Flashback Utopia (Part 6)

The entire cave was a replica of that at Town M and Town I. Mono, surrounded by a few Orbs, pulled the wire with his left foot and pressed the red button with his right hand. As in the last two Time Machine experiments, a lot of sparks were seen coming out of the machines and the huge brain. The noise was also being emitted and the huge brain shriveled up to the size of a tennis ball. Here also all the machines stopped functioning and a white cloud engulfed them. Soon the cloud subsided but the machines were destroyed beyond repairs. The two telephone booths like containers were destroyed too and shattered glass could be seen inside. These were now impossible to be used. The computer terminals which were wired to the brain had also burnt up.

A cracking sound was heard from the shriveled brain and here also 25 blobs of white light came out. About 10 Orbs 5 from Town M and 5 Town I moved to the shriveled brain to receive them. These 10 Orbs communicated with the Orbs that had come out from the shriveled brain for about 10 minutes and these 25 Orbs joined the 100 Orbs. Now there were a total of 125 Orbs in total comprising 75 from Town M, 25 from Town I and the most recent 25 from Town J. These 125 Orbs were dancing around as if they were happy to meet the old friends and relatives who had been trapped in the huge brain here. There was a strange humming type of sound emitting from the excited Orbs which were jumping about.

This time Mono did not have to tell the Orbs to ensure everything was destroyed including the dead brain contained the first brain around which the Time machine experiment had been built. The Orbs moved around with lightning speed throughout the entire cave raising electric current and sparks of electricity to hit at all the computer terminals. Soon the computer terminals were burnt beyond recognition. The shriveled brain was also injected with a dose of electric current by a few of these Orbs in a combined exercise. As a result, the shriveled brain was burnt up beyond recognition. The blueprints and the old computers in the storeroom were also destroyed.

Mono again remembered that they had not properly destroyed the Time Machine at Town M as they did in Town I and Town J. But never mind, they would be passing that cave when they finish all their tasks. Thereafter, they would destroy everything that was not fully destroyed and proceed to rescue the political prisoners and scientists locked up in the jail of Town M. Actually, the Orbs would love to destroy the experiment or anything connected with it. The experiment was nothing but torture for the Orbs even after death; their loved ones were always agitated about this fact.

The 25 Orbs came back after their work was completed and Mono said that they now needed to proceed to the Jail area. All the 125 Orbs proceed to the Jail area, 100 protecting the group and 25 Orbs just released were to lead the way. This was because they belonged to this town and knew their way around the Town. They also knew the shortest route to the Jail of Town J were the innocent scientists were held. In the prison compound adjacent to the scientists were jailed those persons who had protested against the wrong policies of the Administrator and his cronies.

The same things happened as in town I. All the locks opened as soon as the Orbs had surrounded the gate. They first went to the reception area and found the records of the 20 scientists, who had been arrested quite some time back for refusing to work on the Time Machine experiment. They also located the records of the 15 political prisoners. The Orbs did a memory scan of the lists of scientists and the political prisoners and thereafter destroyed the entire records. All the attendants there were statues and were not aware of anything that was happening.

The Orbs then split into five groups. One group remained to surround them, another group floated to the compound of the 20 scientists. The third group moved to the compound that lodged the 15 political prisoners. The fourth group remained at the reception and the fifth bigger group moved to the local administrator's building which housed the local administrator and his cronies. The Administrator and all his cronies, frozen in position as statues, were in office as it was morning time.

The Orbs hypnotized the scientists and the political prisoners to make them walk out of jail and into their homes where they would become statues again. They were to remain in their homes till someone by the name of Mono contacted them. They were not to go anywhere or have any contact with anyone for a week. Since their benefactors had their names and addressed as well as phone numbers, they would be contacted shortly.

Thereafter the scientists left for their respective homes. As they had been hypnotized they managed to walk but became statues as soon as they entered their homes. The same thing happened with the political prisoners. They also became statues upon reaching their homes.

The fifth group made their way to the local Administrator's office. Here another Orb held a similar thin lit torch like apparatus and hypnotized the local Administrator and his colleagues. They were asked to head for the jail. This was a convenient way to move everyone as carrying them would have taken a long time. If you can hypnotize then why do so much work?

They, in turn, followed the directions of the Orb and made their way to the jail and entered the 'political prisoners' compound of the jail. As soon as the local Administrator and his cronies landed up in their cells, they became statues. The gates closed behind the new prisoners. New records with names and other details were created by the fourth group of Orbs at the reception and these were kept in the reception area as the new records.

The Orbs were very clever; after all, they were the energies of scientists, so it was understandable.

They had accomplished their work successfully in Town J also and since it was only 11.30 am they decided to proceed to Town K straight away.