Chapter 11

Yang Chen reached Sjingjing city and his prediction was correct. The first monsters he saw around the city were Level 2 which means that Level 3 monsters are present in high number in the city. Yang Chen avoided the monsters easily and entered the city. When he saw the state of the city, His face turned heavy. Many buildings were destroyed and blood nearly covered the entire city's grounds.

Yang Chen headed to the Shingjing university without stopping. He saw that the University was completely filled with different types of monsters. He sighed and Went to the Girls Dorm. Unfortunately, the Dorm was empty and no one in it expects monsters.

Yang Chen felt a headache as now, the quest becomes difficult. If Lu Wan wasn't in the University then, where would she be?!

"I will look for survivors and see if someone know where survivors gather," said Yang Chen as he left the university. While walking, Yang Chen stumbled about three people who were eating the corpse of a monster. He looked at the two men and one female with a heavy heart.

The three people had the upper part of their heads covered by a slug-like creature.

"Parasite!" said Yang Chen.


A human infected with the parasite

Level : 3

HP: 220/220

MP: 50/50

Strength -----> 20

Vitality-----> 20

Agility -----> 17

Intelligence -----> 10

Skill info:



The group noticed Yang Chen and made weird sounds before running at him. They felt his strength and wanted to devour every single part of his body.

Yang Chen looked at them and attacked. Even though the parasite gave a huge boost to the stats and made their hosts Level 3, They have a fatal flaw. The parasites are weak creatures that could be killed easily once they are targeted or left the host.

Yang Chen cast the [ Acceleration] and waited for the three parasites to come near him. Once, they were in his attack range, Yang Chen turned into a shadow and his machete found its way into one of the parasites. The two parasites tried to grab Yang Chen but he avoided them by stepping backwards. His machete made an arch and plunged deeply into a parasite which killed it instantly.

The Last parasite made her host lower his head followed by it jumping with astonishing speed toward Yang Chen. Who was Yang Chen? He was one of the survivors that reached the 9th wave and knew most of the monsters trick.

Yang Chen smiled coldly and lowered his body while pulling back the machete. He dodged the parasite and stabbed it. The parasite wiggled but stopped moving after a few seconds.



'Yang Chen' has killed a level 3 parasite.

'Yang Chen' has killed a level 3 parasite.

'Yang Chen' has killed a level 3 parasite.


Yang Chen saw that one of the Parasites has dropped an item.


Level 1 Hp Potion.

Effect: Restore 50 HP after drinking it


Yang Chen took the potion and continued his search. He found that the city was devoid from humans. Only Monsters and Beasts roamed the city.

Yang Chen killed a good number of Level 2 and 3 creatures which dropped a few types of equipment. Sadly, They didn't give Yang Chen good effects compared to the Orc Warrior set he has.

"If I complete a set then I will think of wearing it but for now, nothing raise all of my stats like my current set" thought Yang Chen.

Suddenly, Yang Chen stopped as he saw a supermarket. His stomach growled as he didn't eat for an entire day. Yang Chen went to the supermarket and looked inside. He found only one food can.

Yang Chen saw a radio on the counter and turned it on.

"We have a safe place! I repeat. We Have a safe place that those monsters can't reach! Head to the North of the Shingjing city"

Yang Chen heard the message and smiled. He said "A Lead! Lu Wan might hear this and headed to this place! And if she didn't, I might find someone who knows her whereabouts."

Yang Chen devoured the food in one minute and went to the North district. When he reached the north district, He sucked a deep breath as waves of Monsters and beasts roamed the district. He could only climb one of the building and look around. Yang Chen knew why the monsters were numerous here.

"That is a military bunker! The monsters sensed the people present in it and begin flocking around it". Yeng Chen left the building and started to search for another entrance.

Suddenly, Yang Chen hair stood up as he felt danger from behind. He turned around and slashed with his machete while stepping backwards.

Sparks formed as the sound of metal clashing was heard loudly. Yang Chen was forced back a few steps. He looked at the person who attacked him and found that it was a Hobgoblin.

Hobgoblin was similar to Orcs but had smaller and slimmer bodies in comparison to Orcs. But, They are on a higher level than Orcs.



Level: 4

HP: 270/270

MP: 75/75

Strength -----> 27

Vitality-----> 26

Agility -----> 21

Intelligence -----> 15

Skill info:



"Level 4 monster!"

Yang Chen's heart started beating loudly as an unreasonable feeling of excitement filled his heart.

The Hobgoblin opened his mouth and started making weird sounds then rushed toward Yang Chen. Yang Chen smiled coldly at the Hobgoblin ignorance.

The Hobgoblin punched toward Yang Chen's head but to his surprise, Yang Chen raised his hand to block the attack. When The Hobgoblin's fist touched Yang Chen's hand. Something unexpected happened. Yang Chen didn't block the attack, he changed the fist direction by a slight movement followed by moving his body forward. His body was only a few centimetres away from the Hobgoblin's body.

This position will be extremely dangerous for Yang Chen as if he makes a single mistake then he will be killed by the Hobgoblin. But, Yang Chen honed his combat skills and martial arts for years against monsters who were way stronger than this Hobgoblin.

" Easy to predict attacks and inappropriate stance!" said Yang Chen.

The Hobgoblin raised his leg and kicked Yang Chen but, the machete suddenly appeared in front of his eyes While Yang Chen's body twisted in a weird angle and avoided the kick.

The Hobgoblin avoided Yang Chen's machete. He avoided the attack but one of his eyes was cut by Yang Chen.

The Hobgoblin screamed from the pain but a punch came like lightning and hit him right in the mouth causing his screams to be stopped.

"The Fun will begin now" said Yang Chen as he continued to attack.




While Yang Chen was beating the Hobgoblin. A Group of people were walking through one of the allays. They were following a beautiful girl in her 20s.

"We Collected enough resources for 5 days! It all thanks to Leader!" one of them said.

The Girl ignored him and said " We should return to the bunker! Even though the secret passage is near, don't let your guard down!".

This Girl was Lu Wan. When the monsters appeared, she was terrified and don't know what to do! But, what caused her to be stunned is that she knew some information about the apocalypse Like how to equip weapons and equipment. She didn't know how she knew about all of this but she was grateful for it. She would have become a toy for the beast.

Suddenly, A scream came out of nowhere but it was silenced right away.

Lu Wan and her group stopped and looked at each other. All the group were at Level 2 while Lu Wan was at Level 3. They were well equipped especially Lu Wan. Even if multiple Level 3 monsters appeared, they will be able to handle them.

"Leader, that scream...Isn't it near the secret passage?!" asked one of the men.

Lu Wan's face showed a heavy expression as she nodded. Could it be that monsters found the secret door?! No, it was well hidden and it will be impossible for it to happen.

Lu Wan rushed toward the place with her group and when she and the group reached the site, they became stunned. They saw a Young Man beating the shit out of a monster. What caused them to be stunned is that the monster is Level 4 monster! Even Leader could only escape against such a monster! But, This young man makes it like it was a walk in the park.

Yang Chen was fast and precise in his attack. Each attack caused the Hobgoblin to lose his fighting ability bit by bit. He destroyed one of his eyes, cut the tendons of his right hand and left leg.

Finally, Yang Chen delivered the killing blow by stabbing the Hobgoblin's head.



You Have Killed a Level 4 Hobgoblin




'Yang Chen' has levelled up and reached level 5.

All stats increase by 3 points.


Lu Wan looked at Yang Chen in a daze as she felt that she knew him! But, she never met him!

Yang Chen looked at group and saw Lu Wan, he became stunned as he didn't expect to meet her this quickly.

They looked at each other in the same time and said " Yang Chen/ Lu Wan".