Visit to the Mountain (Part 1)

The meeting with the important people of the Magical World went well. They were happy to see the Earthlings. After a long time Earthlings had visited their world. At least the Earthlings remembered them after so many years. Zen and Zoya had explained to them that they were not aware of this flat satellite called Magical World.

They had come to get crystals for the hypnotizers that were needed to freeze some persons in the hidden little world. This little world had been made by people who lived hidden from the rest of the world. Their little world was like a Utopia but the Utopia was ridden with oppressive rulers now and the people there were fighting back. It was a silent weaponless struggle to take back control by the people. The children further explained that they did not belong to the Little Utopia but to the city above it and they had ventured into that area by mistake. They had to stay back to help as much as they could before heading back to their school in the city.

The children also explained that the oppressive leaders had done some harm to a scientist. Their 2 adult supervisors had stayed behind to do a reverse atomization experiment to bring back a Scientist that had been thrown into a time machine.

The people in the Magical World understood what was an Oppressive ruler. They had one, many years ago and they had also fought back to remove him.

The people agreed to let the children see the control mechanism inside the mountains that managed the satellite as well as the closing and opening of the aperture in the sky to let in spaceships. They also agreed to let the children see the landing site of the spaceships. But there were conditions.

The first condition was to see these two places one at a time. Tomorrow they would see the control machinery in working as an alien spaceship would be entering the Magical World. The day after tomorrow they would see the landing site of the spaceships, maybe even meet the aliens.

The second condition was that no photography could be taken.

The third condition was that they would see the great books and tell the people of the Magical World what has transpired on Earth since then the books stopped.

The children agreed at once to all these conditions.

The children could not believe their luck. They were very happy. They had got an opportunity to explore new things on this flat satellite.

The dozen or so persons wished then good night and soon left.

Aarvin was asked to inform the children to be ready in the morning around 9 a.m. for the visit to the mountain to see the control mechanism of the entire satellite.

The children were in an animated discussion as they were very excited. After all their visit to this satellite, and now the proposed visit to the mountain to see the control mechanism was a dream come true.

Soon dinner was served, the children had a sumptuous dinner and went out to the hut area where Aarvin lived, to talk to him and at the same time take a walk before calling it a day. It had been a successful day.

They could not find Aarvin but finished their walk and returned to the building then headed for the dorms. Surprisingly a new set of clothes had been kept on their beds. They did a wash-up and changed into their night clothes. After lying down they were asleep.

The Orbs seem to be on guard outside the dorms. After some time the Orbs who had gone to see to the crystals returned with happiness eluding from their Oval shapes. Their work had probably been accomplished.

They all got up early morning as they had slept early. After all, there were no television or internet to occupy their time. Perhaps the Magical World had realized that their use was for destructive things rather than for the positive things. Hence, no such devices like Radio, mobiles or TVs could be seen on this satellite.

Some of the boys and some of the girls had gone out for an early morning jogging. They could not do so in the hidden world but here they could manage. Soon they were back. Yes, they did not touch anything. They had seen the fish in the river. They had stopped to drink water as they were feeling thirsty after all that running. They had taken permission from the stream before they took water.

They were ready quite fast and folded the dried clothes. The clothes they had been given yesterday they washed and put out to dry. Good that their parents had inculcated in them the habit of taking care of themselves as well as their clothes etc.

The Orbs who had come back feeling happy conveyed the response they had received from the crystals. They would be working on the crystals again today.

They were ready by 7.45 a.m. and were feeling hungry. So, they made a beeline to the dining hall to eat breakfast. Breakfast was served early as here people started working by 8.30 a.m.

Before 9 a.m. they were ready and waiting to proceed to the mountain to see the control mechanism of this entire flat satellite.

At exact 9.a.m. tiny cars without wheels glided and landed in front of the door of the entrance to the building. These vehicles were cars without wheels and had wings. They would glide by hovering slightly above the ground. They seemed to be working on some hydraulic system. Each car could accommodate 4 persons including one diver. Here they required 4 such cars.

Three persons sat in each flying car along with the driver. Thus 4 cars made their way towards the mountain. First, the cars glided and then rose towards the sky. Thereafter, they flew straight to the mountain.

The scenery below was very beautiful. It looked like they were looking down at heaven. The grass, trees animals actually everything was too perfect.

After flying at the level of the treetops, they could see the aperture at the partition of the day and night skies. It was in the shape of a star. The points were closed at the moment and would open real wide to accommodate the entry of spaceships.

The strip between the two skies could also be seen. After about 20 minutes of traveling the cars landed right in front of the mountain on the dayside.

Everyone got off, and the drivers flew the cars away.