Mother Ship-Part 1

After moving on straight for a few minutes, the spaceship did a left turn and there in front was a huge spaceship which looked like the starliner 'Axiom' in the 2008 movie called 'Wall-E' . The space ship in which they were seated in was just like a speck of dust.

Ken, the Captain, had found the facial expressions of the Earthlings extremely amusing and had started grinning from ear to ear. Guy, who managed the computer systems etc, on the other hand, could not control his laughter.

They had both apologised saying that that they had never seen such an expression on anyone's face before.

Sherpa had enlightened them by informing that there were space labs in the Earth's atmosphere where mankind lived for short durations to carry out various experiments in space. But this space ship was beyond imagination.

Ken added, "We also conduct experiments in space, but our space labs are huge."

"This mother ship is like a mini world, with a huge city with its own administration, farms, botanical gardens, educational institutes, defence mechanisms."

"You see, when we board the mother ship we are here for about one to three years and the families of the people who are working on various projects need to be accommodated here too."

"Hence, we require all the facilities that families would need i.e. houses, schools, colleges, jobs, eating houses, shopping areas etc."

"We need to deliver and pick up supplies from various planets on the way, which accounts for this and other transport/supply ships. The manufactured stuff be it clothes, electronics, heavy machinery, vehicles etc are exchanged."

"Like your money on Earth, we have a currency called Credits and it is a currency accepted across all the planets we go to. There is a Universal Council that governs all the planets in so far as trade etc is concerned."

"We do not fight among ourselves, but there are rogue planets that are outside the jurisdiction of the Universal Council. Thes rogue planets are always ready to attack our mother ships and supply ships in order to steal commodities and if possible, attack a friendly planet."

"When this happens then the Universal Council commands all the members to combine and defeat the common enemy."

"You will get an opportunity to have a guided tour of the city and look around," Ken added.

"But first, arrangement has been made for you to meet the Captain of the mother ship and its main crew, there after you will be taken to meet the Administrative members of the mother ship." Tan added.

"Within half an hour we will be docking, Guy got in a few words."

He was thinking that he will get an opportunity to take Tina around the mothership on his own, just the two of them. But his hopes were dashed as he had just heard about the guided tour of the city for the Earthlings.

"There is special accommodation for our defence personnel who are required to be ready to defend the mother ship at any given time. Then there is special area were transport ships like ours are kept with separate quarters for the personnel."

"We will be visiting Titan within a few weeks as this mother ship is heading home. After a few months there it will get a new crew, people etc while the present inhabitants relax for an year at their regular homes as paid holiday."

Jut then Aan, the second in command, drew everyone's attention to the desplay screen which was showing the side of the Mother ship.

"Just see where we are heading and how we will land," he said.

Everyone saw an small opening on the side of the mother ship. It was where this transport ship was heading. After a few adjustments, they were on their way and headed straight for the aperture which seemed small at first, from a distance but as the they approached the mother ship, the aperture became huge like a small runway of an airport. The transport ship moved in and glided to a hault. The aperture door was shut by some controlled gadgets, as soon as their transport ship had haulted..

"We will be asked to come out shortly but till then we need to wait as the air needed by us, to breathe, has to be circulated around this entire area." Tab who managed the Engines of the spaceship responded, as he had anticipated what the Earthlings were thinking.

Within a short while the drawbridge of the transport spaceship was lowered and everyone stepped out following the 4 crew members, The Earthlings, Aarti and the Orbs headed for a door at the side of the landing area.

They could see some persons had come back and were working in various positions in the landing area. These persons had probably gone in when the landing door had been opened by means of machines.

The air here was very clear like in the mountains or in Utopia or the Magical World. It seemed that the inhabitants on the mother ship disliked pollution of any kind.

After a while they came to the exit of the landing area and walked to another building across the road. Yes, there was a road, very much like on Earth, with trees growing on the sidewalk. There were cars too which seemed to operate like hovercrafts. gliding everywhere even into the sky. Fortunately, these cars just flew a short distance above the tree tops and looked very much like the cars on Earth but in which some modifications had been done.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the huge building that looked like the spaceship.

"This is the head office of administration of the mother ship. The persons in charge of all the transport and defense ships are also there," Ken said.

"The Orbs can come in for a few minutes and then we will ask them to wait outside. The reason being that they main feel uncomfortable in a confined space."

"Yes ofcourse," Sherpa replied.

The door was opened after the communication was made at the door. Everyone was let in by a robot and they all followed the robot who ushered them into a huge room.