Ryo and Rose arrived at one of the few training fields that had been quickly established for the purpose of sparring and training. Most ogres were here watching a spar between Benimaru and Hakurou.
Kurobee was the only ogre that wasn't present and watching the spar. Ryo had found out about kurobee's talent in the workshop, so he had locked himself in a temporary workshop he and a few hobgoblins had helped set up. Nobody knew what he was doing in there.
What was going on there on the training field may look like sparring or training, but in reality it was just Hakurou beating the living hell out of Benimaru using his sword. Hakurou taught weapon training so no magic was allowed to be used from either side.
Benimaru was definitely not weak with a sword in his hand, but when matched up against Hakurou who had so many more years of experience, he simply couldn't land a single hit. Hakurou had apparently taught the way of the sword to many peopled who were not masters themselves. Getting past him with a weapon when he was holding that sword was near impossible for anyone in the village.
"Lord Ryo has arrived! How about we stop here, young master?" Hakurou was slightly out of breath, but he was not even close to Benimaru who wanted to lay down and die because of how tired he was. They had been fighting for close to an hour to test their new limits and it almost seemed like they had no limit to their strength at first. That quickly changed when Hakurou started beating the crap out of all the ogres here.
"y.....yes.. L-Let's do that.. Hakurou.." Benimaru spoke between each long breath he took.
"You all seem to be doing okay. How are you all feeling?" Ryo had a friendly smile on his face. Before Benimaru or even Hakurou could answer, a purple flash of light assaulted Ryo head on and pushed him to the ground.
"LORD RYO!" The ogre with the purple hair jumped at Ryo and hugged his body like a koala bear would a tree. He got pushed to the ground because of the headache he had. His head exploded with pain again and he groaned out in pain a little bit. This proved to be his biggest mistake yet, because a certain overprotective subordinate standing just off to the side reacted to his pained groan.
"SHION. GET. OFF. MY. LORDS. BODY.... NOW!" A very familiar but still dense and scary killing intent spread out in the surrounding. it covered Ryo and the purple haired woman laying on top of him. The other ogres stepped back a bit because they knew this would get messy, very quickly.
"I don't want to. Stupid Rose!" Shion answered back like a complete child. She ignored Rose and continued snuggling closer to Ryo. This situation had first happened when Ryo named her. She assaulted him with love for no apparent reason as soon as he named her, and Rose almost killed her at that time.
Now it was happening again and Ryo had to stop it before Rose actually killed one of his own people. Which he believed she would do because her loyalty had turned into a fanatic belief.
"Shion, get off of me, and Rose calm down or you can't follow me around for an entire day." Ryo pulled out his commanding tone with them.
Rose's killing intent disappeared so quickly that space itself seemed to distort for a second. She gave the death stare to Shion, who reluctantly gave up and climbed off his body.
"Great, now my headache is back in full force." Ryo massaged his temples slowly and spoke with closed eyes.
"You see what you did to my lord." Rose put the blame and Shion and sparks flew between the two.
"Okay, enough you two. If you're gonna be like that, take it out in there" Ryo pointed on the ring like arena where Benimaru had gotten beat up just moments ago.
"I'm game"
"fine! Let's go" Both of them agreed and rushed to either side of the arena.
"Now, while they duke it out over there. Benimaru and the rest of you. Let's go talk over here." Ryo beckoned the others over to an area away from the arena so they could talk in peace.
They all sat down at a few benches and started talking.
"Benimaru, how much have you and the others explored about your new abilities?" Ryo went to the heart of the matter. He was really curious how strong these guys became, especially since Rose became so strong after evolving.
Benimaru lifted his hand and a small dark red flame appeared on his hand. This was True Fire. One of the few abilities he had gotten from Ryo.
"This is the ability i have explored the most since i evolved two days ago. I have tested it on multiple things and yet so far i have found nothing i doesn't burn down immediately. I can make it harmless to anyone i wish and an absolute nightmare to those that go against me." The fire burned a little brighter and larger for a few seconds before it disappeared and Benimaru tired out, showcasing the cost of using this ability. Of course he had been fighting Hakurou just now, so he was already tired.
"it Seems your mastery over that fire needs improvement." Ryo made a quick observation from what he saw.
"But i have to admit Benimaru. This is certainly a powerful ability that even i don't have access to, but it most likely comes from my Supreme bloodline. When it comes to my bloodline. The stronger you guys get, the more of that bloodline you now have, will be unlocked." Ryo had gathered all relevant information about his bloodline from the system and this was one thing he knew. The stronger they become the stronger and maybe even more abilities they will gain.
"What do you mean by, we will unlock more of your bloodline?" And ogre with blue hair sitting quietly in the back jumped into the conversation.
"Well, Souei. It means that you may have gained incredible abilities and unique skills, but your body or soul is too weak right now. So my bloodline is suppressing them until you have strength enough to accept them." Ryo answered the man that was half the reason he even acquired loyalty from the ogres.
"That's hard to believe. From what i have gained already. It is hard to believe that there could possibly be more coming our way." Old man Hakurou stepped in since Souei had gotten trapped in deep thought and drifted away day dreaming or something.
"Hakurou, don't think my Supreme bloodline is a joke. You won't find anyone in this world who even comes close to the power of my bloodline." Ryo released a little pressure unconsciously since he didn't like how that sounded.
Ryo's nature as a dragon was kicking in. He didn't like that Hakurou made it sound like his bloodline was incapable of anything more then this tiny rise in power. Hakurou picked up on the increased pressure and realized Ryo had reacted to something he said. He was very old and those years were not wasted, so he knew he might have misspoken somewhere in his comment.
"No disrespect was meant with my comment, My lord! I am actually in awe of the power you provided us." Hakurou gave Ryo a slight bow.
"I apologize. I wasn't thinking there. I know you meant no disrespect. It was just my dragon nature reacting to what you said. No need to pay attention to it." Ryo remove his pressure on the group when he realized it had leaked out.
He had not fully mastered energy manipulation so sometimes he doesn't notice when he is releasing his aura on other people. If Ryo was a lot stronger then he is, a mistake like this might have killed the ogres or some hobgoblin in the village. That's why he trained in energy manipulation a lot.
"I understand! Now we must ask. When are we expected to move on the orc army?" Benimaru interrupted because he wanted to move on to more important things.
"That will come in time, Benimaru. I am sure you all here could destroy them, but it doesn't hurt to be careful so i want the army scouted out and i want to know where they are currently headed and where to best interrupt them." Ryo turned his eyes to the one in the group he knew deal in stealth and tracking.
"I understand! It will be my absolute pleasure, Lord Ryo!" Souei disappeared from the spot after he understood Ryo's words. His entire evolution was centered around the shadows and he was by far the fastest among all of them.
``System, scan Benimaru.``
Ryo only wanted a quick look on his new changes.
[Name - Benimaru]
[Gender - Male]
[Hair color - Red/orange]
[Height - 180 cm]
[Blessing - Supreme Fire Dragon's Blessing]
[Race - Flame Oni]
[Title - Young Master]
[Power Level - 2,2m]
[Age - 29] (Could not find anything on his age, so i made up something i thought sounded good.)
-True Fire Magic (Beginner Stage)
-Cloning Magic (Novice Stage)
-Energy Manipulation (Novice Stage)
[Weapon Mastery]
-Sword (Intermediate Stage)
[Passive Skills
-immunity to illusions- Can not be put under any form of illusion
-Aura- The natural aura a person releases. Can be suppressed by using energy manipulation
"Hey, Benimaru, did you realize that you and the rest all evolved into Oni's?" Ryo asked after a while. He had checked the others as well. They all had become oni, but they all were different kind of Oni.
"Yes? It is probably the rares among all our evolution's and before they only existed in legends."
"I see, well that's good enough." Ryo didn't pay attention to it any longer.
"For now train and try to further master your new abilities. When Souei comes back there is a big chance we will move on the orcs. So prepare accordingly because tomorrow might be the day of your revenge." In the middle of his speech, Rose and Shion came back to the group.
"Did you sort everything out between you two finally?" Ryo asked with a little hope in his voice.
"HELL NO! Rose didn't want to continue because she misses her lord, or whatever!!" Shion said with clear and direct displeasure in her voice.
"That's not true! I knew my lord's side would feel cold and empty if i stayed away for too long so we agreed to continue tomorrow again." Rose was already sitting by his side as she finished speaking.
"We didn't agree on anything, you know! You just upped and left in the middle of the fight." Shion sat down and sulked beside Benimaru.
" *Sigh* well do whatever makes you happy. Remember if you destroy anything in the village i will personally hand out the punishment." Ryo flared his aura with purpose making Shion shiver a little bit, and fear climbed up her spine.
Rose on the other hand was shivering for a different reason. She had big crazy smile on her face and mumbled, "punishment" over and over again, very quietly to herself.
Ryo saw this and instantly retracted his aura again, forcing her to return to reality. Her crazy look dissolved and she returned to having a mellow look on her face.
"So, until tomorrow you are free to do whatever you wish. If Souei needs more then one day, then we will wait until he has the information we need. So you're free to go now." Ryo waved his hand and the others got up and walked away.
"I hope whoever is controlling that army is able to give me a proper challenge." Ryo started daydreaming about the the fight and how he imagined it playing out.