Ryo was currently hovering above the marshlands and in the distance he could see the army he was here to destroy. It was a mighty sight to look at. At a distance it looked like a mass of blackness moving and mowing down anything in it's way. Truly a scary sight for anyone without strong nerves.
"That might look impressive but one look reveals that they are all just ants in front of us." Rose said as she was literally sitting on Ryo's outstretched arm.
"Rose, stop thinking like that! You will die immediately if you go into a war thinking that you can't be hurt." Ryo might be a proud and strong dragon but he wasn't a complete moron. He knew he could kill every orc here with one or two breaths in his dragon form. Even though he knew that, he would never allow himself to be so naive to think he would be the strongest in every war he was gonna fight in from now on.
"Do you see that massive orc standing in the back?" Ryo pointed in a direction and a few hundred miles away from them stood an orc with the size of a small hill.
"Ye, i see him, what's the big deal?" Rose saw the orc he was referring to.
"Check his power level with your eye." Rose had the ability too see power levels of other people. She can't clearly read the levels of someone much stronger then her.
"okay!" She answered. She directed some magic towards her left eye and it glowed blue for a second.
"hm... ooh, he has almost as much as me." Rose was surprised that the orc could match her. To say she had gotten arrogant was an understatement. It worried Ryo greatly that Rose thought herself to be a top dog in terms of power. That's one of the quick ways to get yourself killed.
"Exactly. You need to always analyze your enemy before you fight, so you can be ready for anything."
"Now we just need to wait until the others arrive. Then we can start!" Ryo was pretty sure Rose still didn't take that massive orc seriously. He knew she listened to him, but he is just worried that she is too drunk on her power.
``Maybe a loss wouldn't hurt her. She might start see more clearly if she fights someone who would wipe the floor with her.`` Ryo was just thinking for himself as the two of them was floating in the air waiting for Benimaru and his group.
In another part of the marshland a few hundred lizard people was putting down traps and setting themselves up to fighting a war. They moved incredibly smoothly through this land so even if the enemy army was massive in size, they were confident in their chances.
"Come on! Move faster! We don't have all day. They will be here by nightfall!" One of the lizardmen stood still and yelled commands while the others just ran around following them.
"Brother i believe we should be ready to meet them now." A female lizardmen came running towards the commanding one.
"Ye, i believe so too. Many will die, but this is our home and i refuse to see it fall to weaklings like those orcs." The male lizardmen stood tall and spoke with a lot of arrogance in his voice.
"Take you positions. Now we wait for them to enter the marshlands." He gave out his orders to his army of lizardmen and they all disappeared and took their stations.
The orcs was marching from the west and that's where they would meet them in battle.
A few hours later.
The daylight had started to sink down beyond the horizon and darkness overtook the marshlands. The orcs army had just entered the land of the lizardmen and they walked like they didn't care about anything. Even their own lives didn't seem to matter anymore as the orcs were feasting on anyone that fell down during their march.
They were walking among the tall grass and deep waters in the marshlands, without realizing that they had enemies closing in on them.
The lizardmen was laying in wait for the first part of the army to enter fully into the marshlands.
Because of the weird behavior of the orcs. Their army had become divided and some of them were further ahead then the rest. A couple hundred orcs was separated from the rest of the army, and they were all currently walking ahead into the marshlands. This is the moment that the lizardmen were waiting for. Tension was hanging in the air, but is seemed to only affect the lizardmen. The orcs looked totally unaware that they were in danger right now.
"ATTACK!" The lizardmen holding a trident in his hand stood up and gave the order to attack.
Hundreds of lizardmen stood up and rushed into the orc army. They all held spears and some was wielding swords. They had incredible agility as most of the jumped up and landed on top of the orcs and stabbed the heads and bodies of the orcs.
Screams were echoing in the surroundings, but surprisingly it was not the orcs screaming. The only screams heard was the lizardmen that got hurt or died. The orcs gave on reaction to the surprise attack and showed no emotion as they died or watched their comrades die.
All over the marshlands you could see lizardmen and orcs standing and trading blows and lives with each other. The lizardmen had an advantage in terrain and agility so mosh swings from the orcs missed and what they got in return was a sharp spear, straight to the head.
Orcs had a massive advantage in numbers as many continued to flood in from the main part of the army. Two or more lizardmen were required on each orc because of how difficult it was proved to kill these orcs. They had certainly changed since they could loose both arms but still ran towards you and tried to bite your head off.
"Don't falter! We are faster and stronger! This is our home and we will defend it!" The lizardmen with the trident in hand was more skilled then the rest as he could kill most orcs in only one or two hits, by himself.
He looked around and felt the pain build up inside his heart. He looked on all his brothers and sisters dying at the hands of these cannibalistic monsters. He wanted to close his eyes and heart to it all, but he knew this would happen and he was not forced to endure it and make sure he lives on to take revenge for them.
"Puny lizardmen! Come here and let me kill you!" A huge orc that looked exactly like a walking pig came up to the trident wielding lizardmen. He was wearing a full black body armor that covered his skin completely.
"What did you say, you oversized pig bastard!" He screamed back at the orc that was walking towards him.
"Come here and let me kill you!" The orcs spoke again, thinking that his prey didn't hear him correctly. Not much brain inside his head at the moment. The orc was starving he was in a state where everyone he saw was just showing up as walking, and talking food.
"You can try you oversized pig!" Same insults multiple times in a row. Roy sure was disappointed from where he was floating along watching this like a live performance.
The two rushed at each other and started trading blows. The orcs held a club made of iron and the lizardmen traded full on blows by using his trident. This spoke of the strength this lizardmen had. He was not a weak fighter.
They were both standing still at the moment trying to find and opening in each others attacks. Their weapons clashed multiple times and sparks flew about every time the weapons touched. The lizardmen wanted to use his agility to go around the orcs like he had all the others, but this orc was different. It was faster and stronger by a lot. It had the speed to keep up with him so it didn't let him move around as he wanted.
After a few minutes you could see the clear difference in the two fighters. The orcs still didn't look tired at all and just continued swinging away like there was no tomorrow.
The lizardmen on the other hand was dead tired. It took all he had just to dodge the club that the orcs was using. It annoyed him that the orc seemed to be getting faster all of a sudden and his strikes was coming ever closer to hitting him.
``If even one of those hits me, i am sure to die. Especially when i am this tired. At this point it takes all i have just to dodge him. Dammit!`` Frustration settled in very quickly and he focus was all over the place right now.
Suddenly he felt danger from behind him and rolled froward. He dodged an orcs blade by a few centimeters and he looked back to see only 30-40 of his people left. They were standing in a circle surrounded by orcs and his sister was there being protected by the only lizardmen that was still alive. She looked just as tired as he was, and she could barely hold on to her sword.
His danger sense tingled more then ever before as he now noticed where he had rolled to avoid the previous orc.
He was on his knees breathing heavily. And i front of him stood the orc in full black body armor. Behind him was full of normal orcs that he had killed hundred of already.
"This is it, isn't it. I have no way out! My stubbornness to fight and not retreat got my sister and my people killed. Seems i failed myself and my people." he spoke out loud as he watched the orcs raise his club in the air.
"You were a lot more entertaining then the rest of these maggots. Be proud that i was the one to kill you." The orc had a crazy smile on his face as he swung his club to crush the lizardmen that was kneeling on the ground.
"That's not a finishing blow." From nowhere a woman in a purple suit was standing in front of the lizardmen and she had stopped the club with a single hand. She held a beautiful two handed sword in her other hand. She lifted her two handed sword with one hand and spoke to the orc.
"Let me show you how to do it." She had her sword raised in the air brought it down with inhuman speed. It caused a massive explosion and the ground for hundreds of meters got split in two.
The orc that was previously standing in front of them was not laying on the ground in two pieces. He was split directly from head to toe. In two.
"W-Who the hell are y-you?" The lizardmen asked with a shaky voice.
"SHUT UP! Watch how we kill these bastards!" The woman said and dashed away towards the rest of the orc army.