Plans for Going Back and Going Forward

Aarvin wanted to convey the decision of the group to the elders as the elders needed to know what was happening on the Magical World as it had relevance to others.

The children and the Orbs understood this and left the hall to wait in their dorms. The Orbs left to to wait outside the dorms.

Soon the five elders, comprising three men and two women, arrived and took their seats around the table. While tea was being served, Aarvin was briefing them about the decision taken by the group that they would be splitting up. They also wanted to know how many would be going back and how many would be proceeding to Titan.

Aarvin informed that out of the 11 persons (10 children and Sherpa), who were here on the Magical World, two namely Nanu and Zen would be going back along with 50 Orbs. They would be taking the Crystals with them.

As regards to the 8 children and Sherpa, they would be traveling to Titan along with the remaining 50 Orbs.

"Ok, that is good." One of the elders responded.

"But, I think we must verify from the Crocodile race as to whether their spaceship can take 9 people and 50 Orbs with them." said another elder.

"Aarvin! Call them up and find out what they have to say?"

"We do not want that at the time of boarding the spaceship, they come up with the excuse that they cannot take so many people with them." Said the third elder.

"Right away Maam," responded Aarvin

"Not right now, but after we have gone, you can find out the status from the Crocodile race people." pointed out another elder.

"First things first, we need to send two children back along with 50 Orbs and the crystals."

"They came through the waterfall and rock curtain. Ascertain from them whether they want to go that way or they want to be transported to Lilly's experimental room straight away?"

Saying this the elders got up with the intent of leaving the meeting.

Aarvin saw them off till the door and then came back. He took out a tiny rectangular box that looked like a miniature motorola mobile phone and placing it infront of himself. He then spoke a number into it.

He was connected somewhere. The strange thing was on loudspeaker. Everyone in the room could hear the conversation that was going on.

"Hello!, I am Aarvin, kindly connect me to Ken the leader of the alien spaceship?" he said.

The voice at the other end replied, 'Yes Sir, connecting immediately."

Ken came on the mobile and said, "Good Morning, Sir!" "It is indeed a great surprise hearing from you so early."

"What is your command?" he asked.

"The elders have asked me to call you and ascertain whether you can take 8 children and their leader as well as 50 Orbs with you to Titan in your spaceship?"

"Of course! Sir, there is plenty of space. This is just a baby. The mother ship is hovering outside the atmosphere of the Magical World."

"We will dock into it when we leave the Magical World and travel to Titan in it. Once we reach Titan, the mother ship will remain circling Titan and we will get to our home base in our baby ships."

"So, shortage of space is not an issue."

"OK, Thank you for this information. I will convey this information the the group of elders," saying this Arvin disconnected the conversation.

Zoya and Sherpa had being quite attentive to this entire conversation. Aarvin smiled as he understood their curiosity.

"This tiny mobile is actually something like the communicator you saw in the Star Trek series on Television. What one sees in movies as a prop, scientists create it."

"The communicators from those Star Trek series became mobile phones in your present day set up."

"What I was using is a few steps ahead of the mobile phone. Communications, here, is via satellite and the instrument is even more smaller than a mobile phone that you use in your world."

Zoya and Sherpa did not say antything but nodded their heads as if they understood everything.

Now, Aarvin scanned the screen and located another number which he spoke into the communication device.

He was connected to an office. It seemed as there was a lot of noise coming from the other end of the mobile.

From the din, it was apparent that an argument was in progress, someone had picked up the call but was not answering as he was addressing the others.

The conversation that came across was not church bells to the ears.

Someone said, "I told you we should not have shown Earthlings all that we have developed her on the Magical World, as someone else can follow them to come here."

The person who had picked up the call answered, "The issue is not of who will follow them here, the issue of sending a few back and sending the rest to Titan as the Crocodile race wants to take them there. After all, they are a progney of Earthlings as we are."

"Furthermore, they are children and at present they are not in a position to carry out so much research to come here to our satellite that we call the Magical World."

Another thing is that they cannot come here directly from Earth but will need to come via Utopia and the Utopians guard their towns very seriously. Utopians have nothing good to say about the Earthlings and just feel contempt for them. The Utopians feel that the Earthilings have become to mean and self centered as a race, no matter from which part of the Earth they come from."

"We had a mutual benefit treaty with the Utopian leaders for supply of certain items, from and too Utopia."

"But, I understand from the children and their guide that, a peaceful revolution is in progress within Utopia. We need to wait for it to be over before we renew our treaty with the powers that come to hold rein."

"We will need to add a new clause in the draft renewal treaty that they should not show anyone the way to the Magical World."

Aarvin again spoke into the communication device, "Hello there, can anyone hear me on the other end of the CVD (communication device), It is urgent?"