Chapter 12

"Lu Wan/ Yang Chen"

Yang Chen and Lu Wan were in a daze after hearing their names.

"You remember?!" asked Yang Chen. If Lu Wan remembered the past life then it will be the best possible outcome!

"How did you know my name?!" said Lu Wan. She didn't get how could she knew Yang Chen's name. She was sure that she hasn't met him before.

Yang Chen was surprised and started thinking about it. ' She knew my name but doesn't have memories of past life! What the hell is going on?'

"Who are you?!" asked Lu Wan with worry as she took a few steps backwards. She grabbed the sword attached to her waist and pulled it out.

Yang Chen noticed her reaction and sighed. ' She doesn't remember the past!'.

He searched his pockets and found the necklace.

"Here, Take it". Yang Chen showed the necklace.

Lu Wan looked at the necklace and her body stiffened. Her face pale and said "Where did you get it?!"

"I will tell you when we reach a safe place, the Blood of Level 4 monster will attract a huge number of monsters!" said Yang Chen.

Lu Wan took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Okay! Follow me"

Yang Chen nodded and followed Lu Wan. the group went to a house and Yang Chen was surprised to find a secret passage. The passage was opened and they entered through it before sealing the metal door.

"Now, tell me!" said Lu Wan.

"Your mother gave it to me in Mingqiu city" said Yang Chen.

Lu Wan's body trembled as she felt that Yang Chen was telling the truth.

"Where she is now?!"

Yang Chen shook his head and said " She died".

Lu Wan's face becomes ashen and her body lost all of its strength causing her to fell down.

"How did she die?!" asked Lu Wan as tears fell from her eyes.

"An Evolved dog bit her in her stomach and caused serious injuries to her. I Killed the dog before she died and asked me to give this to you!" said Yang Chen.

Lu Wan started weeping while Yang Chen sighed. The people following Lu Wan looked silently at her and didn't know what to say.

After one hour, Lu Wan calmed down.

"How many people in the bunker?!" asked Yang Chen.

"50 except us" said Lu Wan with a hoarse voice.

Yang Chen expected something like this. There is already Level 4 monsters in the city. If there were higher number then Yang Chen would find it to be abnormal.

"Our group built a stronghold outside the city. It can resist the attacks of Level 4 creatures! We have a stable water supply and good can be provided by hunting Evolved beasts" said Yang Chen.

Lu Wan and her group were shocked by Yang Chen's words.

"You can bring the remaining people and stay in our stronghold" said Yang Chen.

"How Can you be sure about it being safe?!" asked Lu Wan.

"I built the Stronghold with the help of the system! The system have many abilities that you couldn't imagine!" said Yang Chen.

Lu Wan became silent for a few minutes and said " What do you want us to do in the stronghold?"

"Those people who can fight will go and hunt Evolved beasts to provided food while the weak could help by doing chores in the Stronghold" said Yang Chen.

Lu Wan and the rest became silent.

"Promise me one thing! You will never bully my group!" said Lu Wan.

Yang Chen became amused and said, "As long they do their jobs then I will not be unfair".

"Then, let me discuss this with the survivors!" said Lu Wan. Yang Chen nodded and followed them.

Yang Chen saw 50 survivors inside the bunker. Lu Wan started telling them about Yang Chen's offer. The People's eyes shone with hope and agreed right away.

Lu Wan looked at Yang Chen and nodded. Yang Chen smiled.




'Yang Chen' has completed The Hope of a dying soul Quest.

'Yang Chen' will receive rewards.




'Yang Chen' has levelled up and reached Level 6. All stats increase by 3 points.

'Yang Chen' has levelled up and reached Level 7. All stats increase by 3 points.

'Yang Chen' has received the Skill [Iron Body].


Yang Chen looked at his stats and a smile blossomed on his face.

Name: Yang Chen

Race: Human

Class: None

Age: 17-year-old

Level: 7

HP: 350/350

MP: 110/110

Strength -----> 23+(9).

Vitality-----> 22+(9)

Agility -----> 22+(6).

Intelligence -----> 20+(2).

Perception -------> 21+(2).

Skills info:

1- [Acceleration, Level 2/5]

[Skill Info: Increase the speed of the caster by 20% for One minute. Consume 5 MP with each cast]

2- [Iron Body, Level 1/5]

[Skill info: A passive skill that reduces the damage taken by 5%]


Yang Chen stats would scare anyone who sees it. He saw Lu Wan coming to him.

"Yang Chen, How will we escort the group to the Stronghold?" asked Lu Wan.

Yang Chen smile grew bigger and Showed his stats to Lu Wan. When Lu Wan saw Yang Chen's stats, Her eyes nearly popped out and went into a daze.

"You are a level 7?!" Asked Lu Wan with a silly face. Yang Chen laughed and nodded.

Lu Wan calmed down. It seems that following this guy is the correct decision!

"Where is the Stronghold?! and how much time is needed to reach it?!" asked Lu Wan.

Yang Chen answered all of her questions. Lu Wan narrowed her eyes as she started thinking about it.

"It took you around 12 Hours to reach the City from the stronghold. If we moved with the group then it will take around a day or two. And this only if we don't rest!" said Lu Wan.

Yang Chen nodded and said " What is the level of your men?!".

"14 are Level 2 and the rest are level 1. I am the only Level 3 here" said Lu Wan.

"I will help level up your men!".

He looked at the level 2 men and pointed at a man.

" You come with me!".

The Man looked at Lu Wan and she nodded. The Man followed Yang Chen and exited the Bunker.

After 2 hours, They came back and what surprised them is that the man who went with Yang Chen has reached level 3 and his equipment became better.

Yang Chen took another person and left the bunker. Lu Wan and the rest looked at the man.

"He pinned down Level 3 Monsters and let me hit them to death. Then, he killed a few monsters and gave me the equipment!" said the man.

"A Level 4 Hobgoblin appears but it took him one minute to kill the Hobgoblin".

Lu Wan nodded and anticipated the results.

Yang Chen spent two days training them and made them reach Level 3. He didn't rest at all and took a break after finishing from training them.

" Lu Wan, you will be the next!" said Yang Chen as he closed his eyes and begin the breathing exercise. After that, he went with Lu Wan outside.

"Lu Wan, Can you show me your stats".

Lu Wan looked at Yang Chen for a few seconds before nodding. Lu Wan's Stats become visible to Yang Chen.

Name: Lu Wan

Race: Human

Class: Sword Master.

Age: 21-year-old

Level: 3

HP: 240/240

MP: 105/105

Strength -----> 16+(5).

Vitality-----> 15+(5)

Agility -----> 17+(4).

Intelligence -----> 19+(2).

Perception -------> 18+(2).

Skills info:

1-[Sowrd mastery, Level 2/5]

[Skill info: A passive skill that increases the damage of Swords by 10%].

Yang Chen looked at the third line with amazement. " You have already unlocked a class?!" asked Yang Chen.

"I don't know how I get it! When the system appeared for the first time, it showed me that I already have a skill!" said Lu Wan.

Yang Chen thought about it. Most people unlock the classes when they reach Level 10. The class they will get depends on the stats and their fighting style. Some classes can be unlocked by fulfilling a special requirement before Level 10.

"Could it be because we were the last people to die in the previous life?!" though Yang Chen.

He was the last person to die and get back to the past with his full memories. While Lu Wan died before him but retrained her class and didn't have to wait for Level 10.

"To make sure of this, I should look for those who fought with us against the Devils" thought Yang Chen.