"How are you feeling, My lord?"
Ryo woke up in his bed and heard someone talking to him. He slowly opened his eyes to the scene of Rose's face a minimum distance away from his. She had a worried look in her eyes as she stared directly into Ryo's eyes.
"Good morning. As your lord, i demand to know why you are so close." Ryo spoke slowly because he sported a terrible headache.
"I-I.. I didn't realize i was so close." Rose backed off immediately in a hurry.
"No problem. Not a bad thing to wake up to. But instead of focusing on that, why not tell me what has happened since i fell asleep." Ryo sat up slowly to not agitate his headache.
"My lord, the others went their separate ways to get accustomed to their new powers, and abilities. Rigurdo returned not long ago with four dwarves and they have already started drawing up blueprints for future expansions." Rose put on her business attitude that she had practiced while Ryo slept.
"Good, i knew i could count on Rigurdo for this. I will just check up on them, but I'll leave all construction for them to do. For now i will put all focus on the orcs." Ryo was a little unstable on his feet, but this time he managed to walk a few meters before falling down due to dizziness.
"My Lord, why don't you rest until you feel better." Rose had already accepted her role as his right-hand, even if Ryo hadn't officially given it to her yet. She had sworn to never leave his side, and that, she meant literally. She watched over him while he slept just so no one would be closer to him then she was.
"Ye, i should do that!" Ryo layed back on his bed to return to dreamland.
Almost as soon as the dwarves arrived in the village, they got together with Rigurdo and started building real houses. The dwarves had already planned to leave their city for a long time, so they almost immediately agreed to come and visit Rigurdo's village.
The dwarves had felt indebted to Rigurdo. So Kaijin and the rest of his brothers volunteered to stay in the village and help with construction. They had been here since four days ago and were already giving out work orders for the hobgoblins. The village was quickly growing and with the plans that Rigurdo and Kaijin set up, a proper city was not far into the future.
"My king, are you decent?" Rigurdo said and walked right in through the front door.
"Rigurdo, What's the point in asking if you're just going to walk in anyways?" Ryo sat up again with a little bit of effort. He had to hold Rose back from beating the life out of the village chief.
"I apologize, my king. I am just excited because of how well the construction is going." Rigurdo bowed and calmed down since he was almost screaming every word just because of excitement.
"So what do you want?" Ryo was sitting upright in his bed. Rose was on her knees just off to his side and Rigurdo right in front of him. Rose had her death stare on Rigurdo the whole time, making him sweat real bad.
"I-I actually came in to report on how the constructions are going. And also, Kaijin and i had bonded quite a lot these few days and he had requested to speak to you since you have been unavailable till now." Rigurdo spoke in a respectful manner.
"That's fine then. Bring him in if his available." Ryo just waved him away as he accepted the request from Kaijin.
"I will bring him right away, my king." Rigurdo rushed out of the house immediately, forgetting to bow first. Rose was close to beheading Rigurdo for forgetting to bow to her Lord.
After only a few minutes, Rigurdo returned with four dwarves walking behind him.
"Here, i brought Kaijin and his party, my king." Rigurdo gave a slight bow, avoiding the wrath of Rose.
"Step forward Kaijin." Ryo looked at the dwarf that stood in front of the other three.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, King Ryo!" Kaijin spoke in a formal tone and with great respect, which Ryo didn't like. He didn't mind at all that people called him, Lord or King, but the formal tone people took on when speaking to him freaked him out a little bit.
"No need with that tone when speaking to me. Just speak like you usually do. You sound overly uncomfortable when speaking like that." Ryo himself spoke with a tired tone. On good days he didn't care for formalities and today was far from a good day. So the tone only irritated him.
"Very well!" Kaijin switched tones immediately. This was not the first king he met so he had some experience in how to behave and how to listen when standing in front of a one. Even though Ryo considered himself more a spiritual leader or just someone standing in the shadows instead of a real king.
He loved to fight and he felt an inborn need to conquer but he hated politics. H
e didn't want to become king or emperor because most of the time they don't have freedom to move around, and he wanted to explore the universe. Quite hard to do for a king or emperor.
At this point whatever he'd say or do, the goblins and all living under him will say he is their king, even though he isn't taking part in the political side of things. Without Ryo the village would never be where it is, and he is the one bringing people in and protecting them, and that's why he wants to be seen as more of a guardian then an actual leader.
He will be the face for the empire. The symbol of absolute power and dominance. meanwhile, people like Rigurdo will handle everything and make sure his empire runs smoothly.
"So, why did you want to see me?" Ryo asked Kaijin.
"Well, my name is Kaijin, and these are my brothers, Garm, Myrd, Dord." Kaijin introduced himself and his brother quickly before he continued.
"We were until recently citizen of Dwargon. When Rigurdo visited out shop a week ago or so, he happened to arrive in my darkest hour and helped pull me out. We are indebted to him and in turn to you, because of the ability he gained from you." Kaijin was stopped by Ryo at this point because something peaked his interest.
"oh, Rigurdo healed someone? who?" Ryo's eyes bounced between the four dwarves before indicating for Kaijin to continue.
"Yes, yes, he saved my three brothers here. They were attacked inside the city and they collapsed outside of my shop. They wasted all their energy making it to the shop and collapsed when they arrived. Rigurdo came just when i thought i would lose the for good." His eye started getting a little wet, but he took a breath and continued again.
"After he healed them, he explained why you sent him to our city and we had been looking to move for quite a while at this point. The incident with my brothers was what pushed me over the edge and me and my brothers talked it over and accepted your invitation to meet. And so we came here and we are starting to get comfortable here and we wish to stay." He gave a long explanation and he held an respectful posture the entire time he was speaking.
"I see! Considering the incident with your brothers, it comes as no surprise that you accepted our offer to meet. About your request to stay. whether you want to make it permanent or not is up to you. You are of course very welcome to stay."
"i sent Rigurdo to find talented workers and from what Rose here has told me" Ryo pointed to Rose and she waved with a beautiful smile on her face.
"You are very good." He had a smile on his face.
"The best, my king" Kaijin spoke with a little awkwardness. Calling Ryo king was more difficult then Kaijin anticipated. Ryo noticed this and laughed a little.
"Kaijin you are allowed to address me as just Ryo. You won't offend me so don't worry about anything and just speak like you always would." Ryo was a lot more interested in power and loyalty then he was proper speech. He didn't care how his subordinates addressed him.
"Thank you! Well we should be getting back to work. This town won't build itself." Kaijin spoke with a smile. His brothers bowed together with him and left soon after.
Now only Rigurdo, Ryo and Rose was left inside his house.
"Rigurdo. You are doing a fine job, managing this ever growing village. I want you to continue with this. Ever since i arrived you all have recognized me as your king and i will take on this role for you. I will protect you all from any danger and any obstacle that stand in our way. But i won't take up the role as manager. These are and have always been your people, and you village. You should be the one building it, and i find that stuff really boring. I just want to fight strong enemies."
"So i hope i can count on you to run it from the inside while i protect it on the outside." Ryo gave off his king aura again that displaced his confidence in protecting their village.
"That is what i enjoy doing and that was always the plan, wasn't it? I will protect it form right here, and you will be out there in the world and remove any threat that comes our way." Rigurdo had tears in his eyes and they started running down his face.
"You are and will always be our king. We will all come together to build and make this village great. But there are none that can take your place as leader. it doesn't matter whether you are here or out there, we will always believe in you and protect this village together with you. We could not have found a better king then you." Rigurdo's face was full of tears and he was standing in very weird positions posing and flexing all his muscles. It seems he have practiced this new weird art, because he was flexing muscles that on shouldn't be able to.
"Okay, you ruined the moment Rigurdo, get out and get to work already." Ryo covered his eyes together with Rose's and ordered Rigurdo do disappear from his sight.
"Now that he is gone. How about we go visit Benimaru and the rest of the ogre. The time of the orcs demise is closing in.
"yes, my lord!" Rose got into her prostration position and answered.