Farewell to the Magical World (Part 2)

Aarvin had asked the children whether they would like information about the this flat satellite called the magical world and how it was operated through the machines in the mountains? He would get the information added in their pendrives.

The children did not know what to say. This was awesome. Did Aarvin not realise what he was giving away?

Aarvin smiled as he had alread figured out was was in their mind.

"It is alright!" He responded with a grin on his face.

"There is no need to think that what I am doing will in any way jeoperdise our existence here,"

"I know what I am doing and will not be divelging so much information that the scientists on Earth can replicate it so fast."

"So far, modern Earth has just managed to create labs in the sky. Creating a full self supporting satellite will take a few centuries."

"Please, we will be happy to receive this information. Who knows our descendents may be able to use it in the future," replied Nanu.

"Ok. I hope you have your pen drives with you that the librarian gave you?" Aarnav asked.

"Yes, We have downloaded all that was required. The same information is being downloaded in the pendrives earmarked for Zoya and Sherpa." Nanu added.

You are very responsible children and will do your country proud one day. I hope you have earmarked your pendrives?" Aarnav inquired.

I will give each one of you another pendrive on which the information about this magical world has been added," saying this Aarnav called the Librarian to bring the pendrives which Aarnav handed over to all the children and Sherpa.

"I think you now need to head for your dorms and then for lunch at 12.30 P.M. as Dinner will be served at around 7.15 p.m. since we weed to go to the portal by 8 P.M."

"Yes of course Aarvin," Thank you for everythin replied Nanu and Zen.

"Yes thank you Aarnav for everything. We all will also go with Nanu and Zen and the 50 Orbs, to see them off, back to Utopia via the Waterfall curtain that you cal a portal." Zoya replied.

The children were a bit sad, that now two of their friends were going back while they were going forward. As explained by Aarnav they would all reach Utopia after each other, only thing being that Nanu and Zen would not have traveled to Titan.

As advised by Aarnav, they headed for the dorm and then to the dinning hall for their lunch then back to the dorm for a rest. The excitement had been so much the whole morning that they all slept.

They woke up around 6 pm and found that they had been provided milk by the hosts.

They had their glasses of milk and talked among themselves.

When one has to go somewhere, time really flies. Here also, before they knew it, it was 7 P.M and time for an early dinner. They all knew that they would need to proceed to the waterrfall portal to be there by 8 p.m.

After dinner, the elders came to meet them. Some of the elders had tears in their eyes. It was sad for them to see two of the children going back. They felt as if part of the connection through an umblical chord was being severed. After all, the Earthlings were their connection from the past. They would perhaps feel the same when the rest of the children left for Titan tomorrow. But then they would return after some time. These two children would not be returning.

It was a 25 minutes walk to the water fall portal. They would not be using the flying cars as too many of then at the portal gate would cause suspicion to the people of the Magical World and in a way expose the portal area.

All reached the portal. Two of the elders would be going with Zen and Nanu to ensure they reached safely at Lilly's Lab along with the 50 Orbs.

"How do we go through the portal?" ased Simba, one of the Elders.

"We just walk through it and reach the other side," responded Nanu.

"You just need to keep a hand out front and keep touching the rocks."

"As you enter the gate, then turn to your right still touching the rocky wall."

You will be behind a water fall walking on a ledge. Don"t look down as it may scare you. Just follow the one who is in front. Do not take your hand off the rocky wall till you are on solid ground." Zen added.

These two Elders were going to Utopia for the first time and were loaded with gagets including their invisible suits and the jet packs.

Night time had been chosen to go to the other side of the portal in order to avoid detection. The cover of darkness would help all move quickly.

Tearful goodbyes were said. 25 of the Orbs went first floating through the rock curtain to reach the ledge behind the water wall, followed by Zen and then Nanu and then the two Elders. The rest of the 25 Orbs followed at the end.

Within 10 minutes they were through the curtain and had made their way to the solid ground behind the water fall and the subsequent hard ground.

The Elders were a bit shaken up as this was their first time going through such a portal. The water fall and the drop below was scary. They had been advised not to look down but follow the children with one hand firmly touching the rocky surface.

They heaved a sigh of relief upon reaching solid ground. Now it was a 15-20 minutes walk to the cave and then another 10 minutes to Lilly's lab.

They all saw Lilly, Mono, Zia and Luke heading away from the waterfall area along with the 25 Orbs. and within a short while Nanu, Zen , the two elders as well as the 50 Orbs reached Lilly's lab. Lilly, Mono, Zia and Luke were surprised to see them back so soon. After all, for them it was as if they had gone through the waterfall only a few minutes ago.

The children introduced the elders and explained that the elders had been sent to ensure their safe return to Utopia. They also explained that the elders need to head back immediately as they had entered Utopia without the permission of the Utopian leaders. As per the treaty to which both worlds were signatories, this was not allowed.