Flashback Utopia ( Part 11)

The replies given by Mono were something they expected about using biodegradable material. But they were surprised that experiments were ongoing in many countries but the use of these environmental things was not so widespread. Yes, there were plates made of leaves and containers made of leaves used in India for serving food in temples. These plates were disposable.

They all followed the path indicated by the map and walked through the tunnel for about 10 minutes while they were listening to the lecture given by Mono. They also learned that he had done research on Khus khus and Brahmi plant.

The tunnel here was as well lit as the light from outside was filtering through the shafts and vents as was in the tunnel in Town M and I, Town J and Town K. Fresh air from above was coming down through the vents.

Upon turning the corner they arrived at the inner cave. There were no scientists here. The two telephone booths like structures as one would see in the T.V. serial called 'Dr. Who' were there, but these telephone booths like structures did not have glass covers. Someone seemed to broken not only its doors but its glass windows too. The wires connecting the computer terminals with the huge dead brain were still there. The writing on the wall saying, 'Time Machine Experiment, Town K', seemed to be many years old as the dust had gathered on it. The computers were the old box types and were covered in layers of dust and cobwebs. Instead of a huge pulsating brain hanging on the wall, there was just a huge dead brain hanging on the wall. It was also covered in dust and cobwebs.

The entire atmosphere gave an eerie feeling. This cave was also a replica of that at Town M, Town I, Town J and Town K. But from the look of things, especially the box type computers, it seemed as if the Time Machine Experiment had commenced here in Town L.

Mono surrounded by a few Orbs went through the pulling of wire and pressing the red button procedure. Though everything was in a stopped state, a lot of sparks were seen coming out of the machines and the huge brain. The noise was also being emitted and the huge brain though dead, shriveled up to the size of a tennis ball. A white cloud engulfed them all. Soon the cloud subsided but the machines were destroyed. The two telephone booths were destroyed further. The computer terminals which were wired to the brain had also destroyed.

Some of the Orbs went over the shriveled up brain and started humming. A cracking sound was heard from the shriveled brain and here also 25 blobs of white light came out. About 20 Orbs moved to the shriveled brain to receive those that were coming out of the huge brain. These 20 Orbs communicated with the Orbs that had come out from the shriveled brain for about 10 minutes and these 25 Orbs joined the rest of the Orbs. Now there were a total of 175 Orbs in total comprising 75 from Town M, 25 from Town I, 25 from Town J, 25 from Town K and now the most recent 25 from Town L.

These 175 Orbs seemed to be very happy to meet the old friends and relatives who had been trapped in the huge brain here. There was a strange humming type of sound emitting from the excited Orbs which were jumping about.

This time again Mono did not have to tell the Orbs to ensure everything was destroyed including the dead brain contained the first brain around which the Time machine experiment had been built.

The Orbs moved around with lightning speed throughout the entire cave raising electric current and sparks of electricity to hit at all the computer terminals. Soon the computer terminals were burnt beyond recognition. The shriveled brain was also injected with a dose of electric current by a few of these Orbs in a combined exercise. As a result, the shriveled brain was burnt up beyond recognition.

Some old computers which were kept in the storeroom were also given a good dose of electric current and soon everything was destroyed, actually charred beyond recognition. Now everything about the Time Machine experiment was completely destroyed at the abandoned Town L.

Mono recalled that they needed to destroy the Time Machine experiment at Town M in a similar way. They would take care of this matter when they went back to Town M. It would be the first thing they needed to do before embarking on the mission to free the freedom fighters who had been jailed in Town M as well as the scientists who had revolted against the making of the Time Machines there. They should do this as soon as they landed in the tunnel at Town M. They would have many Orbs to do this and all of them would feel immense pleasure in destroying all that torturous stuff. No one should start to make such a horrendous thing again.

The 25 Orbs of Town L came back after their work was completed. Then they started to tell about what had happened here. The 25 Orbs wanted to tell Mono and the others about what had transpired at this Time Machine experiment. Mono wanted to listen but he also wanted to proceed to the jail area first as it was getting later. So he called his father and grandfather, telepathically and asked them to obtain the information that was being offered. The information should be in a nutshell. On the way back they would listen to the entire story.

Mono asked that the 25 Orbs lead the way to the jail and the rest of the Orbs gave them their cover of light.

The distance to the Town L was about 10-15 minutes of walking. The 25 Orbs who had just been released from the shriveled brain were leading the way and as they walked ahead of the group they conveyed the information to the Orbs of Mono's father and grandfather. The telepathic talk went on for quite a while. This could be seen as sometimes one or two Orbs approached the two Orbs of Mono's Grandfather and father, then a few more approached and so on.