Chapter 9 - After the Storm

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The duel between Takashi and Moroboshi soon spread across the Academy, especially amongst the Commoner section. However, this was not the only case of exceptional magic being showcased. Several lower tier students have also started to produce similar levels of Magic proportionate to Summoning Magic, sparking a wave of discussions centering around them.


"Amazing....Being able to do this kind of exaggerated actions, there is actually someone who is not a Magika who can produce such exceptional results....."

Many of the surrounding students started to issue voices of admiration for the winner.

"Fufufu, i am looking to the next ! I wonder what kind of teams will the Academy send this time...."

"I am pretty sure most of the teams will only consists of Magikas. Only a few teams will consist of Non-Magikas...just like in the past..."

"Haven't you heard? Recently, there have been quite a few students from our section who have displayed exceptional magic! We really do not know how the results will be this time around... since we lost to both the other Academies previously..."

Various conversations could be heard but Takashi simply stared at the ceiling as feelings of self-anguish and weakness penetrated deeply into his soul.

He had lost.

Even though it had been already pre-determined that he will lose by the majority, he still carried on faith to that glimmer of hope. However, that hope was crushed in front of him.


"Stop blaming youself did your best..that's all that matters..." Akane whispered at the side and placed her mouth over the straw.

"Yeah, although it was to be expected, you still managed to surprise Moroboshi during that duel. What is shocking is the pure amount of magic power being released...that scale is already similar to Summoning Magic.." Ayato whispered in succession before placing the cup of coffee to his lips.

The three of them were sitting in a cafeteria outside of the Academy, in the heart of Tokyo city. During the first wave of Demon Beasts that appeared in Japan, Tokyo suffered one of the worse events in Japan history, the 'Great Tokyo Destruction."

Although the first group of Crusadors managed to drive back the Demon Beasts, Cancer Grounds had formed all over Tokyo. Cancer Grounds are created when vast magic power from the Cosmos gathers in a particular area due to the presence of Demon Beasts, transforming that area into their Terrain.

At the East side of the city, there was a huge labyrinth that extended dozens of Kilometers, while towards the West, a huge forest area had completely transformed into a Cancer Ground. Towards the Sea, Cancer Grounds had also formed along certain areas, making fishing in those grounds nearly impossible.

These Cancer Grounds were normally barricaded with Adamantite Walls, to prevent it from spreading. Those from the Crusadors Order or students who had formed parties will challenge the Cancer Grounds to reduce its expansion.

A student who has accomplished feats in the Cancer Grounds will not only receive huge benefits, but will also be highly evaluated and given a higher chance to enter the Crusadors Order.

"Well...lets not care too much about the past right now, Takashi. For now, we should just focus on training and improve our Magic abilities." Akane smiled and placed her hand over Takashi's.

"Lets head to the market place and see what kind of stuff they are selling. Maybe we can purchase some of their worthy items. It will surely help our party if we challenge Cancer Grounds as well, Akane."

Both Akane and Ayato were from the same party and they had both befriended Takashi, who was considered a loner and a Trash by majority of the students. Hence, he felt grateful for the company from the both of them.


They paid for their drinks and finally headed out to the market place.