Chapter 10 - Illegal Magicians pt 1

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As the three of them ventured deeper into the market place located in the heart of Tokyo, within the vibration of the crowd, Takashi stayed silent while various thoughts permeated his head.


Humankind had obtained the power of magic and met with the residents of a parallel dimension who were called Spiritual Beasts.


——Thereupon an outbreak of phenomenon called happened.

Tearing off the world, from there the magic power of the Parallel world, the Distorted World, Cosmos, spilled over. The spilled magic power transformed into the form of Demon Beasts and Spirits. Demon Beasts attacked humans, and the surrounding space where the Demon Beasts gathered was polluted by magic power and became the Demon Beasts' soil where humans couldn't live——the Cancer Grounds.

The defense organization that protected Japan's public order, the Crusadors Order, had three main duties, [Defense against the invasion of other country], [Suppression of Illegal magician], and [Subjugation of Demon Beasts · liberation of Cancer Grounds].

Apart from Demons Beasts, within the Country, there also exists the threat of that abuse Magic for crimes. They were tempted by the vast energy of the Cosmos and created chaos anywhere they appeared.

To compensate for that, the training Academy that Takashi attended

------Liberion Academy gave the work that the Crusadors Order couldn't finish to the students in the form of a quest.

Magic will bring forth more Magic.

Just like this, the world was currently being erorded by Magic.

The fact that they obtained the Stone of Emblem. To humans, was it really an evolution that should be welcomed....?

Takashi glanced at Akane as the three of them headed to the Square's fountain. Unlike the usual Academy Uniform, she was wearing a casual, spring-styled dress and cardigan, which was gently floating around. However, on her feet, she was wearing slightly heavy boots. A sweet and spicy balance, it was very appropriate for her personality. She was also wearing a necklace that glowed around her neck.

Feeling the stares, she turned sharply at Takashi and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"...That is a feather-shaped ruby."

Shining in front of her chest, it was an indian accessory that was like a ruby shaped in the pattern of a feather.

Hearing that, her expression softened and Akane simply smiled.

"This was given to me by my mother before she died. Its the only thing I have left as a memory of her. Well, its all in the past anyway. Let's quickly move on ahead..."

Takashi could only stare as Akane went forward.

While Tokyo was the foundation for politics, at the same time, it is a for Alchemy.

Inside the workshop, various products that did not exist previously were produced through Alchemy.

Alchemy--The Alchemy that had been passed down traditionally through the ancient times were irregular occurrences that could not be explained through science. It was a product that has been repeatedly tested thousands or millions of times throughout the years or decades.

In the current generation, through Normal Magic, the efficiency for Alchemy's operations has increased.

Perception Magic could feel the particles of the matter and by using Psychokinetic or Pyrokinesis Magic, it could move, change and restructure ------ Just like lead becoming into gold ----- and transform it into a completely different matter.

After Tokyo was destroyed by the Demon Beasts, this city was revived through Alchemy gathered by the Workshop.

At the workshop, clothes and accessories that had alchemy used on them are sold. Restaurants that utilize magic that causes the ingredients quality to change through a process called ---- was becoming popular among the youths.

Some of the streets in the vicinity still remained as ruins and have not been rebuilt. At this kind of place, there were often cases where Illegal Magic Users conducted raids and attacks on the Crusaders Order and the Academy students.

The three of them then headed towards an Alchemy shop, one of the many artifact companies in Tokyo.

Alchemy could also be used to produce weapons, just like those that were provided by the Academy. However, the difference between the two was in the material used to craft them. Unlike the Academy weapons, the weapons sold by the Workshop were forged using rare metals such as Mithril and through precise Micro - Level Alchemy, just like Takashi's Murasame.

Although these weapons were useful against Demon Beasts, they still proved to be rather ineffective against Magicians due to their high . Unlike weapons created by Magic spells or Summoning Magic, which were produced for the purpose of breaking through defensive magic, even Mithril crafted weapons could only be effective against Demon Beasts. Only users like Takashi, who could tap into the full potential of his weapon, could possibly destroy defensive magic.

However, there were still weapons that could penetrate through the defensive magic of Magicians.

Those were 'Sacred Treasures'.

In an area with especially thick magic clouds, such as Cancer Grounds, there were discoveries of .

A man made thing located in a Cancer Ground, was possibly transformed by the thick magic cloud's influence, or magic power condensed and formed the Sacred Treasure from nothing. In the end, it turned into Magic items of this world.

Sacred Treasures had a distorted foundation that was impossible even with Alchemy. It sucked the magic power of the user and brought forth magic power that transcended the laws of physics.

Sacred Treasures are rare. There is a low possibility of encountering even one in a Cancer Ground and hence, they were sold at extremely high prices.

The three of them entered into a huge hall and as their gazes swept across the walls, Takashi asked the storekeeper, an elderly man wearing a long robe, "Boss, do you have any Sacred Treasures to sell? Or do you have any other artifacts that can be used to kill Spiritual Beasts and protect?"

The elderly man couldn't help showing a depressed look. "Even if you were to comb the whole Workshop, I doubt there would be anyone who would possess a Sacred Treasure. Whenever Illegal Magicians attack this city, they will always aim for the Sacred Treasures. What few Sacred Treasures this entire Workshop had, have all been stolen."

Hearing that, both Akane and Ayato felt disgusted at the actions of the Illegal Magicians.

For another 10 minutes, they continued searching the shop for valuable equipment but came out empty handed.

"Haaa....what a wasted trip...and here i was hoping that we would be able to buy some good stuff but everything is so expensive.." Akane groaned and kicked a stone towards a curb on the road.

"Can't be helped. Our party has only challenged a Cancer Ground once and we could only take down one Demon Beast....what rewards can we expect to receive..."

Under these circumstances, Takashi remained on the street listening to the conversation of the other two. When he had noticed, this place was the outer edge of the city. The dimness was not just due to the time.


Just when Takashi felt a slight unease, someone whispered from behind, causing him to turn towards the back.

While maintaining alertness, he turned around----Inside the silent street stood a girl that was around his height. Her hair was should it be called white...----and she exuded an abnormal atmosphere. Her face was calm and although she was stunningly beautiful, the atmosphere released by her was murderous.

"Finally, I am able to talk with you. I had to pluck up a lot of my courage you know...are you on a date with Akane-chan over there?Or with that guy?Ahhh..finally being able to see Onii-Chan...I am so happy."

By now, both Akane and Ayato had also sensed the presence of the girl and released their magic aura but Takashi raised his hand to stop them.

"...You are?"

"Ah, did you forget who I am? That's mean Onii-Chan! That's too much. Then, please don't forget today's encounter, Onii-San!"

I have seen her before.

Inside the memories of the orphanage he was raised in, an image of a person was successfully depicted within his mind.

But, it feels that the person who was similar to her from his memories did not have this hair color.

Hence, Takashi felt that something was wrong and could not help but ask this question again, "Who are you?"

The face of the girl suddenly distorted in pain. "Uuuu", she clenched her face.

"So it still won't work...After seeing Onii-Chan, it feels like it is impossible for me to resist..."

"Resist...? Hey, are you alright? You look like you are in pain!"

"I'm fine...don't worry about me Onii-Chan..Fu,Fufufu..." The girl issued out a twitching-like, strange laughter.

"Seems like i have overstayed myself...I am going to leave now was nice meeting you!

"Please wait a minute, your name is..."Miyuki" right!"

"Correct! Thank you Onii-Chan! Our destined encounter today..Please don't forget about it Onii-Chan! Fufufu, Fufu...!"

Miyuki turned around and ran away---Towards the dark alley.


Although it was a little like this..but it was as if Takashi had met a ghost.