Chapter 3 - Liberion Academy

Liberion Academy, one of the 3 great Magic Academy in the whole of Japan, where magic users between the ages of 14 to 18 attend and hone their skills in the hopes of becoming a contractor.

The Higher your level of Magic, the higher the chances of contracting with a Spiritual Beast.

In Liberion Academy, Contractors were placed into the North-West section of the Academy, where the students are commonly termed as 'Magikas' while the other students are located in the South-East.

This is further divided into classes, where students with matching wavelengths of magic output are grouped together. In the Magika Section, classes are grouped according to tiers, with the last tier being tier 3. The same applies to the classes in the South-West section although there are a total of 10 tiers here.

Contractors are mostly gathered around those with high level amount of magic, although there were cases where individuals with lower level of magic also contracted with a Spiritual Beast and were placed into the Magika section.

However, even without being a Contractor, a student with vast magic power can also produce magic similar to a Magika.


Yagane Takashi woke up with cold sweat plastered across his forehead as he parted the curtains and the morning sunlight shone into the dark room.

Takashi flipped the blanket and found a little girl sleeping beside him. Her skin was white to the extent that the light made her cheeks glow. Her long, black hair was tied back and in a mess, her face was also innocent and relaxed.

"Hey Yukie, quickly wake up. Breakfast is already made." Takashi infused a loving gesture and shook her shoulders. Right at this moment ----

"----Nii-Sama, chance!"

Yagane Yukie's eyes, whom he thought was still asleep, suddenly opened.


Her hands and feet were like tentacles and suddenly shot out from under the blanket.

Yukie's soft and small hands and legs wrapped around Takashi's body. In just a short period of time, she pulled Takashi onto the bed and tightly hugged him.

"Nii-Sama! Nii-Sama!"

Yukie, who was rubbing her face on his chest, kept repeating the same words.

--Helplessly, Takashi quickly cast physical amplification magic across his body. Drawing out magic energy from his spirit, heat gushed through Takashi's body as he made his body awaken. In an instant, he broke away from his twelve year-old sister's hand's and legs' bind, and escaped from the bed.

He glanced around the room and his eyes focused on the blazer hanging at his door, which was pure black in color and possessed a sort of atmospheric high quality as it was forged through Alchemy produced by magic power.

Takashi grabbed the blazer and proceeded to don the male standard issue uniform provided by Liberion Academy.


Takashi simply stared at his sister with an amused expression on his face.

"I know you are still feeling gratitude to Otou-Sama. But by now, you should stop trying to be an outsider. You are already a part of our family now," Yukie smiled as Takashi as he prepared to leave the house.

"I know.." Takashi simply revealed a faint smile on his face.


Takashi,15, is a student of the Liberion Academy, one of the 3 great magical schools in the whole of Japan. However, as a student, he was placed in the South-West section of the Academy, otherwise known as the Commoner or Loser section by the majority of the Magikas.

To make things worse, he was placed in the last tier of the Commoner section, tier 10. Each class had an estimate of 30 students and the students in tier 10 were generally considered as worthless by even their own section.

Takashi wore his blazer and looked at himself in the mirror. A dazzling Gem was embroided at the side of his uniform and the metal buttons were constructed by intertwining Red mercury metal such that the buttons constantly glowed a ruby red. This was a male uniform that has infused the true essence of Alchemy.

Outside, rain started gathering in the clouds and the train which was moving across the street cut apart the morning haze.

This train was a product of high level magic and Alchemy, where it was forged by the newly generated material Lantium, which managed to reduce the overall weight of the train.

---- The Magic train had arrived just outside the station of Liberion Academy.

Takashi walked along the path towards the Academy and finally, the haze caused by the dark clouds seemed to disperse and the Academy appeared before his eyes.

Liberion Academy was the largest among the 3 Magic schools, with a large fountain square and a high tower located at the east side of the pavilion. Flower beds decorated both sides along the path and the school doors were forged with clear marble using Alchemy and magic.

"Heyyooo Takashi!! I finally found you----!"

From the other side of the school door, a girls voice called out to him.

It was a girl Takashi was very familiar with. Sporting a cheerful smile, with red flowing hair and big round eyes, wearing the standard issue female uniform; Kirika Akane ---- a 2nd year student in his tier 10 class.

"Why are you here?"

"I was looking for you. You are nearly late for the opening ceremony! The new year 1 students are going to be introduced---" Akane revealed an expression as though she realized Takashi had completely forgotten about it.

"Yeah I remember...---but there is no point in us getting so worked up over it. Most of the students will probably end up in other classes anyway, there is no point in getting excited over having any juniors..." Takashi replied back as a matter of fact.

When a new student first joins the academy, he/she will be placed under multiple tests to determine their level of magic. For example, they will be tested on their ability with: Reinforcement Magic, Perception Magic, Telepathic Magic, Mind Control Magic, Physical Enhancement Magic, Physical Amplification Magic, Defensive magic and lastly, Magic spells, which is probably the most important aspect of a magician. Proficiency and complete mastery of Magic Spells enables even a common magician to produce similar magic output to a Magika. Every users Magic spell differs, which basically means that no one person can use the exact same spell. Forming a contract with a Spiritual Beast will simply allow the Magika to utilize a broader range of Magic.

The higher one scores on these tests, the higher their magic levels and ratings. For Contractors, the result will be immediate relocation to the Magika section even if they do not produce exceptional results on the tests. A separate test will be conducted based on their ability to use summoning magic and they will then be grouped accordingly under the 3 tiers.

Once the tests are completed, the students will then be sorted accordingly from tier 1 to 10 in the Commoner Section. If a student in the Commoner section manages to form a contract, they will then be relocated to the Magika section.

However, it was quite rare for any student to actually be placed into the tier 9 & 10 classes, as it signifies that the student has below the average magic level as compared to other students.

The stigma against the lower tier classes in the Academy even among the commoner section is very high as a result, as many believe that the students will not be able to form a contract with any Spiritual Beasts or produce exceptional result even with normal magic.

Therefore, the tier 9 & 10 classes only has an approximate of 15 to 20 students every year, which is significantly lower than other classes.

Every student will undergo a period of 4 years in the Academy, where they will be then be able to take part in quests to hunt down Demon Beasts in their second year of studies. For 3rd Year and 4th Year students, most of them will be focusing on completing quests to increase their ratings on the scoreboard rather than studying.

For the Commoner section, in order to challenge Cancer Grounds and hunt Demon Beasts, a minimum party of 4 members has to be formed, regardless of the tier of the student. Magika or Contractors are allowed to hunt Cancer grounds as an individual without forming any party due to the difference in strength. However, as the Academy only takes responsibility for Magika students, Commoner students are forced to undergo quests at their own risks. It was also not rare to encounter parties from the other 2 Magic schools participating in the quests.

By completing quests, the party can not only gain experience and money but also increase their score on the Hall of Fame or leader boards, where students with high rankings are able to advance to higher tier classes and gain rewards from the school, such as weapons and Armour.


Takashi recalled to when he first entered the Academy. Although he had performed poorly in nearly all aspects of magic, he had excelled in one category . Hence, due to his strong caliber in Perception Magic, he was at least able to enroll into the academy, albeit the worse class.

Akane, who had entered the same class as Takashi since their first year, had actually requested specifically to enter their class. Although she performed reasonably well for most of the test, she had instead chosen to enter one of the lowest tier classes, shocking many of the students.


Takashi recalled to the event a year ago between him and Akane.

After the entrance ceremony, the results of the class placement was revealed and it was no surprise that Takashi was placed into the last tier class.

When Takashi first joined the class, Akane had waved to him enthusiastically, *pata, pata*, but he had no apparent idea of who she was, except for the fact that she had requested to enter their class---an oddball. He watched Akane's symmetrical face turn unsightly and with an unhappy face, she turned away.

"Good morning, you group of trash! Nice to meet you!"

At the same time an arrogant voice sounded out, the classroom door opened with a powerful momentum. A blonde girl appeared. Takashi could not believe his eyes and everybody in the class was in an uproar. What entered was a girl, with a height of around 140 cm, in a suit. In comparison to the image of the word , she had a small size body like a mini dachshund.

She *ban,ban,ban*, hit the podium. With a clear and sharp voice, she issued out a roar.

"My name is Christiane Friedrich. I was born in England! Listen up! I am here to make you trashes become independent Magicians. You should be honored!"

"Hey! Your name is Takashi right? I am Ayato! Nice to meet you!" Takashi turned around and looked. A very typical and ordinary male reached his hand out for a handshake. Takashi shook back the hand and replied, "Umm...Nice to meet you! I am Takashi...."

"....Anyways, it would be better if you turn your head to the front now."

After issuing an idiotic "Eh?" sound, Takashi finally remembered the time and location.

"Hey Trash! Talking while I'm talking. Are you kidding?!"

For a while, the eyes of all the people in the classroom was focused on Takashi. Christiane-Sensei was angry to the extent that her veins were twitching.

"S, sorry..." Takashi lowered his shoulders and hurriedly turned his head back to the front.

Christiane-Sensei adjusted her state and continued to speak.

"The currents rank do not have much meaning. Your ranks would constantly change during your school life. And compared to Summoning Magic, apart from Magic spells, normal magic is useless."

Compared to the Summoning Magic that requires a lot of time and concentration, most Normal Magic that uses your own Magic power lacked destructive power.

Thus, the only Normal Magic that could be used in combat effectively were the defensive magic that reflexively protected your body and the supportive Physical Amplification Magic.

Typically, the Normal Magic such as Psychokinesis Magic were used for to reconstruct the items from their . It was used to make everyday life more convenient.

After the short introduction, all the students were required to assemble in one of the training grounds allocated by the school. As Takashi was preparing to train with Ayato, Akane had walked over to Takashi and insulted Takashi's training. "Isn't it fine if you use your prideful swords to stir it around instead of Magic?"

"What do you treat swords as! They will rust!"

Takashi felt a heavy indignation at the insult by Akane. He had been adapted by the Yagane family, a family of swordsman due to his talent in swords. However, his adoptive father and step sister Yukie had already accepted him as part of their family. "You are already my son now!"

Thereafter, Takashi had challenged Akane to a duel.

With a white flash, the horizontal Iai slash was unleashed.

To Takashi, his beloved sword was the same as . His entire body's strength was extended to the body of his sword that he was holding to, granting it the destructive power that was able to smash through Magic----This is the attacking method of a modern swordsman, Magic sword.

The slash had violently collided with Akane's defensive Magic. Blue light scattered onto the ground, her Magic was cut apart.

Takashi used both his hands to hold his beloved sword, which he was holding with his right hand earlier, and instantly turned the blade.

An Iai slash was not a one hit kill technique.

The first blade was only for containment. The one that truly determined the victory was the second blade that was swung downwards after gripping it with two hands.


Along with the cry, he slashed downwards and crushed Akane's defensive Magic again.

To Takashi, who wanted her to take back the words she said--Akane awkwardly muttered.

"No..I did not lose."

"You just won't give up! Apologize for insulting my family and my sword!"

"No, no, no! Your sword is trash!"

"Even though we have dueled, why do you still treat it as trash up to this point!?"

However, Takashi felt strange. Akane had not truly used her magic power just now, it appeared as though she was actually holding back.

Inside Akane's eyes, little by little, tears began to drip out, causing Takashi to be frightened. Crying is too despicable...!

"Speaking of which...Why can't you remember who I am! Remember that for me! I...I'm Akane!? The Akane who had once lived with you at the orphanage!?"

Orphanage!?----Could it be, Takashi was suddenly speechless.

The instant his eyes met with Akane's crying eyes, a figure of a small girl appeared inside Takashi's mind. The shadow of the face was consistent just like Magic. It was the sister-like girl, who had always followed behind him.

"Akane, you..could it be you're that Akane?!"

"Didn't I just say it! Why didn't you notice it, Idiot!"

"Even though you left us and disappeared by yourself, why did you forget about me...Unbelieveable, even though I remember clearly about the Yagane Family that took you away....Uuuuu..."

So that was the reason why that person had strongly provoked him.

After that misunderstanding was cleared, it took Takashi nearly two weeks before he could finally calm Akane down.


The opening of the school ceremony takes place at the start of the year and so far, even among his tier 10 class, Takashi has been the only 1 without a party. The 2nd year tier 10 class has a total of 21 students with 5 parties, with the exception of Takashi. However, it was not the case where people didn't invite him to their party, with examples such as Akane and Ayato. It was due to his own belief that he was still too weak that he actually chose to reject everyone.

"I know you are still feeling upset about not being able to form any know if you form a party I will gladly join it...but...--" Akane tried to intervene but Takashi cut her off, "It's not your fault. I am not blaming anyone for anything. I just want to find out what is my purpose in life..what I am capable of doing...that's all.."