Flashback Utopia ( Part 16)

I further added that the people in these towns had initially worked for the betterment of their people but along the way, greed and the need to control the citizens took over. The Ego factor of the Administrators took over and the entire mind of the Administrators changed. Sadly, no one wants to learn from their mistakes. Actually, they want to blame others for the mistakes committed by them.

The saying that, 'Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely', came to be true. The people of Utopia were not aware of the checks and balances between the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary. This is in practice in many democratic countries. The legislature is to make the rules in Parliament of any country, The Executive is to see how these rules framed are to be implemented. The job of the Judiciary is to check that the rules framed or being executed are in no way detrimental to the people. That the rules are as per the framework of the constitution of that country. In case any rule is violative of the provisions of the Constitution, then those rules or executive instructions can be declared null and void. The Judiciary can also direct that the rules need to have a few additional provisions or some need to be deleted or changed to be in accordance with the Constitution.

My information was heard by everyone with great interest. The students listened as it pertained to the subject matter of Political Science. Mono and Lilly listened as it gave them an insight into how the Administration needed to be changed and managed. Luke and Zia listened as it enhanced their knowledge because they were previously Science students and as Science teachers, they were not aware of many things.

I further gave my opinion that the Time Machine experiment was not to know the future just to travel there and know the progress or to correct your own course. It seems that the actual experiment was to actually to learn how to rule the cities above. It was basically an ego thing otherwise one Time Machine experiment would have sufficed. The Chief Administrator did not need to take up the project in each town?"

They had covered quite a distance, talking and walking, and had almost reached near the entrance cave. But they did not go to the cave but stopped on the side where there was a rock curtain. Lilly pressed a lever on the side and the bark-like hard curtain with rocky like surface slid to one side.

We found ourselves in the center of a small cave-like room with a huge raised bed like those found in the operation theater of a hospital. There were a lot of machines and some in a working situation.

Lilly welcomed us all to her little laboratory and told all to see what all they wanted to but not to touch anything as any wrong tinkling with any of the stuff here, will take her experiment to the starting point. She was almost a week away from the final stage of completion of the experiment.

Nanu had said that they did not have a week to stay there to which Chris had responded that time was frozen here so it did not matter. Zoya had added that when they reach their city above via the fast tunnel they would reach on the day they were supposed to have reached.

Zoya then tried to explain this difficult time trap by explaining about the book called, 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. This was a fantasy novel for children written by C. S. Lewis in 1950. It was the first published and best known of seven novels in The Chronicles of Narnia. Among all the author's books, it is also the most widely held in libraries. This Chronicles of Narnia were made into 3 movies later.

Zoya explained that in the book and in the first movie also, the children get into the Wardrobe and end up in a different world called Narnia. After meeting a lot of adventures, being crowned there, they grow up and become adults. Once, they were riding their horses in that very area where they had initially walked out of the wardrobe into Narnia. They recognize the place and slowly make their way to the fir trees to see if it was real. They pass the fir trees and enter the wardrobe and then they tumble out of the wardrobe as children.

In a similar way, they would board the fast tunnel that would take them to the care house in the city and that they would reach on the day they were supposed to without missing a day or even half a day.

Ben had added that time for those kids in the book and the movie had stood still while they were in Narnia and when they came back they were as if they had just been playing hide and seek. He remembered as he had read that book and he had even seen the movie. Cathy understood this theory which was explained by taking into consideration a similar situation that though fictional but seemed to fit into their present situation. Dany had added that they were having an adventure of a lifetime and when they all got back it would be like a dream.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Tina wanted to know if Mono and Lilly would let them visit their world once things settled down here maybe in a year's time. To which Mono had replied with Lilly's approval that they would have no objection but would require the permission of the person who would head the little group of towns.

There was the suggestion of Mono to send some people to the cities above to get to know how the country, cities, etc were administered. They needed to learn and to implement the same, in a shorter version, in Utopia. comprising 5 towns. The others can be substitutes for Town/City administration and Town M can be like the capital having a local and a country type administration. The incorporation of the village areas and industrial areas too needed to be done as they produce agriculture products as well as industrial products.