as well. Long story short, before we go to war, we will head over and say hello to them as well." Ryo explained vaguely his meeting with the young master of the ogre tribe.
"That wasn't a good story, my lord. It seems there are thing even you are not capable off. hihi" Rose laughed like a little girl, to get back at her lord for the previous embarrassment.
"I-It is a good story! I just cut it short to save time. I could have chosen to include my amazing black flames or awesome entrance. They totally adored me, you know. You have no idea what you're talking about, little girl!" Rose had properly annoyed Ryo with her perfectly chosen laugh.
"ye, ye, whatever. Let's just head out before i fall asleep here." Rose put on a sleepy expression to finish the fight, and it was a critical hit.
"I.. Y.. You. Will. Have. No. Food. For. A. Month." Ryo spoke nothing else and turned around and walked away.
"ah, come on, my lord! I was just kidding!" Rose ran forwards and hugged Ryo from the back.
"Don't be such a baby, my lord." Rose hit his back playfully.
"*sigh* Fine, grab on!" Ryo offered his hand to Rose. She grabbed his hand and waited for whatever was gonna happen next.
"We're flying there, so hang on." Ryo had not yet shown his wings to her. And he didn't let her comprehend what he just said, he simply spread his massive wings. The wingspan was about 7 meters. He took off from the ground, not caring about Rose's anxious but slightly adoring look she was giving him.
"MY LORD! SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE WINGS?!" Rose had to raise her voice because of the wind, making it almost impossible to talk normally while flying at these speeds.
Thanks to Ryo's enhanced senses, Roe didn't need to yell because he would hear her whether he wanted to or not. He was still annoyed about his story not being a good story, so he chose to ignore her, even though she kept yelling directly into his ear.
"My lord, are you a dragon or something? If you are, then why are you looking like a human?" Rose kept bombarding him with questions, annoying him further. Finally he got enough and decided to do something about it.
"system, would Rose survive a fall from this height?"
[Answer! Yes]
"Great!" Ryo turned his head back a little to look at Rose as she was resting on his back, and he gave her the kindest smile he could muster.
"Rose, don't you think it's beautiful up here?" Ryo asked in a kind tone.
"Yes, it's so amazing! I have never seen something so beautiful! I hope i can fly someday too, then i could travel the world and see all the beautiful sights!
"That's a dream and goal to have, i will definitely help you achieve that in the future." A smile still plastered on his face.
"My lord, you really are the best! I will help you achieve your goals as well then, my lord!" Rose returned the same kind of smile she was given by Ryo.
"ye, that's great Rose. Now how high up would you say we are Rose?" Still the same smile on his face.
"ahm, i don't know, maybe 200meters or something close to that?" Rose's thinking face was one of the most adorable things Ryo had ever seen.
"ye, that sound about right. Well, have fun Rose!" Ryo stopped in mid air and grabbed her left hand and brought her in front of him.
"Wh..? my lord, w-what a-are you d-doing?" Rose started to panic and then she felt his grip loosen up a little.
"Rose, better you learn now that there are consequences to annoy me!"
"And also, i will come and find you after I'm done." Ryo finally let go off her hand and she started to free fall.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! MY LORD!!! PLEASE SAVE ME!!" Rose quickly disappeared below some clouds and her screaming stopped.
"Phew! Finally some peace and quiet. Okay, bet she's gonna be mad now, so i should get going. Ryo picked up speed and disappeared into the distance.