Start of the War

Hobgoblins turned out to be amazing workers when you are trying to build an entire town. They have great endurance and stamina, making them able to work for hours and hours without taking a lot of breaks.

Ryo was sitting on a bench outside his house watching the hobgoblin carrying materials all over the place. Four dwarves were seen constantly running around all over the place yelling order to everyone they came across. Ryo had great expectations of these people and he felt proud that he could call them his people. He also felt proud to be able to protect them.

They worked hard for him and he worked hard for them. An equal trade, in his mind.

"Lord Ryo, could i speak with you for a minute?" Benimaru walked up from behind Ryo and sat down on the bench beside him.

"Of course, Benimaru. Speak your mind." Ryo answered him but he was still watching the Hobgoblins working.

"If you feel better today, i would like to take you on in a spar. I wish to know my capabilities when compared to you." Benimaru always had a serious look on his face, and this time was not any different.

"Sure! I need to practice more with my spear anyways so let's do it." Ryo stood up, not wasting any time.

"Thank you so much, my lord" He answered still with a serious tone of voice.

"You don't have to speak so seriously all the time Benimaru. Relax a little." Ryo dragged Benimaru over to the training arena.

"We can't relax our guard. I must stay vigilant all the time to make sure the safety of our people." Benimaru tried to look serious while he was being dragged like a rag doll by Ryo.

Ryo stopped and stared at Benimaru.

"Oh, "our people" That's what you said, right. Does that mean you're finally accepting your role as my army commander? You will do great here!" Ryo had a big smile on his face and he continued dragging Benimaru without him being able to do anything about it.

"I-I, I don't kno..." Ryo interrupted Benimaru in the middle of him talking.

"Shut up Benimaru! I was just kidding..."

"You have no choice. You are my subordinate now and till forever." Ryo spoke with a big smile. He was very happy with Benimaru, both as a person and as a fighter.

"Y-Yes, my lord!" Benimaru cracked a small smile for reasons unknown to him. He was happy, and he had no idea why he felt so glad to be here.

They arrived at the training fields and there was already a fight going on. Rose and Shion was fighting. They were trading punches and kicks without their weapons drawn.

It was almost more brutal without the weapons. They were both bloody and messed up, but they were both fighting with a big smile on their faces. A few people from the village that had taken a break from work was here watching these insane woman fighting to the point on unconsciousness.

"Okay, you two. Break it up! I don't want you killing each other. I still need you." Ryo yelled for the two of them to stop.

"Understood, my lord!" Rose who was gripping the collar of Shion's suit let go and bowed. Honestly Ryo was constantly surprised by the amount of loyalty Rose had. He didn't know where it all came from. He made a mental note to find that out someday.

"ugh, fine!" Shion was very dissatisfied about not being able finish off Rose. After a few seconds she too, let go of Rose's ranger outfit.

"You two go and cool off. Today Souei might return and i need you both in top shape." Ryo ordered them.

Right after he said that he felt a familiar energy lock onto him and soon Souei rose from his shadow up into the light. He went down on one knee and delivered his news.

"My lord, i found the orcs and there is certainly something different about them now. It looks almost like they are in a trance like state because they keep marching even if the person next to them drop down dead. They are currently walking in the direction of the marshlands." Souei had his head down but he spoke with a clear and powerful voice. His previous damped and quite voice had clearly been replaced.

"Good work. Benimaru, we will have to fight on another day. It is time we take care of these orcs." Ryo spoke to Benimaru after thanking Souei.

"Of course, my lord! Except Kurobee, the res of us are ready to go at anytime." Benimaru took on a commanding tone and looked like a proper commander.

"Kurobee didn't want to go?" Ryo didn't know this.

"Yes he told me that his place is here in the village supporting us from behind."

"Well, i can understand that. He does seem more attached to that workshop then he is to the battlefield." Ryo agreed it actually made sense that he would rather develop weapons then use them. For the short period that Ryo had known them Kurobee had only talked to him about new materials and the new blueprints he was constantly drawing up. He never talked about murder or battle.

"Yes, he is, my lord! Should i call the newly trained wolf riders?" Benimaru asked. Him and Ryo had talked about it and this was the best option for now on how to use the goblins and wolfs in a fight. Their team work was horrible so far, but it improved everyday.

"Yes! Benimaru, you take Shion, Hakurou, Shuna and lead the wolf rider to intercept the orc army." Ryo gave a few quick commands.

"Yes, my lord!" The appointed people all spoke and bowed at the same time. Of course Shion was not here yet. She was away cleaning up from the fight she had before.

"Souei and Rose, you are with me. We will go ahead and see what we're up against." Ryo said and the two bowed respectfully. These two were by far his most loyal subordinates between all of the people here. Not like the others weren't loyal, it was only that these two accepted Ryo almost immediately and chose very early on that he was the one made for them to follow.

"Souei, stay inside my shadow dimension and i will call on you later." Ryo said and Souei disappeared inside Ryo's shadow.

Ryo's shadow was not like any other. He had an entire dimension inside of him and his shadow was the gate to enter it. This meaning that only people that had Ryo's shadow movement could access it.

"Now everyone, let's move out! Benimaru take your group and make haste towards the marshlands." Ryo gave his last command before he spread his wings and took to the skies with Rose on his back.

"Finally!" Benimaru said to himself.

