Flashback Magical World (Part 3)

Aarvin had informed us that rockets of many countries have passed by circulating the moon. An eastern country even landed on the dark side of the moon a few years ago. But none of them could see the Magical World as it is invisible. He further added that there is a shield that reflects the stars etc to the observer and that is the secret why no one can see this flat satellite. To see it, Earthlings have to undergo a lot more development in science and technology. He then added that the flat satellite was their home and they needed to protect it form everyone.

We got to now that the old proverbs existed here too. He told us that we were guests and we can arrive at any time but we can only leave when our host lets us leave.

We asked Aarvin to let the Orbs to search for the appropriate crystals of the right size and shape in the afternoon. Aarvin granted permission but said that the Orbs cannot touch the crystals without their permission. The permission can be verbal or telepathically. The Orbs had heard and understood. They all hummed in agreement that they had understood what the old man had said. They would naturally move after all the children and Sherpa had had their lunch.

Aarvin had explained that the children would perhaps never get another opportunity to visit here again or to make it big in their own country to travel to other satellites. Aliens coming or going is a hidden fact on Earth, but all the governments want to hide this from their citizens to avoid panic.

Aliens have been coming and going all over the universe since the beginning of Earth.

He wanted the children to have an adventure of a lifetime before they went back. We were aware that this was an opportunity of a lifetime and that such an opportunity coming our way was unlikely. The children wanted to see the machinery in the mountain.

We wanted to know if we could walk to the mountain to see the control room and the machinery there, especially when it was in operation during the landing of a spaceship. Aarvin had replied that we could go and he would ask someone to take us along when someone went to repair the machinery. We also wanted to see the landing areas of the spaceships. Aarvin also agreed to this and said he would organise a visit.

We wanted to know if there were others living on the Magical World as we wanted to interact with them to know how they lived and how the satellite functioned. Aarvin replied that we would meet the rest of the people shortly. The people were either at their homes or were at work at the time we had entered into this world. Furthermore, the area we had walked through was sparsely populated where they entered through the portal hence they did not see anyone. Perhaps we did not see their homes as these were dome-shaped covered with grass.

The Old man left them for an hour to take a bath, wash these clothes etc. We were happy with the dorms. A change of clothes, as well as accessories and nightclothes, had been laid down on the beds. The dorms had washrooms which had running water, liquid soap, shampoo, toothpaste, cream, etc.

The new clothes were almost similar to the clothes we had got at the residential hostel of the scientists in Utopia. The shirts were in light green and the long skirts were in various shades of green with floral or geometric patterns. The trousers were brown in colour. We all washed our clothes and hung them out to dry in the drying area outside their respective dorms. They were very happy with the plant-based environment-friendly stuff in the washroom. Soon all the boys and Sherpa, as well as the girls, were ready to go for lunch. They all had got ready within an hour.

After 1 hour had passed, Aarvin knocked at the door of the dorm of the boys and the girls to take them to the dining hall. Lunch was like a buffet system and we pick up our plate and moved in a straight line pouring the foodstuff onto our plate. There was tomato soup, followed by rice, flatbread, mixed vegetables, cottage cheese with gravy and peas, kidney beans with gravy, curd, mint chutney, and mixed pickle. There was a rice pudding too but that was a sweet dish for after lunch.

The food was very tasty and was just like homemade food.

After lunch, we walked a little in the gallery and then went to rest for some time.

Aarvin had told us that in the evening, the important people who managed affairs here on this Magical World, would be meeting us all for some sort of discussions.

The Orbs divided themselves and the major portion of the Orbs left to hunt for crystals. The rest remain behind to guard us. The Orbs were reminded not to touch the crystals unless the Orbs had sought permission from the crystals. Soon the Orbs left to locate the needed crystals which had come along with the meteorite showers.

After our short siesta, we were called to the dining hall by Aarvin. It was almost 6 p.m. When we reached the dining hall we saw about a dozen persons sitting there waiting for us. Introductions were made and the elders were very happy to see us, Earthlings. I think they were seeing Earthlings visiting their world after a long time. They perhaps felt that at least the Earthlings had remembered them after so many years.

We explained to them that we were not aware of this flat satellite called Magical World and that we had come to get crystals for the hypnotizers that were needed to freeze some persons in the hidden world called Utopia where people had settled many years ago hiding from the rest of the world. It had been like a Utopia but now it was ridden with oppressive rulers. The inhabitants were fighting back. It was a silent weaponless struggle of the people to take back control. We further explained that we did not belong to Utopia but to the city above and that we had ventured into their area by mistake. We had to stay back to help as much as we could before heading back to our city above.