Breakout of a Fight

He dreamed of being in his parents house, all of them happy together. The noisy neighbors coming to complain to his mom about someone, the gossip. When he woke up there were streams of tears to the end of his eyes. He can't believe that he cried from a dream at this age. It was already afternoon when he woke up, he slept for almost 5 hours. In the distant he could hear firing sounds of guns. That must have woke him up. Who could be fighting and how many could be there. He hesitated and eventually approached the gunfire. Still maintaining his distance he could see that inside a house there were smokes rising. Taking cover of the broken down truck nearby, he decided to spectate. After almost one and half hours of gunfire and grenade blasting and yelling sounds the surrounding became quit. He two people coming out of the house, one limping and another having is arm dangling to the side, blood dripping down his hand. He remained quit, careful not to make any noise.

"That was a close call. Didn't expect the bastard to have grenades with him." Muttered the limp man.

"But in the end of the day what can a single person do against two of us. Although that person seemed expert in handing fire arms. May be he worked in the mafia." The man holding his injured hand spoke up.

From their talk, they seemed to have been fighting against a single opponent, and it seems their opponent was a former mafia member. Even then he couldn't win against them. May be they also have prior experience with fire arms. Does this means he was the only one who doesn't know much about guns and fighting. Then what would he do when other point their guns at them. All he would be able to do was plead for mercy. He didn't like this condition. But then he remembered the other person he encountered who was more fidgety and scared then him in the spawn island. What could he be doing right now. May be someone already killed him. He shouldn't think like that. May be he got some helpers unlike him. By the time he finished reminiscing the two survivors the the fight finished dressing their wounds. They seemed to be checking the backpack of their dead opponent.

"Wow, this bastard horded a lot of supplies. Let's see, a smoke grenade, bandages, even some apples, a lot of ammo. Now we don't have to search for ammo for our rifles." Limp man said holding the bag.

The man with injured arm peered over to look. And as they were enjoying their moment over victory from before, they heard car engines from a distant. Tridip himself heard car approaching their location.

After 5 minutes or so he could see a jeep carrying 3 people come over and stopping just beside the building where fighting took place. Of the three, one was a burly man with big moustache. One skinny guy with little to no muscles on him. The other One was the only women who looked more manly then the skinny guy with all the muscles. May be she could take on a man or two in wrestling and still come out winner. The the skinny man was the one driving the car.

"The sound of firing was from around here" Subir said so while jumping out of the vehicle.

"Be careful will you. They might be waiting to ambush us" barked his companion, the only women of their team Luna. Although it's doubtful if she should be called a women or men with all those muscles that seems to mock other mens out there.

"Heh. Let them try, and see how I drill holes in their bodies."

"Don't go boasting, one bullet through your head and you wouldn't even have time to pull the trigger"

"Then I have you to carry my body to the temple, and I can revive. This sure is convenient, now that I don't have to worry about being dead for sure." Subir replied.

The skinny guy whose name is satchi was investigating, and noticed only one dead body. He seemed more girly then Luna. He found No backpack or guns around the body. 'Perhaps his enemies looted them already', he guessed

"Quit down, they are still here" Satchi warned his other two teammates.

"You see that bush over there, may be they could be hiding among them" satchi said while point towards a bush a hundreds or meters from them.

"Come on, You are just paranoid. There can't be any ene…" before Subir could finish his sentence he heard a 'BANG' sound and saw Satchi slump down, dead.

He was dumbfounded. He heard Luna scream "Cover" while running towards the back of the car. He also followed along instinctively. He never imagined with their years of experience fighting, one of their companion would die like that, right in front of their eyes. Although they knew that they will die eventually, but never in his dream did he imagined that because of a moments carelessness the result would cost them their lives. By the time the Subir came to his senses the gunfire had reached stalemate. But soon he joined in as well and pressured the enemy further. Few more rounds of bullets exchanged and bullet from Luna finally hit the enemy and dealt the killing blow.

The other opponent seemed agitated by the death of his companion, as he in an attempt to take them down along with him, sprinted towards them holding a grenade in his hand. He was shocked one more time, as he underestimated the determination of their opponents. May be they had been taking their whole situation more lightly then he expected. He came out of the cover and fired endlessly , emptying all the bullets in the magazine. But their opponents persisted and just when he was 20 meters or so away from them, he unexpectedly still had the energy to throw the grenade. He could see that even if they evade they still would not come out unscathed. Or worse both of them could die.

In last thousands of a second he reacted and knocked the muscle women away out of the blast zone. The women with whom he had frequent arguments with. All those mini-fights with her flashed past him. He liked the women, but was too afraid to tell it to her. Perhaps she would be disgusted by him. But now he was having regrets for not sharing his thoughts with her. May be then he would have had more sweet memories instead of all the arguments. Watching her shocked face outside the blast range of the grenade, he felt his skin burn. Before he could get any further sensation, his body was torn apart.

Seeing her other companion die right in front of her, se could maintain her usual calm anymore.

"Why, why, WHY…." "Why did you sacrifice yourself. There was no need for you to do that. Did you think I couldn't protect myself just because I am a women?" She screamed holding her burnt companion. Tears streaming ceaselessly from her eyes like a river. She trembled as she hold on to the dead body while gritting her teeth's. Weeping out of grief and misery, she had no more ideas of what to do. These companion were what she had been with for years during her time in mercenary. Although they argued and had fights, but they were close enough to do so as between friends. They completed many mission together with almost getting a few bullets in their bodies, but never dyeing. Now that they were dead she had no more ideas, just crying over sorrowfully, clueless of what to do.

Then she remembered the clauses which stated that one could be revived if taken to some 'Temple of after'. Although the idea of a dead person coming back alive seemed far fetched, she still held onto that little hope. Wiping her tears off her cheeks, she loaded her companions dead remains onto the backseat of car, and went off searching for that temple.

All that remained there were the two unfortunates, with blood all over the area as well as some bones and meat pieces and shrapnels from the blast. Their guns and bag pack remained with them….