Visitors Quarters on the Mother Ship

Everyone tucked in and had a sumptious meal of all the goodies that were laid on the table and looked too tempting.

After their meal they were escorted to the hostels were they would be staying. Surprisingly, the hostels were not separate buildings but one building with a well guarded enterance marking the girls residential area and the boys residential area. There was an internal communication board that helped the boys side communicate with the girls side something like an advanced Epbx system that is available in may offices today.

The hostel the girls and the boys were accommodated in were actually dormitories. Aarti went to the girls side and Sherpa went to the dormitory of the boys. Like in Utopia, fresh clothes were kept of the beds along with night clothes. Each bed had the name of the would be occupant.

"Wonder how they got to know our names so quickly," Tina enquired.

"I think one of the members of the Administrative Council noted our names," responded Cathy.

"No!, I have a feeling that Ken and his friends must have sent details about all of us to the Administrative Council, so they know our names and would have guessed the size of our clothes from our pics" Zoya responded.

"Tina, I am sure Guy must have paid special attention of sending your details, maybe he did this work for all of us. I think you should ask him when we meet tomorrow," Shana gave a mischiveous reply.

Tina was not amused, she would need to ask Guy about all this. She did not like being teased.

Since all were tired after the hectic journey and the sumptious snacks, the girls went to sleep as soon as they had changed their clothes.

Aarti saw that the 4 girls had slept and got up to turn off the lights, thinking what Sherpa and the boys were doing.

Meanwhile the boys were very excited about being on the Mother Ship.

They were equally surprised to see the change of clothes and the night clothes kept on each bed which indicated the name of the would be occupant. They all guessed this must have been the work of one of the crew members of the transporter ship. The crew member was very thoughtful and maybe it was a requirement to send the details of the visitors to the Administrative Council in advance.

They were all excited about exploring the Mother Ship tomorrow and in the subsequent days.

"Since the Mother Ship is heading home to Titan,they may resport to warp speed," Sunny voiced his thoughts.

"Yes, I think you are right and as their technology is more advanced than that of the Earth, they can pick up speed and reach their destination within a few days," responded Ben.

"Remember how many years it takes for a satellite sent from Earth to pass Saturn," added Chris.

" Stop talking all of you, we need to explore the Mother Ship tomorrow and get to know how a city can survive in space for three years." " Who knows that tomorrow one of us might build such a Mother Ship," Danny responded.

"Yes, I agree with you Danny and I am turning off the lights," Sherpa added his comment.

The boys and the girls were up early. They woke up with the chiming of the bells. It was a sort of system through which the hostel was connected hourly chimes. Maybe it was for the various subject sessions to commence and end.

They heard over a loud speaker that was audible in the domitories that they be ready within an hour for breakfast.

Soon everyone was up looking for the washrooms and to take a bath etc.

Within an hour all were ready and assembled in the dinning hall for breakfast.

There was a nice breakfast for the vegetarians and a separate one for the non-vegetarians. Robots were there to serve them. There was a separate table for vegetarians and another separate one for the non vegetarians. As before and like in the rooms the names of the occupants were displayed on the tables.

"Seems someone had sent details about their eating habits in advance," Aarti thought and looked at Sherpa.

Sherpa came over and started to talk to Aarti.

"Yes, the same was with the beds and the clothes, seems someone has sent them the full details about all of us," he remarked.

"Maybe it was the crew that conveyed the information which was perhaps passed to them by my father," Aarti mused allowed.

"Of Course ! you are right." Sherpa replied and added, "Who else besides Aarnav would know specific details of each one of us."

"Aarti, you and I need to have our breakfast too, are you a vegetarian?" Sherpa inquired.

"Yes, I am a vegetarian and I saw that they were serving all good stuff."

"Ok Good, even I am a vegetarian, though Luke had made me eat chicken a few times."

Sherpa saw that Aarti was very quiet while adding food to his plate and thought that he had never been pampered like this before.

Aarti was thinking, why am I serving this person when there are Robots to do all this? Am I getting attached to this person.

Their breakfast done and tea/coffe came next. Soon the Robots came and took away the dirty dishes for washing in the dishwasher.

There was suddenly an announcement over the address system in the dinning room, saying that someone was coming to talk to them.

A person came into the room wearing a flowing gown similar to the ones worn by the Administrative Council. But this one was colourful.

"Good Morning, my name is Dhoop and I am the Principal of this school. I have been asked by the Administrative Council to make arrangements for your tour of the city."

"Like on the Magical world we have flying cars and these will take you to the city for a tour, 5 people can be accommodated in one car hence we need 2 cars to take you to the main garden and shopping area today."

"Please assemble outside the hostel in 20 minutes," Dhoop said.