Chapter 13

Yang Chen helped Lu Wan reach level 4 after two hours. He didn't stop and looked for Level 4 monsters for her. He wanted her to reach Level 5 before leaving the city. Luckily, He found a Hobgoblin. He let Lu Wan Fight Him as her stats were comparable to him know.

The Fight begins and Yang Chen watched the fight while being close to Lu Wan in case something happens. Lu Wan didn't disappoint him and was fighting the Hobgoblin without any problem.

Finally, Lu Wan's sword stabbed the Hobgoblin in his heart and killed him.

"I Levelled up" said Lu Wan.

"Good, Let's get back to the bunker"

Yang Chen and Lu Wan went back to the Bunker.

The best plan they thought of was to divide the survivors into five groups.

He and Lu Wan will escort one group to the stronghold then come back for the others.

They started the plan and the first group was mostly consist of the weak people. They left Level 3 people to be the last group to be escorted.

Yang Chen, Lu Wan and three of level 3 went with the first group.

They met a few monsters which Yang Chen and Lu Wan were able to kill in a few minutes. The first group took two days to reach the stronghold.

"Open!" said Yang Chen, due to him being the stronghold creator, he could control it without any problem.

"Yang Chen has come back!" excited voices sounded in the stronghold followed by the inhabitants flocking around Yang Chen and his group. His parents and Lu Xiaoyu also came and met Yang Chen.

"Did you meet with any trouble during my absence?" asked Yang Chen.

"Well, a few evolved flying beasts came but they were killed by Lu Xiaoyu's fireballs!" said one of the inhabitants.

Lu Xiaoyu puffed her chest in pride and said " I levelled up and reached level 4! Also, My Fireball skill increased by one level".

Yang Chen smiled and said " Good job, I did the right thing by trusting you!". He saw that Lu Xiaoyu's trust has reached 85.

Lu Wan listened to them and was shocked. " You have a magic skill?!". Lu Xiaoyu looked at her and said " Yang Chen, who is she?!".

"Lu Wan, she and her group will live with us in the

The stronghold" after saying this, Yang Chen invited Lu Wan and her group to the Stronghold.

Lu Wan looked at the Stronghold's name and said " A Good name!". She and her group accepted the invite and officially became inhabitants of the stronghold.

Yang Chen got a notification and nodded.

He and Lu Wan rested for a half a day before moving back to the city. Yang Chen took the chance to see Lu Wan's trust for him.

Lu Wan's trust: 60/100.

Yang Chen smiled and continued to move to the city. After four times of travelling and escorting the survivors. They could finally rest as all the survivors have been escorted to the stronghold.

He looked at The Stronghold stats.


Stronghold Name: Humanity Hope

Defence level: 3

Stronghold inhabitants number: 55

Stronghold points: 8 points

Special skill: None


Yang Chen knew that every ten inhibitors give one point each day. So, he will get 5 points daily.

"If i want to upgrade the Stronghold then more people must join it!" said Yang Chen.

"Yang Chen, What are you going to do now?" asked Lu Wan.

"We should raise your and Lu Xiaoyu levels. Then, begin with level 3 fighters and try to make them reach level 5 in the fastest possible time" said Yang Chen.

Lu Wan nodded.

Yang Chen closed his eyes and thought " It's the time to choose the Stronghold special skill".



You Have chosen the stronghold's skill [Protection aura].


Yang Chen inspected most of the skill and found that it was the best skill for his stronghold.


Stronghold Name: Humanity Hope

Defence level: 3

Stronghold inhabitants number: 55

Stronghold points: 8 points

Special skill:

[Protection Aura]

[Skill info: Any creature that comes near the Stronghold will have his stats suppressed by 30%.]


Yang Chen thought that it was the best skill for his stronghold. It will allow the fighters to fight level 4 creatures without any problem and it will cause their levels to increase at a good pace.

"Lu Wan, i have to train for a few days. So, i want you to help hunting beasts and to bring water to the stronghold" said Yang Chen.

Yang Chen felt that if he trained for a Week then he will finally unlock the Internal Qi Master class.

He explained it to Lu Wan and she understood the significance of this thing. Lu Wan accepted and went to her group and planned their hunt.

Yang Chen went to one of the rooms and closed the door. He sat down and with his legs crossed. He inspected the energy in his body

The warm energy in his body became stronger than before as his level getting higher.

"I unlocked the Internal Qi master when i was level 50 in my past life. But now, I will unlock this class before level 10!" Yang Chen couldn't imagine what will happen later when he promotes the Internal Qi Master later.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The warm energy in his body was stirred and begin circulating in his body.

Yang Chen closed all of his senses as he begins to unlock the skill.




After 6 days.

Lu Wan and Lu Xiaoyu didn't slack down during this period.

Lu Wan went with a group of level 3 and hunted in one day more than 7 evolved beasts. Then, They went and filled the water for the inhabiters.

Lu Xiaoyu stood in the middle of the stronghold and waited for any flying beasts to appear. Once a beast appears, She will send a massive Fireball and roast it completely. Then, she will make the people take the roasted beasts and look for its parts that weren't turned into charred coal.

After seeing that Food and Water have become enough, Lu Wan ordered the Level 3 fighters to cut down trees in order to build a storage room for Food. Also, They started to dig and build a well that could contain a large amount of water.

Lu Wan and Lu Xiaoyu looked at the place that Yang Chen stayed in it. He didn't leave it for the entire week. He didn't even eat or drink anything!

They Didn't know that Yang Chen has reached a critical stage.

His body was covered with a thin layer of white mist.



New energy has appeared in your body.

Analysing the energy.


Analysing the energy has completed.




After analysing the energy and looking at the world culture, the energy is called Qi.

Qi is a vital energy that was produced by the coordination of breathing, awareness and body movement.

Do you want to create a class that depends on the Qi energy? (Y/N)





System is creating a class that depends on the Qi energy. measuring Qi effects and turn the information into a class.


The class has been created.

'Yang Chen' has created a new class

[ Internal Qi Master].

All stats will increase by 6 points.

'Yang Chen' Received the Class skill:

[Qi Enhancement]




'Yang Chen' is the first human to create a class.

'Yang Chen' will receive the following rewards:

1- Level Up by one level.

2- 'Yang Chen' has given the right to create a skill for his class.


Yang Chen opened his eyes in amazement!

He didn't get this message in his past life! This means that there was a person who created a class before he did.

He calmed down and said the information about the skill he wanted to create.



'Yang Chen' Received the Skill [Qi Attraction].


Yang Chen looked at His stats.

Name: Yang Chen

Race: Human

Class: Internal Qi Master.

Age: 17-year-old

Level: 8

HP: 450/450

MP: 155/155

Qi Points: 10/10

Strength -----> 32+(9).

Vitality-----> 31+(9)

Agility -----> 31+(6).

Intelligence -----> 29+(2).

Perception -------> 30+(2).

Skills info:

1-[Qi Enhancement, Level 1/5 ]

[ Skill Info: Using Qi will increase all of the stats by 5 points for three minutes. Consume 5 Qi points].

2-[Qi Attraction]

[Skill Info: Passive skill. 'Yang Chen' pores became open which allow him to absorb the Qi in the air automatically. Increase the Qi points by one each week]

3- [Acceleration, Level 2/5]

[Skill Info: Increase the speed of the caster by 20% for One minute. Consume 5 MP with each cast]

4- [Iron Body, Level 1/5]

[Skill info: A passive skill that reduces the damage taken by 5%].



Information about Qi:

Qi Points increase by increasing all the stats by 10 points. The increase will be by one point.


Yang Chen smiled and stood up. He said "It's time to leave!".



'Yang Chen' Growth, Stats and Skills have attracted the devils attention.
