Shall We Go To Titan? (Part 1)

Guy had been staring at Tina all along while all of them had been recounting their experiences since the start of the camping trip and getting lost then landing in the lost world and then coming over to the magical world. He had continued staring while Ken and his colleagues were telling about Saturn earlier and when they had briefly touched the matter again.

Tina had felt very uncomfortable.

Guy was zapped by Tina. He became so emotionally attached towards Tina that he wanted to get to know her more. She was about 18 years and quite young while he was in his 20s. She needed to complete her schooling. But how to get to know her better was the issue.

Just then Guy dropped a bombshell, " How would you all like to come with us to Titan?"

"Time for you has stopped. You can send all the Orbs back with the crystals or some of the Orbs back and the rest can accompany you to Titan."

"We will be heading back to Titan tomorrow."

Guy realised that the offer was not easy to refuse. The Earthlings would be ready for a further adventure and he would have time to get to know Tina. It was a master stroke.

But we need to go back as the crystals are required. There is unfinished work left in some of the Towns in Utopia and the re assembling of the atoms of Lily's father remains to be done," responded Chris.

That is why I said send all the Orbs back with the crystals or some of the Orbs back with the crystals and the remaining Orbs can accompany you all to Titan.

" Thank you for the offer, Guy but we need to discuss this matter among ourselves," responded Chris,"Can we tell you our answer tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, of course, I think we can do that. I can understand the need to discuss this matter among yourselves."

"We are offering you a chance of a lifetime. Once you get back, all this will just be a dream. You, perhaps, may not be able to travel there again." Replied the leader.

"Yes, in the next few centuries Earthlings may acquire the technology to travel into the vaste universe. At present you can just send probes."

"But as your Earthling life span is only 100 years, you may not be alive then. Yes, your great grandchildren may be able to travel that far, provided they are into aerospace science and work as scientists or Astronauts in NASA or in your country's space program."

Soon the meeting was over and the crocodile race persons left for their temporary rooms and then to the base near their space ship where accommodation had been arranged for them.

The children had their dinner and retired to their dorms for the night. But, they had decided to reassamble within an hour, to discuss the proposal given to them by the crocodile race.

After all, the proposal to visit Titan was an offer that they had to agree to or refuse after carefully going through the advantaged of going and the disadvantages of not going to Titan. The decision needed to be taken collectively by the children and Sherpa, their leader for the present.

In a short while all the boys were outside the door of the girls dorm, as it was decided to meet there. Boys are messy and their dorms was not tidy.

The boys marched in and occupied the few chairs that were kept there in the corner.

"What should we do?" Asked Zoya.

"I am sure we all want another adventure, as this is a chance in a lifetime," she added.

"Yes, I think you are right," Chris replied and added, "You see, we have a life span of a 100 years but people live at an average of 80 years or so and our technology is not so advanced yet that our people can even dream of going there yet."

"But what do we do with all the Orbs with us?" Danny pondered aloud.

"We cannot take all of them with us. If we send some back then there will be questions as to why we have not returned."

"Hmm, good inference," added Shanna.

"We will all have to face Zia and Luke and are answerable to them, after all we embarked on this camping trip with them incharge." Sunny added his comments.

"That chap Guy seems to be interested in our Tina," Cathy added, "I want Tina to shed some light on the situation or offer her opinion in this matter."

"Nanu, Zen, Ben, Sherpa need to put forward their comments then we will ask Tina," Cathy further questioned with a look of concern on her face.

"I want to go back," replied Nanu.

"I may be the only one who says this but I think this much adventure say the camping trip then the Utopia visit and now the Magical World is itself a huge adventure in a life time."

If any one of you wants to go back with me, it is fine by me and if you all want to go to Titan then I will also tag along."

"Thank you for your honest input, Nanu,"said Ben.

"Even I am not interested in proceeding to Titian as I feel that our adventures till date are enough for our lifetime." Ben added.

"I feel that others from our planet should make history, our trips will not be registered anywhere as it is all secret."

"I am ready to follow you guys with whatever decision you all make." Ben responded.

"Zen and Sherpa please tell us your opinion," Zoya asked.

"Even I feel that we have learnt a lot for a lifetime to tell our grandchildren."

"Our trip so far is an adventure that many would never accomplish or even dream off."

I vote for going back," added Zen.

Sherpa thought for some time and finally added, "My task was to take care of you on this flat satellite called the Magical World."

"Our purpose here, was to gather crystals with the help of the Orbs and that task is almost done."