Landing and looting

It was truly a shock great enough that even him who was hardened by the real life and responsibilities was shaken. One can only think about the mental condition of Ramesh who seemed to be only a high schooler. And even before they could get a good grasp of the said clauses there was an announcement made.

"All players assembled. You will depart in 10 seconds"


And with a with a sudden tug from somewhere he was drawn to the Airplane that seemed to appear magically on the only runway present on the island. Once inside the Airplane he saw that everyone was seated along the body of the plane opposite each other. He saw some of them on the island when he was looking around. Upon looking around he saw Ramesh further to the back. He seemed extremely nervous. He pitied him. And he pitied himself more. He had his parents to look after, he had to marry off his sister as well. Even he himself had yet to marry. And yet here he was stuck in this ridiculous situation. Even in this situation he could still see some excited faces. What are they excited for? According to the clauses they are supposed to kill each other. How can anyone remain calm after reading that, much less get excited for. They are either psychopaths or serial killers. The one sitting beside him is a sturdy fellow. Upon questioning he found out that he was in military formerly, and only person who seemed rather calm about all this. He looked out of the window and get to see the barely visible rivers and hill tops. They have arrived their destination. He could feel his heartbeat increasing. His hands and face started to sweat. As the Airplane reached the boundary of the island, the locks on the door were opened automatically, and soon the first enthusiast was seen jumping out of the plane. He was one of those excited faces.

And at some point and guy besides him got ready to jump.

"Try to survive to long young man. We will meet again" saying so he jumped down as well.

Although he was not a timid person, but in this case, as you can guess he was anxious. Some of the girls broke down, crying and wailing. After all you are asked to jump from an airplane, of course you would be afraid. Who knows if your parachute will open or not. What if it malfunctioned. And not to mention about the height we are currently flying at. But he knew that remaining in the Airplane will lead to no better result. Still remembering how they were forcefully tugged inside the the airplane he some how knew that once the airplane reaches the other end of the island, all those that remains will be forced out. So he closed his eyes and jumped out of the plane after offering dozens of prayer to as many gods he can remover.

Gradually trying to open his eyes he could see buildings and rivers and hills below, to a very far distance. After the initial stage of phobia he got used the feeling of cold wind brush past his cheeks. It felt good, and soothing. And it also cooled down his anxious mind. Now he could think things through more clearly and carefully. As he approached the ground faster and faster he readied himself to open the parachute. Opening the parachute went smoothly, nothing horrific like he imagined happened. He guided the parachute and soon landed near some houses. After looking around a few times he didn't notice anyone else landing here besides him. And so he approached the houses.

There were 7 houses next to each other. 4 two storey with one having rooftop. And other three were single storey. There were two lookout outpost as well. Upon reaching the first two storey house he found the door unlocked. With some hesitation he went inside and found no one inside. As he had experienced in the spawn island, the house was empty, devoid of any sorts of furniture. Only some scattered objects like a jacket, a few bandages and a small bag pack. He went upstairs and there he found a small bed at the corner of the room, and shockingly a pistol on the floor. He alert at once. Someone is living here and that too someone dangerous. Taking the pistol and pointing it to various ambiguous places he kept shouting "who are you? Come out" "come out or I'll shoot"

But even after 10 minutes passed he got no reply. So he assumed that maybe no one is living here any longer, or he might already be dead. Keeping the pistol for himself and came out of the house and entered the one next to it. There he discovered the same situation or worse there were not even a bed. Only more scattered object. A first aid kit, a Grenade, more bandages and another pistol.

Keeping all these things in his bag he explored the rest of the houses in the vicinity. After scrounging all houses he found no living or dead person. But a lot of different supplies. Is this what the clauses meant by say 'procure your own supplies'? He even found an assault rifle used by military. A police vest, a motorcycle helmet, 3 more grenades, 1 more first aid kit, a smoke grenade, various ammo's for assault rifles and pistols. So much that he could not stuff all these in that small backpack. Keeping only the the stuffs that seemed useful and discarding the rest, he went up the the building with the rooftop. From up there he could see far in to the distance, the seemingly endless farmlands, the distant hill, the irrigation canal and the rolls of hay in the paddy fields. All these scenes made serene and tranquil atmosphere. The sky was clear blue colour, one you would not experience from where he lived . He felt refreshed. He thought it's not bad to take it as a vacation other then the fact about all those maddening clauses that mentioned some battle royal killing stuff. Even remembering it makes him irritable. He have to return to the place he came from, to his house. His parents house. And to do that he have to find the way to exit this island first, without killing anybody of course. He can't imagine himself killing anyone. But of course if he had no other choice , he might be forced to defend himself in case someone tried taking his life. A world of law and order is the best. But he can't imagine that such things like law and order existing in this isolated island now. He had seen worst faces of mankind, and now that they are free from the last chain binding those savages there are bound to be violence.

He made some basic lookout on the rooftop and looked the door to the building and some alarm system to warn him uninvited guest. These are some of the things that he learned from reality shows and other tv shows. He never ever imagined that a day would arrive when he would have to use those for himself. He went up to the rooftop and decided to rest up. But then he noticed the watch in his left wrist. It's seemed to be a smart watch of sort, but a bit bigger in size, and more bulky. He tried removing the watch off of his hand but to no avail. It seemed glued to his skin, unless hi cut off his hand it doesn't seem possible to remove it. But it seemed helpful so he abolished the idea of removing it. Then he noticed the timer to the side of gps map on it. According to the countdown there is about 7 days and 13 hours remaining. What should he do in this 7 days? Where should he go after then. What he wished for more then anything is information about this place. So that he could leave this place sooner. He laid down with all this thoughts and dozed off...He wished that once he wake up he'll be in his room, with the tv on and next day he would go to the office as usual. But alas his wish will not be fulfilled.