Time Machine at Town I destroyed

They got out of the gliding cars when they reached the arrival tunnel's exit point and started to follow Mono. They saw the three hazy statues in various stages of doing something. It was just like what they had seen when they boarded the cars at the departure tunnel at Town M for Town I. This town was far away and seems to be less on the visiting list. There were only 3 persons manning the entry tunnel to Town I.

Mono and the group of the trekkers were surrounded by the halo of white light emitted by the Orbs who had covered them. Mono carried a map with him, apparently of Town I, and as per the map they walked through the tunnel for about 10 minutes. The tunnel was well lit as the light from outside was filtering through the shafts and vents as was in the tunnel in Town M. There was a fragrance of fresh flowers coming through.

After walking for about 10 minutes, they came to a similar inner cave that had about 6 scientists sitting in front of machines as statues in various stages of doing work. Another scientist was standing like a statue near the huge pulsating brain which was hanging at the other end of the wall of the cave. On the wall was written, 'Time Machine Experiment I'.

The same two telephone booths like structures could be seen like of 'Dr. Who' series on television. They had glass covers too. These were connected with wires to the computers and the computers were in turn connected with wires to the huge pulsating brain.

The group of trekkers felt it was a déjà vu thing. How strange, the entire cave was exactly the same as at Town M.

Everyone started looking at Danny. He had tripped over a wire previously and pressed a button accidentally which helped in destroying the entire Time machine and the connected computer systems as well as the huge brain.

Danny shook his head. He was not going to do the same thing. Mono came over to him and said it would take him time to figure out where Danny had tripped and which button he had pressed. He was not asking him to do the same again. But since this Time Machine experiment was an exact replica of that destroyed at Town M, Danny just needed to identify the wire and the button. Mono would do the rest.

Danny looked at Luke Sir for giving permission to indicate that he should help out.

Luke said, "Go ahead and identify the wire of the system that you tripped on and the button you pressed."

Since Luke had given permission Danny walked around as he had done in the previous cave. He found the system and the attached wire as well as the red button.

Mono told him to step back and join the rest. 6 Orbs surrounded Mono and the rest of the Orbs covered the group directing them gently by moving towards them to step back towards the entrance of the cave.

Mono pulled the wire with his left foot and pressed the red button with his right hand. A lot of sparks were seen coming out of the machines and the huge brain. The noise was also being emitted and the huge brain shriveled up to the size of a tennis ball. All the machines stopped functioning and a white cloud engulfed them. Soon the cloud subsided but the machines were damaged beyond repairs. The two telephone booths like containers had shattered glass, making their use impossible. The computer terminals which were wired to the brain had also burnt up.

"We need not wait for the Orbs to come out on their own after two hours," Mono informed.

"Some of the Orbs from Town M will help out. Orbs are basically shy. In the beginning, they do not know what they are."

A cracking sound was heard from the shriveled brain and 25 blobs of white light came out. The 10 Orbs from Town M moved to the shriveled brain to receive them. The 10 Orbs communicated with them for about 15-20 minutes and these 25 Orbs joined the 75 Orbs.

Now there were 100 Orbs in total and were they dancing around as if they were recognizing their friends and relatives who had been trapped in the huge brain here. The sight of the Orbs jumping about looked nice and funny too.

Mono asked the 100 Orbs to ensure that everything was destroyed including the dead brain contained the first brain around which the Time machine experiment had been built.

The 25 Orbs went around the entire cave raising electric current and soon sparks of electricity were seen all over the place hitting the computer terminals. Soon the computer terminals were burnt beyond recognition. The shriveled brain was also injected with a dose of electric current by these 25 Orbs in a combined exercise. As a result, the shriveled brain was burnt up beyond recognition.

Juan, the grandfather of Mono told him telepathically that they had not destroyed their Time Machine. They would need to do likewise when they went back. It would be the first thing to be done before they embarked to free the freedom fighters who had been jailed in Town M as well as the scientists who had revolted against the making of the Time Machines.

They should do this as soon as they landed in the tunnel at Town M within a few hours. They had 100 Orbs to do this and all of them would feel immense pleasure in destroying all that torturous stuff. No one should start to make such a horrendous thing again.

Mono agreed and asked the group to make a note of the fact that the Time Machine experiment at Town M had not been destroyed. He needed to get it destroyed with the help of the Orbs in a similar manner as the Time Machine experiment at I was destroyed. If anything was left, even a blueprint, then some other corrupt Administrator would want to rebuild it.

Mono asked Juan, his grandfather, and Echo, his father to ascertain from the 25 Orbs of Town I to ensure that no blueprint or designs of the Time Machine remained there.

The two Orbs asked those 25 Orbs telepathically and they got a response that all the terminals were destroyed. Some old computers were kept in the storeroom. They would light up a controlled electric shoot there too.

The group saw the Orbs leaving for a similar area where there was a similar door of a storeroom. Soon there was a lot of hissing noises as the Orbs aimed electric current at all the dumped terminals in the storeroom. Soon everything was destroyed actually charred beyond recognition.

The 25 Orbs came back. In that much time, there was some movement noticed in the 6 Scientists who were statues. It was not much of a movement as the scientists 1 minute was equivalent was their 1 hour.

"Okay everyone," Mono called everyone. "All the 100 Orbs too, we need to proceed to the Jail area."

"The Orbs from Town I lead the way and the rest keep us covered."