Luke - his story (2)

Sherpa was his friend since two years back. They had remained in touch with each other meeting often to discuss anything and everything under the sun. Sherpa was all alone in the world as his parents were no more. He had come to work in City B at an early age. He got a job in the High School when he was 18 years of age. Now he was 33 years old, still unmarried unwilling to change his job as he preferred to remain in this school seeing children pass out to get admission in the College in this city or in other cities, as per their caliber. Luke, on the other hand, was 32 years old. He had come to City B when he was 28 years of age. He was also unmarried. Whenever they met the conversation would start as to when they would enter into holy matrimony.

Luke was feeling perturbed after Sherpa had given him a good lecture. Normally, it was he who used to give lectures to his students in the class. Sometimes he would give them scolding too. Today he had received a lecture and a scolding from his friend.

He remembered seeing Zia in the school just when she joined two months back. He could still recall that day's events. The Committee meeting of the school was slated in the winter month and he was in his best suit with matching tie and shoes. He knew he looked dashing and felt younger than his age, which always gives one confidence. As he entered the school gate so did this beautiful girl.

He just could not believe that the vision he was beholding was real. He had to literally rub his eyes to verify that the vision was not a dream figure. He had never seen such a beautiful person in his life until now. This girl looked like an angel who had just descended from heaven. God seemed to have made her in his leisure time.

It was winter, so she was dressed in a long woolen dress along with a legging. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail which gave her a young college student look.

He did not know who she was but how to find out and how to get to know her better? He had got zapped but she had not even noticed him, which was indeed sad.

He thought the best thing to do was ask his friend, Sherpa. But how would he describe her? He slowly walked behind her and simultaneously pulled out his mobile from his coat's pocket. He was wishing that somehow she would stop somewhere so that he could click her picture.

He knew this was wrong. If she found out he could get into a lot of trouble. Luckily, for him, she stopped near the notice board, perhaps to see if any new notices were posted there. Luke got his opportunity and quickly clicked her photo. The photo was showing her face from the side.

He then proceeded to attend the Committee meeting. After the meeting, he called Sherpa.

"Can you get free for half an hour? The meeting has ended but I want to talk to you about an urgent matter. Till I have spoken to you I cannot leave, so please get away for 10 minutes and you can get back after 30 minutes." Luke told Sherpa.

Sherpa started laughing; this friend of his was an idiot. Did he not know the difference in 10 minutes and 30 minutes? He wants me to come away for 10 minutes and go back after 30 minutes.

Soon Sherpa was at the gate laughing.

"What is so funny?" Luke inquired.

"Just the funny way you asked me to wait for you. Don't you know the difference between 10 minutes and 30 minutes? I think your knowledge about watches as well as telling time is very poor. Perhaps you were spending your time sleeping when your teacher was teaching time."

"Ha-ha, Sherpa maybe you are right! That time I was teaching myself time management."

"Ok, enough fooling around, why have you called me?" Sherpa raised his eyebrows and added "I am not free to chit chat with you the whole day. There is work to be done. If I don't get back in 10 minutes, a search party will come looking for me, so be fast."

"Fine, I understand you are a very important person and the school cannot function without you, so I will be as quick as I can."

"I have just sent you a picture of an angel and I want her details." I want to know who she is, what is she doing here, whether she is in administration or is she teaching? Her family details if possible." Saying this Luke took leave telling Sherpa that the designated 10 minutes were over, so he needed to go back before the search party comes looking for him.


Fifteen days had elapsed but there was no response from Sherpa. Luke was worried. The next committee meeting was slated in the coming month. Why had Sherpa not given a reply?

Luke decided to call and find out.

The phone kept ringing but no one was picking the call.

Where could Sherpa have gone to? It was almost 8 p.m. I think I need to send him a message to call back. Luke then typed a message asking Sherpa to call back as soon as possible.

Sherpa knew that Luke wanted to inquire about Zia. He had immediately recognized her after seeing her picture that Luke had sent him on his mobile. But he wanted to tease his friend so he called Luke back after an hour.

Luke in the meantime was already in jitters, waiting and waiting for Sherpa to call back. He kept thinking as to what could be the matter with Sherpa? He had never behaved like this before. Was he deliberately trying to pester him?

The call finally came and after they exchanged pleasantries, Luke asked him about the identity of the girl in the picture he had sent.

Sherpa replied that he had not seen any picture maybe it was due to the network issue. The picture and his message did not reach him and that Luke should resend it.

Luke was very disappointed and angry at the same time.

"Ok! I am sending again but I will confirm from you first before I let you cut your call."

Luke proceeded to send the picture as well as the text he had sent earlier. A minute later he got a reply from Sherpa that the picture had been received.

Heaving a sigh of relief Luke then said, "How long will you take to find out about her?"

"About a week, I think," replied Sherpa and added, "May I cut the call now?"

"Of course, good night." Another wait for 1 week thought Luke.


One week passed in no time. There was a call from Sherpa. Sherpa informed that the girl's name was Zia. She had done her Ph.D. in Botany but had joined this school as a temporary teacher till she got her appointment as a lecturer in the college in City B or other Cities she had applied to. She was 27 years of age and hailed from City A. Her father was working with the Government. Her mother was a homemaker. She had a younger brother who was doing his Ph.D. in Physics. She had a good character and was more interested in things other than those of this world.

She had a god given gift since childhood with the ability to perceive events in the future i.e. beyond the normal sensory contact, meaning she was clairvoyant and clairaudient. She could feel the vibrations of animals and plants, whenever she moved a palm or both palms over the plants or animals. Thus, she instantly got to know what was troubling them. If the plants or animals or even birds were ever sick, in pain or needed food or water or someone to just talk to them, she would be there to help. She felt that the plants and animals and birds would communicate with her via telepathy. She strongly believed in the saying that we are connected to mother earth through each living thing, but modernization had had its effect on this sensitive bond. People did not care or even if they had this trait they would keep it hidden for being laughed by the people.

Recently, she had started seeing Aura around plants and animals and anything that was living. She could also see grey areas in the aura which signified that the plant or animal or bird had an illness coming. She did a Google search and found various websites on spirituality as well as healing energies. Zia thus gauged a lot of information from various websites. She was on the lookout for someone to teach her these things so that she would develop this God-given gift to its full potential.

She had heard that Reiki was a good healing therapy which used positive energy / spiritual healing. At a higher level of learning, you would be in a position to send spiritual healing to persons who were living far away. It was something like telepathy and this energy would only do good as it was positive energy using god /spiritual/universal energy. Positive energy is always good. It did not harm anyone.

Luke had his ear glued to his phone and heard all this without saying a single word.
