Chapter 2 - Our World

~20 Years ago~

Parellel to the human world was a world filled with Magic, home to two seperate Mystical Entities, the Spiritual Beasts and the Demon Beasts.

Humanity was first introduced to the concept of Magic when a group, known as the 'Equestrian Crusaders', led by Aeschylus Adonis, developed the Stone of Emblem, which caused the Magic of humans to awaken.

By embedding the Stone of Emblem into the minds of humans, without the need for surgery, but by simply placing it onto the users body, it will be assimilated and gradually enter the body.

The Stone was distributed and sold to the major countries around the world, including Japan, China, Italy, Germany, Asia, America and most of Europe.

No one knew how the Stone of Emblem was created, as internal conflicts had led to the destruction of the 'Equestrian Crusaders' and the death of Aeschylus Adonis.

The death of Aeschylus Adonis led to the struggle between the Major Countries for the remaining Stones.

Although the Stones gradually decreased in numbers, the birth of children between parents blessed by Magic also led to Magic being born into infants & babies.

Due to the appearance of the Stone of Emblem, the world order was completely changed.

Magic could not be explained by modern day physics and scientific logic.

Magic belonged to a superior dimension than scientific theories.

For example, Magic allowed humans to cast a thin veil of Magic energy around the body to protect it from and repel most physical phenomena.

---- Magic allowed humans to produce various materials through the use of Alchemy, such as Adamantite and Red Mercury.

However, by embedding the stone of emblem into humans, it also resulted in a new discovery, a Parallax Dimension.

The non material, alternative world was otherwise known as 'Cosmos'.

In the Cosmos, vast amount of magic power was swirling and gathering.

Through the use of Magic, it allowed the subconsciousness of humans to come into contact with 'Cosmos'.

Inside this swirl of Magic Power, there existed many . They contracted with humans who possessed vast magic power and would move from the Cosmos into the minds and dreams of humans to communicate with them.

To form a contract with these beings, a Oath has to be formed through the use of Magic, where both party will align their Magic Power and allow humans to draw forth their power---- This was known as Summoning Magic and was exclusive to those who had formed contracts.

These beings were similar to Spirits and Urban Legends & Tales, and were very mystical.

Thus, they were later coined by humans as Spiritual Beings and those that came into contact with these Entities were known as Contractors.

By forming a contract with the Spiritual Beings, a seal of crest will be formed on the Contractors hand in the shape of a star.

However, the number of Contractors was limited and few in numbers.

Subsequently, 3 Magic Schools were formed and were known as 'Liberion Academy' , 'Acadia Academy' and 'National Crayatid Academy' .

Students with Magic power were forced to enroll into either of the 3 Academies, where they learned to develop their Magic Power and complete quests by entering Cancer Grounds and defeating Demon Beasts and those who were known as Contractors were envied by the rest of the student population.

----Thus, a new age of humanity was born, one where the concept of Magic exists.

{I tried a new chapter to see how it goes. Please feel free to rate and comment. Thanks!}