The Scientist who was Atomized

The work at Town L, the mystery town, had been accomplished. On the way back the entire story of the Time Machine was unveiled to the group. Actually, the information was already conveyed by the 25 Orbs of this place to the Orbs of Mono's father and grandfather.

While walking towards the tunnel and towards the Cave with the destroyed Time Machine Experiment, this information was conveyed to Mono and the group of trekkers by the Orbs of Mono's father and grandfather.

50 years ago the Chief Administrator in Town M had the idea to get information from other means rather than from the cities above. The other means would be a Time machine that would travel faster than the speed of light and which would travel back to the past and also to the future. In this way, they would get information about what was the progress and if it has an impact in the future or they need to proceed in a different direction to develop their small community. After all, their ancestors, who were the best in their respective fields, had settled here 250 years ago to be close to nature and develop themselves spiritually and enhance their technology. They had invented their own computers, the internet, the radio, mobiles, medicines, surgery, etc. which was better than the cities above.

Chief Administrator's grandfather had stopped all contact with the cities above 80 years ago. But the scientists had continued to connect with the cities through secret tunnels and speed travel capsules. His father had taken over as Chief Administrator, and after his father's demise in 2000 he took over and continued his grandfather's no contact policy as well as giving impetus to his grandfather's and his father's dream of building a Time Machine. This administrator took more interest than his father and grandfather. As a result, he posted his most loyal person to take charge of the Administration at Town L. This person was cruel and would be after the scientists on a daily basis to bring out results. This was the first Time Machine experiment. The stress took the lives of 25 scientists. The scientists or political persons who opposed were imprisoned. People were scared of him.

The pressure tactics took their toll and then there was the plate experiment with the writing at the bottom coming through as reverse. Then the Mouse and Cat experiment which made them disappear as mouse atoms and cat atoms. The Administrator was furious and came with his cronies. He looked for the scientist in charge of the experiment; started to fire him left right and center that too in front of his subordinates. Then in a fit of anger, he caught the scientist in charge by his collar as his cronies held the scientist and pushed him into the energizing booth and pressed the button. The scientist disappeared but did not assemble in the other booth. The rest of the scientists were shocked and refused to work. They felt that if this was the fate of their head what would be their fate? Seeing their attitude, guards were called and the scientists were hauled up and taken to jail and imprisoned.

To avoid the blame, that he was responsible for this he put guards on the experiment cave and destroyed the direct tunnel to Town M. Later, he sent a wrong report that the scientists had revolted and were refusing to do further research but were taking risks and had killed animals trying to send them into the future. They had also destroyed the direct tunnel to Town M from Town L. He refused the people of Town L to leave and imprisoned anyone who went against his orders. Many people did escape via the above-ground routes and settled in other towns. But he could not leave maybe due to the huge guilt factor.

Someone reported to the Chief Administrator at Town M. He was confined to this Town under house arrest. His aides were also confined to their houses and guards were placed in front of all these persons. They were asked never to attempt to leave as the consequences would be severe. Their food and needs were met via special dispatches from Town M. To the rest of the Town, Town L was abandoned but there were some people living there.

The question now arose about the scientist who had been traumatized by being thrown in the Time Machine. What happened to him? The Orbs who were his colleagues could perhaps trace him. Mono asked the Orbs of his father and grandfather to ask the 25 Orbs released here whether they knew where his Orb was.

The Orbs did not know but just then there was a flash of light and tiny light particles came together to form an Orb which was not white in color but seemed to be dirty white in color. Then the Orb spoke. Everyone was surprised. Orbs communicated via telepathy, but how come this Orb could speak.

The Orb was heard sobbing. When the sobbing subsided, the Orb started to speak.

"My name is Neil and I was the Scientist in charge of the Time Machine Experiment at Town L," the voice of the Orb said.

"This experiment had taken the lives of all my colleagues due to the Administrator of Town L who wanted the experiment from Town L to be successful without bothering about the welfare of the scientists concerned." He added. "The local Administrator did not want this experiment repeated in any other town."

"So much pressure was created on the scientists that many of them died of heart attack and other stress-related issues." After their death, their brains were extracted and added to the huge brain." He added.

Furthermore, I would have met the same fate if the Administrator and his helpers had not pushed him into the energizing booth and the Administrator not pressed the energizing button."

"The machine was faulty, the atoms could not reassemble and my body disappeared as Neil atoms." He added with a sad tone in his voice.

My daughter was here at that time. She was hiding in the tunnel and heard and saw what happened to me. Luckily, she did not scream otherwise she would have been caught and placed in prison.

She sent a complaint to the Chief Administrator at Town M against this local Administrator. She described in detail all that had taken place.

"As a result of this complaint by her, the entire local Administrator team at Town L was placed under house arrest by the Chief Administrator." At least the experiment was stopped.

"My daughter's name is Lilly, she has been waiting for you all to return," Neil added. "When the Orbs were destroying the Time Machine Experiment, she was hiding in the tunnel. I will call her just now to meet you all."

The off-white Orb called his daughter to come out and not be afraid. Surprisingly, she is not made into a statue, how come?

Just then, from the tunnel opposite to the tunnel that led to the Town, walked out a tall pretty girl who was very tall and almost as tall as Mono.

All the girls started matchmaking her with Mono. Mono was 7'7" and Lilly seemed to be 7' in height.