Chapter 11 - Illegal Magicians Pt II

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"Takashi...who was that girl just now?"

"Akane do you remember the name---Miyuki? She was another oprhan who we grew up with before we left the institute..."

Akane appeared dumbfounded for a moment before she started to recollect her memory from the past. "I kinda remember there being such a name but...if it's the girl who from the past who I think it is, her looks are really different from before...till the point I couldn't even recognize her at all..."

"Takashi, I don't know how you are feeling right now but I must tell you..that girl is dangerous. Her magic power is endless, like a bottomless pit. I have never felt such magic from a human before..." Ayato warned as he stared at the direction where Miyuki ran.

"Anyway, lets head back to the Academy since the shops are about to close."

Akane grabbed onto the hand of Takashi, who was still confused about that incredulous girl, and turned around.

The stars were almost out, signifying the end of the day.

The stores in the Workshop had all closed and the three of them began to embark on the trip back to the Academy.

The warmth from Akane's hands were completely sent over and looking at the back of this girl who had stood by him all this time, Takashi thought it was not the same as before.

The feelings he had for Akane currently may not be the same as the feelings he had for her before.....

- - But this warm feeling immediately cooled down.

Takashi noticed. Magic Power was being generated ---- This is the feeling of Magic being activated.

Fast. It had already activated. The flow of Magic Power was coming from behind----and heading over to their side.

Takashi suddenly carried Akane from behind.

"Eh? W, Wait a minute, what are you suddenly doing!?"

"...It's dangerous!!"

Takashi carried Akane just like this and ran, with Ayato following closely behind.

"What the matter Taka..."

▪DonDon*! A huge rubble flew over and crushed the location where they were just at earlier.

"This is..M,Magic?" Akane, who was being carried by Takashi, issued out a cry.

While Takashi dodged, he turned back and looked. A man, wearing dirty clothes, with a vertical scar running across his left eye, was chasing after them.

The clothes he wore were tattered and his mentally unstable eyes were angrily glaring at the three of them.

"Illegal Magic User!?"

The man's body emitted a light. Takashi widened his eyes. This person..he did not chant any spell!

At the same time the inorganic voiced rang out, the asphalt on the road was ripped piece by piece and floated up.

Then, it came flying over just like that. Takashi continued to carry Akane while running nonstop and performed a dodge using a curve route. Ayato also followed suit and dodged by an inch.

Although it was a straight-line and easy to evade Attack Magic...but because there was zero spell chanting required, it would continuously fire over!

"Akane, like this, I will be responsible for evasion, quickly use your Magic! Ayato, yoy help out too!"

"I, Idiot! How can I concentrate in this kind of posture!?"

"I feel that this is an excellent strategy...since right now, Takashi can't exactly use his Sword or his own Magic." Ayato agreed.

Takashi's Magic Power was almost completely used up during that duel from before. He did not even have excess Magic to use .

"...This is bad, my hands are becoming numb..."

"Oi, are you saying that I am heavy!?"

"Heavier than my sword."

"Hmph, if it's to this extent, I can deal with it myself."

Just watch and see, Akane said. She pushed open Takashi's hand and gently landed on the ground. Then ----

"Inflammation Armour!"

Akane raised one hand into the air and immediately, the surroundings became a swirl of flames and wrapped around her, becoming an armor that protected the body.

The rubble that flew towards Akane was burned down one by one by the flame armour and turned into ashes that floated in the sky.

It seems that Akane's magic spell was also a like Takashi's, which serves to boost the defense capabilities of the user. Because the Defensive Magic's activation targeted the own body, there was no need to specify coordinates and allowed the spell chant time to be short.

"Earth Titan Wall(God Screen)"

Ayato stomped on the ground and then, a thick barrier of earth was constructed there. The rubble was defended against as if a stone had sank into the Ocean.

"....Rubble shoot" "Rubble shoot..."

The Illegal Magician continuously produced waves of attack magic.

The exchange of Attack Magic by Akane and Ayato against the Illegal Magician was completely offset by the other person's magic.

However...A long term battle would put this side at a disadvantage. All three of them were already low in magic power to begin with while the other side's Magic was continuously fired over.

The instant Takashi felt anxious----He felt an explosive Magic Power appearing behind him.

Turning around, Iori-Senpai, who was sparkling with Purple Magic power, was standing there. The amount of Magic power swirled together was on a completely different level----It was a High Level Summoning Magic.

"The untouchable and silent shadow,..become the intangible darkness cruising in delusion! The bearer of Nightmares, the cycle of hatred, respond to that terror and devour it...! Darkness lurking in the Shadow's(Jigoku Akuma)Hells Demon!"

Kukuku...A creepy laughter resounded in all directions.

A shadow that extended from behind the Illegal Magicians back, it suddenly swelled and became a huge monster with a black face. The man was shocked and the moment he turned back, he was swallowed by the monster completely from the head.

An intense blue light flashed. The Defensive Magic that appeared instantly in reaction to danger protected the man's body and he flew out from the Monster's mouth.

"Hidden Snake Release!(Earth Escape)"

The man cried out as his body started transforming into a huge snake. His mouth extended forward, his nose and lips assimilated together. The white of his eyeballs disappeared from the pupils and all his hair fell out. His two arms and legs were further integrated into the body. In the end, the bizarre change had turned him into the huge snake itself. Then, his head began drilling into the asphalt of the hard ground and assimilated with it as if he had buried his body inside.

"Tch. I let him escape again!" Iori Senpai said with a regretful voice.

"Umm..Iori sen...President-san, why are you here?"

Iori senpai glanced over at Takashi and smiled. "You do not need to be so formal with me. Just call me Iori Senpai if you wish. I was chasing after this Illegal Magic User here...his magic is very peculiar...just like that escape magic you just i was not able to capture him."

"So that's an Illegal Magic User...That person's Magic Chanting time is basically zero..."

"Recently..many Illegal Magicians are basically all like that. From our investigations..we have found out that most of these users may have practiced using a method known as to form a contract with a Demon Beast. We, Magikas, must request for a Magic Phenomenon through chanting a spell to our Spiritual Beasts in the Cosmos to use our Summoning Magic. But, those magicians do not need to convey the meaning over, so they could swiftly and efficiently activate the abilities of the Demon Beasts with little amount of Magic Power."

"Is such a thing even possible!? Contracting with a Demon Beast? In other words, even compared to Summoning Magic, the Illegal Magic users are stronger?"

"To put it plainly, that's it." Suddenly, an unknown voice replied. A short stature girl who looked to be around 14, wearing a cap and dark sunglasses in a ninja's outfit appeared behind Takashi.

"Sorry about that. That is one of our student council members,, Akatsuki. She is a second year student like you----and as you can see..she likes to act like a ninja..." Iori Senpai sighed while Akatsuki continued,

"But it is not an entirely good thing. If you use , the more magic you use, the faster your mentality will be corroded by the Demon Beast, becoming berserk and in the end, your body will be taken over by the Demon Beast. However, before the Demon Beast is able to obtain a physical body, the magicians would often have their mentality driven to insanity and become berserk. The ones that we and the Crusaders Order captured are often in this kind of situation."

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy all of a sudden as they could feel the burden of the weight placed onto them due to today's events.

In order to disperse the gloomy atmosphere, Iori Senpai quickly spoke. "Anyways, it's getting late already. The three of you should quickly head back to the dormitory before it gets too dark. However, Takashi..Kun, is it? Is it possible if I see you later at the student council office? There is something I wish to speak to you about."

Iori Senpai flashed a smile at Takashi and with her beauty illustrated by the mysterious light that emitted in the dark of the night, it was too stimulating to look at with calm eyes and Takashi simply nodded his head slightly before heading back to the Academy with the other two.


"Yamato..Hunting that man is not allowed."

In the dim ruins, a young girl's voice resounded.

The girl that Takashi called Miyuki and the Illegal Magician was there.

The two of them were inside a ruin that was not restored yet and simply laying there casually.

"Because that man is very important to me, you cannot attack them. Because he is important to me...----So I will kill him."

Miyuki's head suddenly felt a burst of pain...What did I just say?

"In short, do not attack that man."

Miyuki threw a disgusted glare at the silent man.

Why am i together with such a creepy person?

....Because everybody that I love from the orphanage had completely been killed some time ago...even Onii-Chan abandoned me.

So----He must be killed.

Miyuki's head started to hurt again.

After Takashi had left, she could only cry alone everyday and meet with a never seen before Spiritual Beast in her dreams. At that time, it was probably the beginning of everything.

"If you form a contract with me, i will help you get back the one you desire." This is what that Entity said.

However, since exchanging a contract with that Spiritual Beast, her body had always felt a little strange.

If she views that person as someone important, it would become that she would want to kill that person.

Miyuki grabbed onto her head that was in pain and smashed her fists against the wall.

She really wanted to see him, really wanted to see Onii-Chan again...Really wanted to kill him!
